“People think nothing could have been done to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine, but that’s absurd”

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Thread via Michael Shellenberger

People think nothing could have been done to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine, but that’s absurd: if Putin thought the costs of invasion outweighed the benefits, he wouldn’t have done it. He’s a rational actor not a madman. And today it’s clear Putin calculated correctly.
After Russia invaded, a few people demanded that Europe stop buying its natural gas, but European utilities snatched up long-term Russian contracts, and the White House said, “Our sanctions are not designed to cause any disruption to the flow of energy from Russia to the world.”

People who believe that nothing could have been done to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine thus imply that Russia’s chokehold over European energy supplies was inevitable, but it wasn’t. Europe could have easily increased, rather than closed, nuclear plants and natural gas
Britain could have increased fracking for nat gas but didn’t. Why? Because Russia pumped $95M into anti-fracking advocacy. Noted the head of NATO, Russia “engaged actively with environmental organizations.. to maintain Europe’s dependence on Russian gas”

Europe could have kept operating and expanded its nuclear power plants but instead, under pressure from climate activists, including Greta Thunberg, shut them down

Climate activists even forced nuclear-heavy France to throttle its nuclear plants so order to use more industrial wind energy. The result was significant outages over the last few weeks at a time when French nuclear plants were needed most.

Efforts to make Europe less energy independent, and thus more dependent on Russian gas imports, were led by powerful banking interests in coordination with climate activists and center-Left parties around the world.
Not satisfied with their successful efforts to make Europe dependent on Russia, global elites have sought to deny poor African nations abundant energy
All of this happened in plain sight at Davos, the European Commission, and U.N. conferences

The ideological justification for energy scarcity long predates climate change. In the 1960s, radical Left activists abusing their authority as scientists claimed that the world was running out of energy, despite the fact that nuclear proved that energy supplies are infinite.
The reason pro-scarcity “greens” attacked nuclear was because it debunked the idea that we faced resource scarcity and environmental degradation from overpopulation.
Infinite nuclear energy meant infinite fertilizer, freshwater, and food
Pro-energy scarcity greens hid their motivations. When asked if he had been worried about nuclear accidents, a Sierra Club anti-nuclear activist said, “No, I really didn’t care because there are too many people anyway … I think that playing dirty if you have a noble end is fine”
Bankers & renewables companies promote energy scarcity. Three of the largest donors to climate causes are billionaire financial titans Michael Bloomberg, George Soros & Tom Steyer, all of whom have big investments in renewables and fossil fuels.
Shadow bank BlackRock has long promoted renewables. Its senior climate official Brian Deese heads the White House National Economic Council
Biden’s “Build Back Better” talking points echoed BlackRock’s pitch for “climate resilient” infrastructure
Biden and Democrats would like to see the whole of the US follow the California model
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California saw electricity prices rise 7x more than the rest of the US over the last decade, is experiencing blackouts, and intends to shut down its last nuclear plant

The goal of Western elites is energy scarcity
The cost of that scarcity is to empower tyrants like Putin who can invade nations like Ukraine with little cost
Western elites are thus Putin’s useful idiots
They are the ones now saying nothing could have prevented invasion
What the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Australia and other Western allies must do is obvious and urgent: we must massively expand nuclear energy and oil and gas production. This will lower energy prices and reduce exposure to Russian use of energy as a weapon of war.
The public needs to understand that Russia could not have taken Ukraine had the West expanded energy production rather than throttled it by closing nuclear plants and reducing oil and gas production.
We need @JoeBiden @SpeakerPelosi @GOPLeader @SenSchumer @LeaderMcConnell to take immediate bipartisan action to keep nuclear plants operating and expand oil & gas production for domestic use and export to our allies in Europe & Asia.

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Biden’s failure to negotiate is prime reason number one for this new war.

Being the President isn’t a game. It’s not a joke. There are real consequences, and our elections are important, not something for paid Democrats and their crony donors to bypass.

Real people are dying to help Pelosi’s stock portfolio.

Idiot Biden and his entire regime looks at it like a labor-free paycheck with photo-ops. Hell, since nothing was going on, idiot Biden decides to take a weekend off. Again. Like every weekend.

One simple question, why did it not happen while Trump was President?

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Trump tried to extort help with a political smear from the Ukrainian President that Putin wants to kill. The s.o.b. did that in the context of a telephone call about military aid to hold off Putin.

So, you can shove the “Trump was the protector of Ukraine while Biden sold them out” b.s. up your backside, assuming there’s room, given that your head is already in there.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Made up debunked bullshit

Trump tried to extort help with a political smear from the Ukrainian President that Putin wants to kill. The s.o.b. did that in the context of a telephone call about military aid to hold off Putin.

Hard to believe you are such a lying, ignorant muffugger. No one is this stupid; it is nothing but lies.

Trump had already provided Javelins to Zelinsky. He wanted to know the corruption that was rampant during the Obama administration (and which idiot Biden and Hunter made profitable use of) was being investigated and blocked. Trump didn’t want our tax dollars to keep flowing into the pockets of Hunter and pops. No, it was idiot Biden that extorted the Ukrainians to stop the investigation into corruption that, coincidentally, was lining his and Hunter’s pockets.

Fact: idiot Biden is f**king up the entire world.

greg is suffering and quite frankly if it causes him pain, let it continue until he can no longer comment

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

It always stops for a while when it occurs to me that I’m only talking to half a dozen unbalanced Trump cultists. There’s no one else here anymore.

Putin probably has people on Gateway Pundit’s propaganda team. You really can’t figure out that it’s a false news outlet? You’re really that far gone?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Putin’s babbling about neo-nazi criminals and Ukrainian atrocities, looking crazy as a bedbug, and you can’t tell he’s nuts?

You seem to have difficulty recognizing dangerous lunatics, both here and abroad.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Biden is Soft on Putin; Trump was Tough on PutinTrump enacted more than 50 sanctions or policy actions on Russia, many 

Trump, praising Putin shortly before he began murdering Ukrainians

‘Oh, Trump said Putin is smart!’

I mean, he’s taking over a country, for two dollars worth of sanctions. He’s taking over a country, though–really a vast, vast location, a great piece of land, with a lot of people–he’s just walking right in…

And then he segues straight to this never, never would have happened in a million years…never being one to let any political opportunity got to waste.

Trump’s the stage show at his own Mar-o-Lago fundraiser, while wealthy donors slurp their soup. Biden, meanwhile, is trying to deal with a current-day equivalent of Hitler armed with nuclear weapons.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Yeah, well this mess belongs to your president not mine so suck it up buttercup

Trump midterms event at Mar-a-Lago charges $250K for private dinner with him and $100K for a photo. His super PAC keeps the cash.

Former President Donald Trump is selling tickets to a lavish fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago, with top ticket prices of $250,00 for a private dinner and the opportunity to be photographed with him. 

The “Take Back Congress Candidate Forum,” set for February 23, is expected to tout GOP candidates endorsed by Trump in midterm races.

The minimum ticket price of $5,000 for a couple comes with some access to the candidates, with increasing perks and access to Trump as prices increase. The cheapest package with a photo costs $100,000.

The event’s takings are earmarked for Make America Great Again, Again! — the super PAC supporting Trump’s agenda.

The $250,000 package includes a private dinner, VIP seating at the forum, and a photo with Trump. The first 10 to pay, per an ad shared online, also get the option to buy a two-night stay at Mar-a-Lago. 

$100,000 gets couples the photo op and VIP seating at a dinner with the candidates, but not with Trump. They can listen to “comments from President Trump” at the forum, at which they will have “priority” seating.

$50,000 gets photos with the Trump-approved candidates, but not with Trump.

At the low end, supporters can pay $5,000 per couple to have dinner with the candidates and to hear Trump’s comments. 

Yes. Trump is raising money.

He’s not getting it handed to him by the billions by banks, pharma, and Mark Zuckerberg so he can line their pockets later and not execute the wishes of the American People.

You pointing out that Trump is raising money only calls more attention to the corrupt crony bastards that you’ve helped to take over our country.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

I bet you were this angry when the hermaphrodite hillary was siphoning money from Hollywood

Biden gets Billions.

Trump raises millions.

I remember a fund raiser for Barry a day after Benghazi. Hell the blood of our ambassador was not yet dried on the floors yet.

greg wouldn’t dare apply the same logic he uses on Trump to his own party.

He’d be voting for Trump if he did.

greg and the Left’s usual “grift”: accuse Trump of doing WHAT THEY DO PUBLICALLY ALL THE TIME.

I well remember how the right exploited Benghazi. Investigation after investigation, followed by refusal to believe their own conclusions. With the last, and millions more spent, they didn’t even have the balls to state a conclusions. “Well, we guess you can figure things out for yourselves, eh?” That’s when it really registered what the GOP had become.

This was all about trashing Clinton, the most likely future Democratic candidate, because they had nothing else to sell. They began piling on the bullshit. Then Trump saw his chance, and shoved everybody else off the republican stage. He understood who his audience was. He used the same smear tactics against every republican that got in his way, and then picked up with Clinton.

People like Trump and Putin always have some underlying abnormal psychology. They’re defective humans, driven to use the gift of some particular skill set to compensate for their defects. This requires no love of humanity. Egomania can turn into a Messiah complex. They become convinced of their own superiority and destiny—until the day in the bunker when they pick up a pistol.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

obama and the hermaphrodite Hillary had Ambassador Stevenson killed and everyone knows it.

More deflection.

Answer for this. Answer for those dead in Kyiv.

You’re shit ideologies in installing Biden caused this.

Answer for it.

Had the democrats not stolen the election, the loss of life in the Ukraine would not have occurred

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

I haven’t heard from my friend in Ukraine since yesterday. He’s military age—but now everyone between 18 and 60 is. I’ll assume he’s still alive. He’s a music teacher. He likes fishing, hiking in the woods, and hunting for mushrooms. He has family and friends who are both Russian and Ukrainian. He likes Ukrainian and Russian art, music, and folklore. I think his girlfriend is Russian, but I’m really not sure about that. Last news I heard, Putin was shelling his city.

Putin can go to hell, along with anyone who professes admiration or makes excuses for him. If that isn’t answer enough, you’ll just have to do without an answer. Putin, unfortunately, is not only crazy, but armed with nuclear weapons.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Here we go with more friends. Did he have the CCP virus too?

Putin can go to hell, along with anyone who professes admiration or makes excuses for him. 

Don’t tell me you are finally turning on idiot Biden.

Th smartest man biden knows;

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Why was President Trump a much better President concerning foreign policy? Perhaps that is why the second debate was inexplicably cancelled.

greggie, continuing to add nonsensical posts prolifically to various threads doesn’t make you seem more intelligent. Your posts need to be relevant and intelligent to be meaningful If you ever hope to be more than the village idiot!

I well remember how the right exploited Benghazi. 

You mean by demanding the truth about what happened instead of the lies Obama and Hillary were peddling? 4 Americans were killed, including an Ambassador, and a consulate sacked. Obama said it was about a video and the truth had to be EXTRACTED out of them at great effort. Unlike the Mueller investigation, the Obama regime stonewalled and obstructed every inquiry. That’s the difference between a dedicated public servant and a corrupt regime, like Obama’s.

Clinton happened to be responsible for the disaster, having denied added security to the consulate or withdrawal. THEN she lied right to the faces of the grieving families. Your kind of candidate, that’s for SURE.

Trump midterms event at Mar-a-Lago charges $250K for private dinner with him and $100K for a photo. His super PAC keeps the cash.

The survival of the nation depends upon someone with resolve, intelligence, courage and dedication to the security of the United States kicking the idiot Biden out of office.

Considering that Putin is currently OWNING Biden and Nato right now on the global stage, perhaps you douchbags should listen and learn instead of twisting this disaster into a another failed Trump-smear.

Putin is destroying a neighboring sovereign nation, you dumb fuck.
He’s murdering men and women who are dying on their own soil trying to stop him.
Trump sees it as one more political opportunity.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Yes, do you know that yet? Do you understand what you are supporting in your support of Putin?



Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Trump kept Putin from destroying a neighboring nation. That’s him. Biden has allowed it.

Remember Obama “Hey, the 80s called…they want their foreign policy back”

That’s you. That’s the Democrats, supporting Russia and allowing this to happen.

So are illegals at the border

greg doesn’t know what he’s saying. None of them do.

Hey, why don’t you pay your own way and get your ass to Kyiv to defend those people?

Biden certainly won’t.

Americans have their own resident nazis and nut cases to worry about.

We do. You’re one of them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

The far right has mainstreamed Q-Anon, and they don’t even know it. You can’t tell the difference between reality and conspiracy theory.



You’re like a fish that doesn’t see the water it swims in. Most of the crazy you believe in is Q-anon b.s. A republican Q-anon crackpot was elected to Congress.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

No one brought up Q-anon.

You did.




Uh oh. All capital letters.

Aaaaaand..you have nothing to say.

As usual.

Biden is the reason Putin is invading. It’s fact. You f*cked up and your ideologies are shit.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Greg is growing more and more frustrated and desperate. His overlord, idiot Biden just piles one f**k up on another. It never ends, it’s indefensible and it is driving him NUTS.

But, orders is orders.


worst president in American history

You’re like a fish that doesn’t see the water it swims in. Most of the crazy you believe in is Q-anon b.s. A republican Q-anon crackpot was elected to Congress.

How about an example, ass-head?

And the right seems so painfully aggrieved, as if America has become their oppressed land of suffering and sorrow. Somebody said last night that ‘White men are the new Jews’. Unbelievable. Meanwhile, an unhinged, nuclear-armed Putin babbles about the menace of Ukraine and neo-nazis, and the imaginary atrocities that he didn’t manage to set up because someone publicly announced his intentions. He plans to kill a sovereign nation’s democratically elected Jewish president.

When Ukraine became an independent nation following the break-up of the Soviet Union, it voluntarily gave up all of its nuclear weapons. Ukraine possessed a full 1/3 of the entire Soviet nuclear arsenal. Ukraine had no intention of aggression towards anyone.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

WE wanted to prevent Putin’s invasion. YOU and the people you support didn’t take it seriously, and now people are dying.

Answer for this!!!?????

Somebody said last night that ‘White men are the new Jews’

We went into more detail about that and you ran like a little b*tch.

You know you have no argument. You won’t respond to this, either.

Vilifying the “dumb, uneducated” whites (which you mean people who don’t support my party) falls flat when you claim to care about uneducated Black Americans and Latinos.

Somebody said last night that ‘White men are the new Jews’. Unbelievable.

Just because you are too ignorant or blind to see reality and understand it doesn’t make the point false.

Q and anon are 2 different things, Q is against human trafficking that must pain you with Biden losing 1 in 3 children that crossed the border.

Yeah, Putin wanted Zelensky to go to Belorussia for talks, as if he was as stupid as idiot Biden.

greg: “I’m being held accountable for my shit beliefs, so “LOOK! Q-ANON! TRUMP FUNDRAISING!”

What a f*cking clown.

Putin is destroying a neighboring sovereign nation, you dumb fuck.

He’s murdering men and women who are dying on their own soil trying to stop him.

And it’s all thanks to Democrat election fraud and idiot Biden.

“I always thought we were dealing with someone who was very logical. But I now begin to wonder if he is. But of course, he’s had nothing to fear, has he? The worst American president in the history of this nation. No question. I am not allowed to say ‘Let’s go Brandon’ because it is too rude, so let’s go Brandon.”

“I am in no doubt that if Donald Trump had still been president, that invasion of Ukraine would not have happened. I’m in no doubt about that. But it has happened. And if something’s gone wrong with Putin, if he’s lost logic and reason, it’s not impossible to think he’ll want to go back to the days of Catherine the Great and the czarist empire.” — Nigel Farage

Even our allies agree. This would not have happened under Trump.

Political opportunity? You f*cking swine…that’s ALL you people do. Covid was released, blame Trump. Biden admits withholding aid, blame Trump. Everything is used by Democrats as a political opportunity because their cult is so stupid.


Indeed, this would not have happened under Trump. Trump will have to fix this starting in 2024.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Trump will fleece his supporters of hundreds of millions of dollars between now and 2024. His PAC has been set up so that he can use the money however he wishes. How do I know? Because that’s what he’s been doing already, ever since he slunk off to Mar-o-Lago after inciting a riot, and refusing to attend Biden’s inauguration.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Trump is raising money and the brain-dead Leftist scumballs like you are programmed to somehow distort that as a “grift” to cover for the fact that BILLIONS are paid to install Dem AND GOP politicians to line the pockets of their corporate donors.

Trump isn’t one of them. That scares you idiots.

Nice try.

Meanwhile, your complete fucking ideological failure in the way of senile Biden destroying the world is now on full display.

Own it, punk. You’re a fucking clown and you can’t talk you’re way out of this one with some bullshit “Trump is a conman” ramble.

2014 greg A Russian and 3 assets
comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

The pink hat has just been given to Psaki as a joke gift by Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister. On the same occasion, Kerry made a gift to Lavrov of two Idaho potatoes.

I dont see the minister with the taters I do see her wearing the hat smiling.

Ooooo…. scaaaaaaaary! Trump’s gonna gitcha! Better run! Run and hide!

‘Oh, Trump said Putin is smart!’

Is Putin NOT smart? Doubtless, there is no one stupider than idiot Biden, but are you denying Putin is smart?

Another day of overly consumed Trump blathering. You have no friends here who share your egotistical hatred of President Trump. Your mindless ramblings do not alter the feeling here for President Trump.
It only demonstrates your extreme degree of mental illness. It is certain you are one of those scream at the sky morons.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

You’re the one who wants to reinstall Donald Trump, Putin’s Pimp, in the White House.

Short memory on you. That hoax proved to be false. It was hillary the hermaphrodite who worked with Putin

Hillary colludes with Putin? Say Trump did that.

Biden withholds aid to Ukraine? Say Trump did that.

What a bunch of losers greg and the rest are.

Trump won an uncontested election with HALF the money at HRC.

He kept Putin at bay.

No Biden allowed him to destroy a neighboring country.

Whose side are you on, anyway? Putin’s?

Whose side are you on, anyway? Putin’s?

There’s a long history on this site recording who has admired Putin for his “strength”, and who has not.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

You’re a coward. Citing respect but then getting no wars is winning.

Trump won against Putin. It’s fact.

Blathering through a teleprompter speech and then letting Putin invade Ukraine is failure.

Biden failed.

You understand nothing.

HEY! Trump is raising money for political causes!!!


There’s a long history on this site recording who has admired Putin for his “strength”, and who has not.

You obviously are not capable of understanding the difference between admiration and pointing out a fact. For instance, does Putin not possess strength? How about an answer, chickenshit.

Democrats admire and bow to the MONEY they make from allowing Putin to roll over them.

Just think of it this way, greg: Putin will kill Zelensky and then your boy Biden will never have to fear of the truth coming out about his filthy dealings in Ukraine…

…which is why Biden let them invade in the first place.

You really are bent. It was Trump’s policies that had oil at affordable levels. Which is the opposite of what Putin wanted. Putin loves Biden’s polices which keeps oil and natural gas high and makes Putin a lot of money.
I’m sure Putin approved of Biden doing this.
Then we have this exchange.
Putin’s pimp anyone.

Of course they don’t alter your feelings. Trump could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue, and not lose any voters. He owns your brain.

Something is seriously wrong with your mental balance. Help would be suggested but would be for naught. Trump lives rent free in your brain.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Trump couldn’t gain the use of my brain for 60 seconds. That’s your problem with me. I think about every stupid and dangerous thing he says.

Trump nor anyone else would find your brain fit for any use.

Biden has been wrong on every major foreign policy decision in last 4 decades
Bib Gates

greg does nothing except write and think about Trump. He even goes to FOX news and then accuses us of saying what FOX said.

What a moron.

Trump wholly owns your entire brain, rent-free.

He lives there.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Trump couldn’t gain the use of my brain for 60 seconds.

He would have to wrest it out of Hillary’s hands.

You’re deflecting. Biden’s existence has caused this death and destruction, and you know it.

This is why we voted for Trump. To prevent war.

biden is a war criminal

Among other forms of “criminal.”

No one gets to tell me “what I know”. You really should give it a try. Things become much clearer.

I damn well do get to tell you what you know, based on what you’ve sh*t all over FA.

It’s easy to decipher, you fruit.

What you “know” is not much, and it’s all been provided by Leftwing propaganda.

You KNOW the war in Ukraine was caused by Biden. That’s why you pivot to Trump fundraising and Q-Anon and whatever else you can make up to cover for your own guilt.


Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Yes we can what kind of dangerous lunatic does this?

Biden Admin Asks Border Agents to Deploy to Europe Even as Southern Border Crisis Rages: Report

Must have been our border tzarina, Giggles.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Democrats gets us in more and more debt, every time. Trump and the GOP don’t come close.

We know that Pfizer and Merck have people calling Ivermectin “horse-dewormer” lest they not make Trillions off their low-efficacy mRNA injection.

That we know.

Putin probably has people on Gateway Pundit’s propaganda team.

Putin has full control of idiot Biden and his regime.

You really can’t figure out that it’s a false news outlet? You’re really that far gone?

Provide an example.

He can not unless he goes for the debunked cyber ninjas BS

if Putin thought the costs of invasion outweighed the benefits, he wouldn’t have done it

Obviously, when Trump was in office, Putin thought this. Obviously now, he sees the risk/reward much more favorably. Trump told the European leaders this was coming. Hardly genius, for a blind man could see it coming, but certainly courageous and insightful to speak so bluntly to those more used to having everything they say agreed with.

Following that, idiot Biden plays right into Putin’s hands. Sure, the overt and immediate effect is to cost Americans more for everything, but it also took so much leverage and security out of our hands. Putin counts on the softness and greed of the west to choose their own comfort and profit over stopping an aggressor that is following a clear pattern already laid out by Adolf Hitler.

Invading a neighboring nation and killing its inhabitants is not a cost vs. benefit calculation, unless one is EVIL.

For a righteous leader, the question of war is a moral calculation.

Unless there are gain of function labs next door, and Gates is casually spouting off about small pox.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Indeed, it is evil. Yet, idiot Biden promoted it when he destroyed our energy independence and put all the cards in Putin’s hands. Was that stupidity or is idiot Biden a Putin asset?

Oh? Let’s talk about Obama’s drone kill list, and his execution of American citizens without a trial.

Let’s talk about Bush and the Iraqi invasion. Let’s talk about Afghanistan.

Stop with the moral stuff. You are not moral. Moral people can apply their values equally, and are not insane with partisan agendas.

I’m moral. I wanted Trump investigated for Russia Collusion. I listened. I held judgement until the facts were in.

I expected the same for the rigged election in 2020, but instead, it was buried…which pretty much tells you it was rigged.

You are not moral. You cannot apply the same processes to things if they do not benefit you.

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is the result of a European incompetence, and the real reason the globalists went to such evil lengths to get Trump “out” is because he wasn’t going to protect them anymore. Biden is a puppet of Schwab, Soros, and many others.

What they mean is, nothing could have been done to stop Putin from invading Ukraine that won’t hurt my investments and bribes from Russia. Russia and China both have sucked in too many of our representatives to lucrative investments that would suffer if the United States looked out for its own interests; that is to say, the interests of the US citizen-taxpayer, which is the last person those throwing their lot in with our adversaries (and open our southern border) think about.

Welp here’s to add to this threads main point. These folks are insane.

Brandon Admin Continues Working Hard To Destroy American Energy

No climate Nazi gets rich off of an existing nuclear plant operating. They get rich off of investments in China’s solar panels or wind generators.

…or investments in non-viable presidential candidates that mysteriously win elections they simply CAN’T win legally.