De Blasio going down in a ball of flames.
NEW YORK CITY – While Mayor Bill de Blasio was personally coaxing the city’s police union presidents to meet with him, his top aides were on the phones with lawmakers urging them to blast PBA President Patrick Lynch and other officers for turning their backs on the mayor following the assassinations of two of New York’s Finest, DNAinfo New York has learned.
As late as Monday afternoon — the same time de Blasio was speaking with police union leaders to set up Tuesday’s détente to possibly mend their fractured relationship — the mayor’s government affairs honchos were privately cold-calling the city’s Democratic delegation of city and state elected officials, asking them to publicly criticize Lynch and those officers who dissed the mayor.
“City Hall wanted me to blast the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association for turning their backs on him,” a Big Apple legislator told “On The Inside.” “They called up Monday, said they were calling all of us, and that it was our obligation to stand up defending the mayor.”
While a funeral is not the place to make political statements (oh, unless you are Sharpton) but there is only so much cynical hypocrisy a person is expected to endure. If DeBlasio was to speak at all at the funerals, he should have apologized for his inflammatory words and spoke out against the protests based on lies and the accusations of racism which have no basis in fact. But, that ain’t happening.