Old Man Biden Yells at Other Old Guy, Calls Him Fat & Dumb

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What a tough guy:


Senior Biden adviser Symone Sanders – who notoriously mocked ‘poor white people’ after a Trump supporter was beaten in 2016, and said “We don’t need white people leading Democrats now,” – is taking serious heat for claiming that Biden didn’t call a voter fat on during a Thursday event in Iowa.

“To be clear: Any assertion VP Biden said a word about the gentleman’s appearance is making this something it is not,” tweeted Sanders. “In the latter part of the exchange, the VP began to say “Look, facts” then said “here’s the deal.” If you’ve been to a Biden event, you’ve heard this before.”

To which Trump’s Deputy Director of Communications, Zach Parkinson, replied “This is a lie. It’s on video. Biden said “fat” not “facts”” along with an enhanced video where you can clearly make out Biden calling the man “fat.”

Title swiped from Ace.

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President Trump packs huge arenas, even having to put up large screen TVs for the huge overflow crowds.

The photos of Biden here show his entire “crowd,” during his “No Malarkey” tour.
They’ve all been about like that.

Phony polls appear to show Biden in a top 4 place among Dem candidates for the Dem nomination, but it’s a sham.
He’s only a candidate so the impeachment sham has a “candidate” for Pres Trump to have been targeting in his call in Ukraine.

Biden is really pissing me off. I wanted him to be the Democrat nominee and he is doing everything he can to crater his own campaign. Cmon, Quid pro Genius Gropin’ Hairy Legs Joe… get it together.

this guy was a common man. no-frills, limited income and lived his life on faith. take a moment and listen to Arron Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man. this person represents the voters in this country-the common man

Old fat farmer creams Bumbling Biden in first of its kind debate.

Wow this guy is unfit.

He just lost Iowa…for any Dem candidate.