by Kurt Schlichter
It gives me no pleasure to say that I no longer recommend that young people join the military, and I’m not alone. The non-Blue Falcon veteran community is in full revolt against the conscious decision to decline embraced by our current military leadership. After failing to win a war in the last 20 years – and don’t say Syria, because the second President * woke up in the Oval Office wondering how he got there, more of our troops were heading back into the hellscape for reasons no one has bothered to articulate – the military has decided to target an easier enemy, i.e., other Americans.
See, the problem with me and the other vets who are disgusted by the brass’s choice to focus on SJW priorities instead of, you know, successfully deterring or defeating America’s enemies, is that we actually listened to what we were taught when we were coming up. Most of us were trained by the heroes who put the shattered American military together after the Democrat war in Vietnam broke it. We learned about leadership, about putting mission first but taking care of people always, and about objectives and how to attain them.
None of that’s a thing anymore.
So, count us out from complicity with the degeneration of our proud institution into a giant gender studies struggle session. And that’s a big deal. Do you know where the military gets a huge chunk on its recruits? Legacies. These are young troops who want to be like their father or grandfather or big brother or neighbor or other role model. I was the third-generation commissioned officer in my family, on both sides. Guess what? Right now, if one of my kids goes in, it’s against my advice. And again, I am not alone. I hear this over and over and over from other vets. And it makes me furious.
Congratulations, Pentagon. This is all on you.
You put two divisions behind wire in D.C. to protect against phantom insurrections by guys who dress like Vikings. And then you can’t even feed the troops, or house them. Gosh, if only there was a great big five-sided building full of generals just a couple miles away to square that idiocy away.
Oh, wait, there is.
And now, though we have not won a war in two decades, our military has plenty of time to stop training and focus on purging the ranks of people who like the politicians the current administration opposes. I eagerly await the introduction to the new 69D MOS – political officer. A zampolit for every battalion – hell, why not every company?
And don’t patronize us with baloney about how this is just about rooting out all those secret “extremists” lurking in the ranks – that’s right up there with sending the new second louie down to the supply room to retrieve a box of grid squares. How about you stop trying to expel these mystery “extremists” and start firing the incompetents all around you?
Sadly, this trickle-down SJW foolishness is reaching what used to be the pointy end of the spear. Generals and colonels adopt it because if they don’t, they’ll get tossed out – if you invest three decades in the green machine, it must be awfully tempting to hold your tongue to nail down that retirement and then get the hell out ahead of the deluge. It’s the company grades who buy this pap who are most disconcerting. One lieutenant – for you civilians, lieutenants are the wisest officers in the military, according to lieutenants – went on Twitter to inform me and some other people who were actually alive and in the military the last time America won a war that when we Neanderthals were serving, the military was awash in “white supremacy.” Could have fooled me. When I got off active duty the first time 30 years ago this May, I was stunned at how often race came up back in the civilian world. It almost never did when I was in the service, though in basic training it would have been nice for the awesome power of my pallor to keep Drill Sergeant Whittlesey from dropping me for countless sets of 20.
But hey, some 23-year-old assistant S2 who operates the coffeemaker doubtless has better insights into stuff happening before he was born that those of us who were actually there. The only positive thing about my interaction with that guy was my relief in knowing that I was no longer the dumbest lieutenant in the history of the United States military.
We had our imperfections and misadventures back in the day, sure, but if some idiot had done something bigoted to another solder, we would have slammed him. The only thing that mattered when a new soldier showed up was whether or not he was squared away. But not now. No, winning battles is hard, but internal snipe hunts are easy and fun! Why focus on external warfare when the career payoff for witch-hunting within the organization is so much bigger? Check out this new Navy pledge – us vets’ enlistment/commissioning oaths were apparently insufficient for today’s woke battlespace:
“I pledge to advocate for and acknowledge all lived experiences and intersectional identities of every Sailor in the Navy. I pledge to engage in ongoing self-reflection, education and knowledge sharing to better myself and my communities. I pledge to be an example in establishing healthy, inclusive and team-oriented environments. I pledge to constructively share all experiences and information gained from activities above to inform the development of Navy-wide reforms.”
The most disconcerting part of this is that it was apparently written on purpose. Is the next thing we’ll see some sort of mandatory woke Space Force interpretive dance?
No, I do not recommend anyone subject themselves to this sort of four-year camo sociology seminar in which they must “pledge to advocate for and acknowledge all lived experiences and intersectional identities of every Sailor in the Navy” or any other branch. My intersectional identity is “America,” and I am utterly uninterested in any other identity.
Maybe the brass should focus on killing America’s enemies, and maybe not running ships into other ships? Both those things would be totally awesome.
War is a serious business, even for guys like me who ran heavily armed carwashes. But this current tail-chasing is not serious. The military is hollowing out as people vote with their combat boots. Word from inside is that it can’t keep troops from ETSing – that is, leaving the service when their obligation ends. If our troops want their thoughts controlled and to be programed into little lefty conformobots, they can go off to college – the Dems want to give it away to slackers for free anyway, so who needs to ruck march and attend Bill Kristol’s latest war to get the G.I. Bill?
The military used to be a welcoming safe space for patriots. But no more. With this insane babbling about “internal enemies,” does anyone think that potential recruits do not understand that this slur is what the liberal elite that the military brass obeys calls people like them and their families? Why would you join an organization that sees you as an enemy?
Unfortunately has been ongoing since 1982 Andrea at AT had (IMHO) a very good article on this t AT about 3 months go.
Austin is foo example of what has been the SOP since 1989. Got first Star from Clinton. Next 2 from Bush. The UNIPARTY has controlled all The Swmp for 32 yers; which includes Pentagon!
Disclaimer. When GWB was persecuting 101 Jarheads for trying too win a war I 15 years ago donated to the defense fund of 2. Thankful to say 99% of Jarheads cleared.( But they collectively spent $millions on defense lawyers!) SEALS not so lucky. GWB got 6 of 12 “Froggies” to make wee rocks out of big rocks! I clearly have a dog in this fight.
We must end this PC load of liberal nonsense from the Liberal Social Enginers
As usual, Kurt Schlichter is spot on in his analysis, although I disagree about not winning any wars in the last 20 years and believe we won Iraq. The left fears and loathes the military and always has. They are the big unknown in the dems’ quest to turn us into a Communist “utopia” therefore they need to destroy it or at least turn it into their version of the Red Army since their BLM and Antifa brownshirts would get their collective asses handed to them by an organized force of Vets. In order to do that, they need to purge the military of anyone who doesn’t tow the party line ala Stalin. It already started at the general officer level under Obama now they need to get it to trickle down. It wouldn’t be too surprising if they start staffing units with political officers just like the Soviet military had.
Austin was my Corps Commander during my second tour in Iraq and he did an excellent job. Talk about a disappointment. It’s amazing the effects politics and power have on people. Just think, now the military will be the “go to place” for people who want “free” sex change operations.
Bold added.
Would even that make any difference? Recall how the military leadership practically revolted against Trump suggesting they may be deployed to put down ongoing riots, looting and open rebellion but how quietly they “follow orders” to occupy DC.
Meanwhile, our adversaries indoctrinate their soldier to hate America and live only to kill Americans and subjugate our nation. We’ll see how that “lived experience” is respected by ISIS or the CCP. I hope they can speak Uighur.
My grandson in currently in the Navy. He has expressed his desire not to reenlist, as all this COVID crap and the fact that his particular function was continually abbreviated (I am struggling not to provide too much detail, for obvious reasons), but his father (former Marine) and I have tried to explain that for someone serving their first stint, he’ll get lots of shit jobs and it won’t all be duty. Now, however, I will recommend he leave. He is conservative and, though he’s smart enough not to denigrate his current C in C*, he fully supported Trump. I honestly don’t want him to hang around until this witch hunt catches up to him and stains his record. We know you don’t have to be a card-carrying extremist to be classified as one by the thought police.
Sadly, his post-military ambition was to go into law enforcement or, preferably, Border Patrol. I’m afraid he will be facing some disappointment before he finds his career.
Its time to bring our Troops home to guard our Shores and Borders form the enemy Invasion by the Democ-Rats and the Globalists