Nutty Leftist Threatens Tea Party Leader With Death

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While Trent was speaking- And it was planned that he would speak- One member in the audience and reportedly one of the victims of the tragedy started screaming, “Trent Humphries you’re dead!” The police immediately escorted him out. On his way out he screamed, “You’re all whores.”

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Not only did he threaten, but ABC is titling the news story: “After the Tragedy: An American Conversation Continued.” They never let up!

This guy was a real nut before he was shot that day.

Here’s his profile page (with commentary by Dr. Theo.)


I bet this part of the “show” will somehow not make it in final viewing.

CURT I’m laughing my ass off at RightNetwork. They keep calling the screamer,a 63 year old Naval Air veteran who’d been shot last Sat., a'”violent leftist”,but even better is labeling the shooter a “leftwing pothead”.As a police officer I’d think you’d be a little more discerning about the articles you post.
Semper Fi Marine

From day one the “Leftwingnuts” have shown their ‘true colors’ to the World.
The Left is out of control. They continue to try to antagonize and continue to perpetuate their vitirol..
They probably cannot stand the fact that the shooter was proven not to be a right winger Teabagger.
‘Tolerance” is a by-line for them it’s apparently ‘meaningless’ and it shows…
The Left is a Party of fools….

@rich wheeler:

He is a left-wing nut, the townhall meeting was also filled with democratic speakers, it took place in “liberal” Tuscan, why would he single out the Tea Party speaker for a death threat?

How many sane people do you know hurl death threats in a room full of public officials, the press and police? You do know they took him to be mentally evaluated? I would think you’d would be “a little more discerning about the ” leftists” whose very public issues you choose to overlook. Perhaps you should continue on in the comment section and read some of the many links provided by some of the Gateway Pundit blog posters to get a better perspective.

This is what the loon posted on his Hypnothoughts page:

What are you looking for on this site?

KIndred spirits and an opportunity to advocate my personal agenda promoting social justice and common sense.

Areas of Specialty:

I use extraordinary persuasive charisma to interest blase, apathetic, oblivious and at times hostile voters to listen to the voice of justice and consanguinity. My experiences encountering public figures and many affluent travelers in person has led me to believe that we all are to blame for George W. Bush.
As Plato stated, “The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by men worse than themselves.”

“common sense”, “extraordinary persuasive charisma”

heh, right.

Lets see .The guy dislikes Bush and the Tea P arty,and he ‘s for gun control.Got some company there,maybe half the country.He just got shot in the knee so he may be a little pissed off.He speaks of social justice and common sense and quotes Plato.That’s crazy.
Missy Your far right brand although obviously popular here at F.A. garners 25-30% nationally.Imho the Tea Party and Sarah have reached their apex and will fade as we approach 2012.That should bring some discussion — eh

He is a left-wing nut, the townhall meeting was also filled with democratic speakers, it took place in “liberal” Tuscan, why would he single out the Tea Party speaker for a death threat?

A death threat? Possibly. Or perhaps he thought he was making a point in the most public way possible, by snapping a picture and then stating “You’re dead!” The recently wounded man in the crowd had a camera, after all. It could just as easily have been another gun.

@rich wheeler:

rich opines: Lets see .The guy dislikes Bush and the Tea P arty,and he ‘s for gun control.Got some company there,maybe half the country.He just got shot in the knee so he may be a little pissed off.He speaks of social justice and common sense and quotes Plato.That’s crazy.

Let’s see, what kind of lefty spin can you come up with for the loon’s behavior the morning of the shootings?

Mr. Fuller was also involved in a confrontation on Jan. 8, shortly before the attack on Ms. Giffords, which occurred at an event she held for her constituents outside a Safeway supermarket. He said in a long interview last week with The New York Times that he had argued there with a man he described as a former Marine after a heated discussion over politics. Gabriel Zimmerman, an aide to Ms. Giffords, separated the two.

Mr. Zimmerman was killed in the attack later that morning.

more rich: Imho the Tea Party and Sarah have reached their apex and will fade as we approach 2012.That should bring some discussion — eh

Yeah sure rich, all it takes is a bit of scribbling on a facebook page to get the entire press babbling like fools. If they thought she was so unimportant they would not waste the ink.

Speaking of reaching their apex, did you know a bunch of blithering idiots voted “tragic accident” Nancy Pelosi back into their party’s leadership position in the House? heh.

Missy Geez You think the argument with the former Marine had something to do with Zimmerman being shot to death? How eerie.
We like to keep Sarah in the news cus we truly want her to get the Repub. nomination.No lie.She sits at 35% approval ,trails Obama by 32% in most recent head up poll and has little indie or moderate Repub. support.She can’t even get her guy past Murkowski in Alaska.She’s great at making money but she’s unelectable.
You want a Conservative who’s a winner with a great future get behind Gov. Marco Rubio of Fla.

Little dicky missed the point. He reverted to typical leftist blather that gives him such a warm feeling after he hits post!

Former KGB Official Explains Plan Unfolding in America
Friday, August 06, 2010 1:19

This Video is by a former KGB official who defected. He explains in great detail how the plan to subvert America has unfolded and where it may go. A must view for those concerned about their country;

@rich wheeler:

rich: You think the argument with the former Marine had something to do with Zimmerman being shot to death? How eerie.

No, I think the JOURNALIST THAT WROTE THE ARTICLE included that sentence to inform the NYTimes readers…. who Mr. Zimmerman was.

How you link that left-wing nut’s behavior prior to the rampage with the aide’s death is the question. Guess we will just have to chalk it up as another rich wheeler failure to comprehend moment and let it go at that.

Another story that didn’t get much print was the infamous Journalisters, they started the Palin attack plotting machine hours after she was chosen as the VP candidate. All the while gnoring Obama’s background or what John Edwards:×0.254×307.jpeg

happened to be doing at the time, he was eventually considered for an appointment in Obama’s cabinet. eek!

Should she throw her hat in the ring, she still has to face the primary process, just like every other candidate and the only thing that is certain is that she will continue to face the attacks and the democrats will continue to get a free pass. Alan Grayson did, remember? but he eventually became so publicly outrageous the lame stream media could not protect him anymore. But, more and more of the “American people” have caught on to the games the press plays, that’s why we had such an interesting November.

BTW, much of your post should be considered “past the sell date” immediately after you hit “post comment” but, I’m certain you won’t be able to comprehend that either.


I think the only point he would get is if someone stuck him with a pin. You have to type real slow for him.

Even tho he has a “non-physical disability” I will give him a limited benefit of the doubt. His actions might be the result of trauma from the shooting. Earlier in last week he gave an interview where he seemed reluctant to point a finger at anyone. If he had PTSD from the start, getting shot couldn’t have helped.
I’m not excusing what he did. Regardless of his issues, it’s wrong and fortunately he is being handled accordingly. Too bad others had to die before the proper actions were taken.

MISSY MISSY,Randy and H.R. My point was not only did Fuller have NOTHING to do with Zimmerman’s death but his actions themselves were much over hyped.For you guys to miss that point tells me you may be strung much too tight.Lighten up and enjoy MLK DAY.

@rich wheeler: So, which one of us said the left-loon Fuller had anything at all to do with Zimmerman’s death? Was it Randy?…..NO. Was it Hard Right?…..NO. Me?…..NO. We all knew that.

It was the New York Times that revealed the lefty nut was not capable of keeping himself in check prior to the town hall meeting, prior to him sustaining any gunshot wounds… other words, his irratic behavior was not much different prior to the shooting than the night he was arrested.

He had to be separated from a stranger over politics, a few days later he yells out “your dead” at another stranger in a room full of press, people and police and you think his actions have been over-hyped? You think the police over reacted by arresting him or did doctors over react by involuntarily admitting him into a psyche ward?

Missy NOBODY would believe Fuller had anything to do with Zimm’s demise.Neither did Sarah or any lefty. Should he have been detained and evaluated?In this climate for sure .Is he a crazed leftist.Doubt it.
At least we’ve stopped talking about those subversive tee shirts and are happy Gabby is improving daily.
I’ ll repeat,Sarah will never again hold an elected office of any significance.Blame it on the press if you like.It’s as good of an excuse as any and a favorite of Repubs.WATCH RUBIO. The press loves him because he’s a very smart,good guy,the son of Cuban refugees,and a true American success story.

Semper Fi