Charles Krauthammer:
“When the chips are down, I have Israel’s back.”
— Barack Obama, AIPAC conference, March 4, 2012The audience — overwhelmingly Jewish, passionately pro-Israel, and supremely gullible — applauded wildly. Four years later — his last election behind him, with a month to go in office and with no need to fool Jew or gentile again — Obama took the measure of Israel’s back and slid a knife into it.
Many people don’t quite understand the damage done to Israel by the U.S. abstention that permitted passage of a Security Council resolution condemning Israel over its settlements. The administration pretends this is nothing but a restatement of longstanding U.S. opposition to settlements.
Nonsense. For the last 35 years, every administration, including a reelection-seeking Obama himself in 2011, has protected Israel with the U.S. veto because such a Security Council resolution gives immense legal ammunition to every boycotter, anti-Semite, and zealous European prosecutor to penalize and punish Israelis.
An ordinary Israeli who lives or works in the Old City of Jerusalem becomes an international pariah, a potential outlaw — to say nothing of the soldiers of Israel’s citizen army. “Every pilot and every officer and every soldier,” said a confidant of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, “we are waiting for him at The Hague” — i.e., the International Criminal Court.
Moreover, the resolution undermines the very foundation of a half century of American Middle East policy. What becomes of “land for peace” if the territories Israel was to have traded for peace are, in advance, declared to be Palestinian land to which Israel has no claim?
The peace parameters enunciated so ostentatiously by Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday are nearly identical to the Clinton parameters that Yasser Arafat was offered and rejected in 2000 and that Abbas was offered by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in 2008. Abbas, too, walked away.
Kerry mentioned none of this because it undermines his blame-Israel narrative. Yet Palestinian rejectionism works. The Security Council just declared the territories legally Palestinian — without the Palestinians’ having to concede anything, let alone peace.
The administration claims a kind of passive innocence on the text of the resolution, as if it had come upon it at the last moment. We are to believe that the ostensible sponsors — New Zealand, Senegal, Malaysia, and a Venezuela that cannot provide its own people with toilet paper, let alone food — had for months been sweating the details of Jewish housing in East Jerusalem.
Like that popular poster from the 70’s went HANG IN THERE BABY FRIDAYS COMING and americas relief date will be January 20th 2017(Which falls on a Friday)is coming and we can se a end to the most corupt and #1 worst presidents in american history
I disagree his most shameful thing will yet be revealed, he still has time to further make his legacy. His library should have a rustic wooden door with a 1/2 moon cut into the upper half.
Although these are all un-named sources, I like the thrust:
Thing is, Obama seems to be taking his pattern from Satan the Devil when he was thrown down to the vicinity of earth and had great anger so was trying to cause as much destruction as possible.
An EPA regulation just ordered freezing, rural Alaskans from using firewood to keep warm!!!
I think you meant “Crescent moon”. With an Islamic Star, Hammer & Sickle added for clarity. Well stocked with US Constitution T.P..
@Ditto: it is a crescent moon the one star is his rating 🙂
@Nanny G:The gov doesnt want people to be too independent.
@kitt: One star rating? I don’t see how he could be rated that high. Is Zero available for Zero?
that’s Zero Obozo.
obama is a closet moslem, there is not another explanation for his actions over the past 8 years. What evidence is there to the contrary?
@July 4th American: It didn’t matter where he was born, if he is the son of BHO Sr, he’s still not a natural born citizen and not eligible to be president. They should have changed his father, on the birth certificate, to his real father’s name and then he would be ‘natural born’. But we can’t expect much out of someone that didn’t graduate from college.