NYT’s, Which Refused to Run Mohammad Images Claiming They Simply Would Not Run Pictures That Offended Any Religious Group, Runs Picture of Pope Made Up of Condoms

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You might say, how do they know this offends the religious?

Easy. Their own article says the picture is drawing complaints from Catholics in Milwaukee.

Their headline:

Portrait of Pope Benedict XVI Made of Condoms Draws Complaints in Milwaukee

Here was their transparently-false claim in January:

Here’s the truth you won’t hear in the New York Times:

The New York Times’ stock-in-trade is silly, transparent dissembling unworthy of adults or even educated children.

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People have been Intentionally raped, tortured and murdered for the UNIntentional act of supposedly insulting Muslims.
I recall a British woman who volunteered to teach school children somewhere in northern Africa.
She allowed the children to pick a name for their ”teddy” bear.
They picked the name, ”Mohammad.”
SHE was kidnapped, tortured and raped for that.
Her life was held for ransom.
Brits paid to free her alive.

Later an ice cream sold by Burger King was said to have a swirl that ”looked like” ”Mohammad,” on it’s packaging.
The company had to pay as well as change the packaging.
Around the same time a tennis shoe was said to have a swirl on its side that resembled the name, ”Mohammad.”
The company (Nike?) pulled those shoes out of the market at a huge loss.

Intent has nothing to do with insulting Muslims.
It is all in the eyes of the Muslims instead.

Just calling a stick figure, ”Mohammad,” is enough to get you killed.
At least a dozen cartoonists have around the clock protection (and have needed it!) just because of cartoons.

Will it take some Christians blowing someone up for idiots to see the hypocrisy in their actions? One would hope not.