Hillary’s perp walk will be the greatest moment of live TV since the moon landing. The only question: Are we rooting for it to happen before the Democratic convention, for maximum embarrassment, or after?
No, no, I kid. Elite members of our political class are obviously above the law, no matter how crooked they are.
As pressure builds on Hillary Clinton to explain her official use of personal email while serving as secretary of state, she faced new complications Tuesday. It was disclosed her top aides are being drawn into a burgeoning federal inquiry and that two emails on her private account have been classified as “Top Secret.”
The inspector general for the Intelligence Community notified senior members of Congress that two of four classified emails discovered on the server Clinton maintained at her New York home contained material deemed to be in one of the highest security classifications – more sensitive than previously known…
Despite the acknowledgment, the State Department inspector general’s office has left numerous unanswered questions, including exactly who and what is being investigated. The office initially declined to comment and referred questions to the Intelligence Community inspector general’s office, which said it is not currently involved in any inquiry into aides and is being denied full access to aides’ emails by the State Department. Clinton, herself, is not a target.
McClatchy’s looser with its language there than I’d prefer given the stakes. I think they mean that “top secret” messages were found on the server, which hosted not just Hillary’s private e-mail account but accounts used by some of her top cronies, including Huma Abedin. Finding a “top secret” e-mail in Hillary’s own account would be more damning than finding it elsewhere on the server since it would mean she was knowingly trafficking in top-secret info. If the messages are in Abedin’s account, Clinton can claim, implausibly or not, that she had no idea the server was being used for such things and that Huma’s the one to blame for the breach, not her. That would be a preposterous defense given that they weren’t supposed to be using a private e-mail server to begin with and that Hillary, by setting one up and encouraging her lackeys to use it, knew the risk that classified info would end up there in the course of official correspondence, but that’s the defense that’ll be used. The staffer with the account will take the fall and Clinton, who wants to be trusted with national security after taking secret State Department business off the federal grid and onto her own rinky dink private network, will plead “disappointment” in her underling and vow to do better in the future. And no voter will bat an eye when she gets a wrist slap because that’s just how things work and everyone knows it. If you polled the public right now and asked how many expected Hillary to receive any criminal penalty whatsoever for her recklessness in insisting on a private server, how many would say yes? Maybe 20 percent, the most hopelessly idealistic suckers in the electorate? If you’re looking for an illustration of Trump’s eff-it-all appeal, there’s one.
Hillary has just agreed to turn over her server to investigators, too.
My question for her supporters is: if she would have to act as president from a jail cell, would you STILL vote for her?
Fox was running the clip of Hillary first assuring us that NO classified information was on her server and, second, that she is fully aware of what classified information is, how to handle it and how it should not be kept on an unsecured server.
The right figures they’ve got the ideal scandal angle with this one. They can publicly claim improper handling of classified material, but can’t be challenged to publicly prove their claim because the alleged material is classified.
“We’ve got evidence, but we can’t show it to anyone.”
I’m guessing the plan involves a series of Congressional investigations carefully timed to run up to the 2016 elections.
@Greg: Hackers have Hillary’s emails.
We know this because Sid B. was hacked and his server was FULL of Hillary emails, for one example.
John Kerry, distancing himself from hillary today, said he assumes his secure official email is being hacked regularly.
Thus he takes that into account when he writes anything in an email.
I’m not sure Clinton’s email practices were all that unusual at the time. It has been pointed out that Christie, Rubio, Walker, Jindal, and Jeb Bush were all conducting official business over private email servers. Rubio deleted official correspondence from his private server. Walker’s conduct of official business using non-government servers is under investigation. Perry and Jindal have refused to make official business conducted by email on private servers available for review. The George W Bush administration conducted official business over private email accounts set up on servers belonging to the Republican National Committee.
@Greg: I guess it is over your head that all those guys are govs, senators, congressmen.
What Hillary was is different.
Her position was head of the State Department.
She was supposed to protect our SPIES.
She didn’t.
Greggie… this isn’t the right; this is one of the State Department’s Inspectors General. Now, there very well could be politics behind this. This could be a planned exposure perpetrated by Obama as a way out of supporting Hillary’s bid for the Presidency, since he hates her guts.
But, whatever it is, Hillary done been caught lying… once again. She swore she had no classified documents on her unsecured server, and what turns up? TOP SECRET documents. Just laying there.
If you want to cling to that bit of fantasy, then ask yourself this: what if Hillary had been truthful and honest when the issue initially came up? It would all be over with now and, of course (as you believe), nothing would have been found, Hillary would be vindicated and stronger than ever while Republicans would be shrinking back in stinging embarrassment. Right? So why did Hillary lie and stall and who does she have to blame for her current predicament but herself?
Not only was Hillary not allowed to have top secret government information on her unsecured email server, but she really wasn’t allowed to let her lawyer load up thumb-drives with such information and carry it around in his pocket.
This, Greg, is who you think should be President of the United States. Of course, just take a look back at the last person you thought would make a good President. Oh, well… can’t win em all.
Will Obama pardon after she starts prison or before?
Will her aides be doing time as well?
It’s obvious Hillary will expect to be pardoned or she will throw around Obama’s dirty laundry to get a republican pardon.
Why did the most intelligent woman in the world do something so patently stupid? The women’s movement better look into revoking that proclamation or women will not be looking too smart.
@Bill, #7:
The Inspector Generals are reviewing Clinton emails to determine appropriate classifications; the right-wing propaganda machine is spinning that into an imaginary criminal investigation of the former Secretary of State. No doubt they’re hoping to create one, since their New and Improved Benghazi Investigation isn’t so going well. (I would have liked to have seen Darrell Issa getting his butt kicked out after trying to crash the hearing. There is a video of him angrily stalking off down the hallway.)
One of the Inspector Generals involved oversees the U.S. intelligence community, not the State Department. He’s the one who advised Congress today that information in two of the emails they’ve examined has been classified Top Secret by intelligence community reviewers. Congressman Grassley had the memo online in a flash.
@Greg: AGAIN, Greggo, this is YOUR administration finding and releasing this information. The fact that Republican opponents use it to put her lying, corrupt duplicity on display for all to see is beside the point; as if you believe SHE would act any differently (recall, if you would please, her 2007 remarks of Bush’s email).
You can evade and avoid the FACT that Hillary not only lied about her email, having classified information on her private, unsecured server and having turned over all the related information, but now we know she had TOP SECRET information just laying around the house (like the FBI files she had no business having she left laying around when First “Lady”) but it will not make the fact that she is a lying, corrupt, hypocritical, incompetent wind-bag go away. Get your good-bye’s ready, Greg.
The most delicious element of this is the thought that Obama may be orchestrating the release of this information. I guess there is no honor among thieves.
SHE was the one who said having secret email accounts was a crime against the Constitution. How many times do I have to write that before liberals get it?
@Greg: Sure hope so. But the GOP are not called the Party of Stupid for nothing. They usually find ways to gum things up.
So what do you think? Will it be President Joe Biden or President Bernie Sanders? Or maybe Elizabeth Warren will change her mind, if the all-points propaganda assault on Hillary Clinton knocks her out of the race. Warren always seems to be concerned things that we should all have concerns about—often before we’ve even heard about them.
The point being that the Democratic Party has options that would all be serious contenders. The GOP has a variety act with top billing still going to Donald Trump, who leads the second-ranking republican contender by a full 10.8 percentage points. And that’s after his ridiculous performance during the recent debate.
@Greg: Yeah, boy. That Bernie’s a real catch. How many women will appreciate his view that they secretly would enjoy being gang-raped? This his thoughts while he spanks his monkey. Or, his openly socialistic ideology? Liberals have spent the last 7 years denouncing socialism and touting the distance between Democrat and socialism; how you gonna suddenly square that and embrace open socialism? You far leftists won’t have a problem (as accustom to lying and hypocrisy as you are) but the general public thinks “socialism” is a dirty word.
Biden? Really? It WILL be interesting to watch his speaking from the top of the ticket with no regulators to tell him to shit up or send him off to Timbuktu and out of reach microphones, but that doesn’t exactly exude confidence, does it?
Chief Wahoo Warren won’t play well across the nation (one sick and tired of “how left can we go”) either.
I think you’re screwed.
An interesting article: How ‘Home Brew’ Email Servers Like Hillary Clinton’s Work
Hey, I’ve thought of a new conspiracy angle. Allow me to be the first to throw it into the ring: Clinton operatives have put together a mock-up of her original server, except they’ve deleted incriminating email and reassembled what’s left so that no one can tell anything was removed. That explains the delay in turning it over.
@Greg: I would not be surprised by anything the Clinton’s attempted.