The Homeland Security Department has set up hotlines for illegal immigrants who believe their rights under President Obama’s amnesty policy have been violated.
In a memo announcing the customer complaint line, U.S. Customs and Border Protection asked illegal immigrants to “please tell us about your experience” if they believe they were treated “contrary to the new DHS enforcement priorities.”
The department alerted “stakeholders” last week of three complaint hotlines: one for CBP, which oversees the Border Patrol; one for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which handles immigration laws in the nation’s interior; and one for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, which is poised to handle the millions of amnesty applications expected to be filed.
The amnesty policy grants tentative legal status to up to 4 million illegal immigrants and orders Border Patrol agents and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents not to arrest other illegal immigrants who say they have been hiding in the U.S. for years but don’t meet the criteria for full amnesty.
Border Patrol agents said the complaint lines amount to a slap in the face to those who put their lives on the line to enforce the law.
More at The Washington Times
That’s great. So, if a border agent does not break the law and follow Obama’s illegal amnesty “memo”, they could be reprimanded or fired.
But to be fair balanced, there’s surely a complaint line set up for citizens to snitch on illegal immigrants and business hiring who break our laws, right? No? (/sarc)
The last time I checked, the Constitution has no mention granting the office of the President any power or authority to “grant rights”. It would seem by reading the Constitution that if a power exists to grant rights, it must reside within Congress (which writes laws) or possibly with the Supreme Court (which interprets and rules on the constitutionality of laws and “rights”.) The relevant duties and responsibilities of office of the president is only to manage the bureaucracy in it’s enforcement of the law. The President can not enforce laws that do not exist and is expressly forbidden from making law.