Charles C. W. Cooke:
Before he made his reprehensible “Second Amendment people” joke yesterday, Donald Trump said once again that Hillary Clinton wants “to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment.”
Whenever Trump says this the press works itself up into a tizzy, the typical response being that Trump is “wrong” to make this claim because a) Clinton has not explicitly called for a constitutional amendment to neutralize the Second Amendment, and/or b) she has said “no more” than that the Heller decision was wrongly decided.
But both of these positions are too clever by half. As anybody with an elementary understanding of American law comprehends, one does not need to call an Article V convention in order to effectively remove a provision from the Constitution. If, for example, Donald Trump were to claim tomorrow that the First Amendment did not protect an individual right to speech, how do we imagine that the press corps would react? Do we think that the New York Times’s editorial board would nonchalantly say “well, that’s fine because he hasn’t called for Article V repeal”? Or do we imagine that it would cry — correctly — that this was pretty damn worrying given that Trump might be in a position to appoint judges? Clearly, it would be the latter — and rightly so. Who in their right mind would respond to a Court decision rewriting the First Amendment by shrugging, “well, at least it’s still written down on the parchment”?
“Ah,” Hillary’s defenders tend to respond. “But Heller was more controversial than the meaning of the First Amendment.” Insofar as there are more people who are willing to lie about the Second Amendment than the First Amendment, this is certainly true. But it’s also entirely besides the point. As Trump implies, there would be precisely no point in having a Second Amendment if it did not, like the rest of the provisions written for “the people,” protect an individual liberty. As was observed in Heller’s majority opinion, the revisionists’ interpretation of the Second Amendment is that it protects the right of the people to join a state organization over which the federal government enjoys plenary power. In and of itself, this position is logically absurd and historically illiterate. But it is also ridiculous on a practical basis.
Thats what all socialists want to do disarm the american poeople so they can be easly rounded up into Concentration camps/Gulags why else did traitor John Kerry sign the UN Small Arms Control Treaty like with most all politicians he is a traitor just like with Slick Willy and Hot Air Al Gore
I read up to the “Read More” link and gave up on any credibility of the claim Hilary wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment.
I haven’t found where Trump’s assassination suggested has been reduced to a “joke” or why such language shouldn’t make “the press works itself up into a tizzy” but I suspect that was Trump’s original attempt- to spew an outright lie and immediately say something profound in order to change the subject. This leaves the seed the Hillary wants to abolish gun rights and impose some mass confiscation process to grow while building a smoke screen, stopping fact checkers in their tracks as there’s now a totally new elephant in the room.
Now, did Trump or his think tank (yeah, funny stuff) actually fabricate that scheme? I doubt it. I’d say it was more of a Trump instinct, something he’s learned over the years but being the loose cannon he is, his shots from the hip land where they may.
I also noticed that Trump distanced himself from “the 2nd Amendment people” as if he isn’t one of them. I am a 2nd Amendment person and I don’t appreciate Trump adding me to his hit list.
recall that hilary abused and used the Jew. In the autumn of 1941, General Odilo Globocnik began the implementation of the Final Solution. Now you all know what the Final Solution was? In the spring of 1942 Operation Reinhard was begun , Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka II were the premier examples. It is only a matter of time that if the closet slut hilary, abolished the Second Ammendment, which requires a natonal referendum, a Final Solution will be enacted to cleanse America.
I’m beginning to worry that the dye in those Chinese-made red hats may turn out to be some sort of slow-acting neurotoxin.
Hillary the Hag is all for Gun Confiscation which many conneticutt demac-RATS want after all it worked for Hitler,Stalin and Mao
I took the comment as meaning the voting block of 2nd amendment people who are for self defense. Not offense….. Media of course howling like stuck pigs.