Not A Single Lawyer Known To Work For Mueller Is A Republican

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  • None of the 16 lawyers known to work for special counsel Robert Mueller are registered Republicans
  • There are 13 registered Democrats on the investigation and three lawyers with no party affiliation
  • Campaign finance records reveal that 11 lawyers are Democratic donors

None of the 16 publicly-confirmed lawyers on special counsel Robert Mueller’s team are registered Republicans, The Daily Caller News Foundation has found.

Voter registration records indicate that 13 of the attorneys are Democrats and three have no party affiliation. This is the first time the political affiliation of all 16 lawyers has been reported.

One of the lawyers, Zainab Ahmad, appears to have registered as a Republican at the age of 18, but has since changed her registration status to unaffiliated.

There is a 17th lawyer on the Russia probe, but this person’s identity and political affiliation remain unknown.

The special counsel’s office has previously disclosed that nine of the 16 lawyers have made a total of $62,000 in donations to Democrats, with one of those nine lawyers having also donated $2,750 to Republican candidates.

However, that analysis only looked at donations found in Federal Elections Commission records. TheDCNF has uncovered two additional Democratic donors by searching for all donations – regardless of party – recorded in campaign finance databases at the state level.

Adam Jed, an appellate lawyer for the Justice Department, made two donationsin 2017 – $1,000 to a Democratic candidate for Wisconsin attorney general and $100 to a Democratic candidate for Baltimore state’s attorney. Another DOJ lawyer, Aaron Zelinsky, donated $100 in 2014 to the Branford Democratic Town Committee in Connecticut and $100 to a Democratic state lawmaker in 2016.

That makes 11 lawyers on the Mueller team who have donated to Democratic campaigns.

Nearly $12,000 in total contributions were found in state databases, all of which were donated to Democrats.

Mueller, a registered Republican, is not included in these figures, but the former FBI director has donated to Republicans both statewide and nationally.

As his team has grown, details about the lawyers hired by Mueller have fueled accusations of political bias on the probe investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.

Andrew Weissmann, an early member of the probe, attended former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s election-night party in New York City. In January, he sent an email to then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates, praising her for refusing to enforce President Donald Trump’s travel ban

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Most train lawyers are in league with the democrats the vulture the shark and the donkey are partners in crime

Who those in the DOJ and FBI vote for or donate to should not make a difference in their performance of their sworn duties. However, when it begins to look like the members of the party to which they donate are getting preferential treatment over the members of the party they did NOT donate to, it is a factor that warrants investigation.

And it sure looks like that now.

“Not A Single Lawyer Known To Work For Mueller Is A Republican”

Yep. Mueller’s investigative team is totally devoid of any Trump moles. That greatly increases the likelihood that it will be an entirely legitimate investigation that will produce entirely legitimate results.

Robert Mueller is himself a republican. He was appointed United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts by Ronald Reagan, United States Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division by George H. W. Bush, United States Attorney for the Northern District of California by Bill Clinton, United States Deputy Attorney General by George W Bush, and 6th Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation by George W Bush.

Is Trump really a republican, or did he just put on the available hat to enter the race? Are the core values by which he has lived his life and conducted his business those of a traditional conservative? Are the core values that the GOP acts upon—as opposed to simply espousing—those of traditional American conservatives? Would traditional American conservatives try to sweep the entire Russia question under the carpet, or would they be determined to get to the bottom of it?


Yep. Mueller’s investigative team is totally devoid of any Trump moles.

I gotta admit, that’s pretty good spin. Ineffective, but impressive nonetheless.

The entire investigation is for the benefit of liberals to shield liberals by liberals. The only actual collusion uncovered so far has been between the Russians, Hillary and the DNC.