No evidence of vote tampering? The left’s biggest Election 2020 lie

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By Terry Ponick

I sometimes get involved in political discussions on a site that shall go nameless here. Most discussions are productive. But many are originated by doctrinaire leftists and populated with  like-minded comments and commentators. They aim to outdo one another in their denunciation of Republicans, libertarians and assorted freethinkers who observe the American left has gone off its rocker. For example, try to reason with those supporting the left’s biggest Election 2020 lie: President Trump’s attorneys presented absolutely no evidence of vote tampering by Democrats in key battleground states.
(The preferred terms are “vote fraud” or “election fraud,” not “vote tampering.” But putting “fraud” terminology in your headlines or initial paragraphs today gets your article tossed down the memory hole by social media sites and search engines alike.)
The Attack of the Election 2020 Killer Trolls
Upon objecting to this “no evidence” of vote tampering nonsense on one such thread, I instantly incurred the wrath of the left-wing troll masses. Apparently, they regarded this topic and thread as their turf. Consequently, they were outraged that someone from the Dark Side would question sacred leftist dogma.
Such brain-dead trolls insist on zealously parroting the MSM-promulgated myth that none of Donald Trump’s lawyers had presented verifiable evidence – not one shred – proving vote tampering occurred. Or evidence that Election 2020 had been stolen from Trump. And they’re sticking to it, despite the fact that their tall tale remains false. Evidence is there – from Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
I countered this mantra several times, noting that nearly all these cases were dismissed by various courts, seemingly within seconds, due to technicalities. Their favorite seemed to be a “lack of standing” by the plaintiffs. In several cases, this ploy was essentially an exercise in judicial dark humor. This was generally the work of judges who, I strongly suspect, were motivated either by partisan Democrat kickbacks or payments-in-kind.
Or possibly by the likely realistic fear that Antifa / BLM’s thugs would murder both judges and their families if they allowed any of Trump’s cases to proceed.
In reality, in nearly all of the rejected cases, the judges never even bothered to crack open the substantial evidence Trump’s attorneys had presented. This includes the Supreme Court. They subsequently dismissed the cases “without evidence.” This is a bit different from the myth that Trump’s attorneys presented petitions and cases without evidence.
Engineering the language as they so often do, the MSM and their Marxist Amen Troll Corner continue to insist that Trump’s suits were presented “without evidence,” and were therefore dismissed. That’s an outright lie.
Promoting the left’s biggest Election 2020 lie
No one I tried to reason with on the discussion site would budge even an inch from the standard “without evidence” dogma. Here’s a typical example.

“Guess the reality that Trump’s lawyers, including Loony Rudy, repeatedly told the courts

  • We are not claiming fraud.
  • This is not a “stealing the election” case.
  • We have no proof of fraud.

“Yes, your honor, there are/were representing the plaintiff (that would be Trump) in the counting rooms.
They never alleged fraud because an attorney cannot lie to the court. It’s a felony and they will be disbarred.
“Just stop lying. You’re embarrassing yourself. Psycho Sidney & Loony Rudy have both publicly stated their claims were so ridiculously asinine only morons would believe them. Here you are pushing the lies anyway. They are being sued. Sidney is facing disbarment. Calls for Rudy to be disbarred have been happening for months.
“Enough with the lies. It’s ridiculous. There is plenty of proof you are lying. The court transcripts are readily available. There are multiple articles. Stay away from W Crazies and their lies and delusions.”

Unpacking the vote tampering cover-up: Name-calling
Let’s unpack this incoherent response, which is nothing more than a compendium of fake news clichés.
First, note the immediate name-calling. “Loony Rudy,” “Psycho Sidney.” Ad hominem is always the initial response from this legion of trolls. Smear and slander the messenger, never address his or her arguments. Hey, it works for CNN, MSNBC, and the consistently dreadful “Morning Joe.” It beats having to come up with a rational response. Demonize the messenger so no one will listen to his or her obviously worthless drivel.
No vote tampering; Or, there were, too, GOP observers in the counting rooms
Next, a variation on a standard lie: Trump’s people WERE represented in the “counting rooms.” This one is less an outright lie than what Catholics call a “sin of omission.” True, some “counting rooms” allowed GOP / Trump observers in the facilities. But the Democrat Machine’s paid vote counters kept them so far away from the physical vote counting that they needed an electron microscope to see what information each alleged paper ballot held.

So yeah, GOP observers were “there.” (Sometimes.) But how effective are observers who can’t actually see anything? Ask that question, however, and the trolls just move on to something else without answering the original question.
The art of projection
Having finished this round, our troll gets back to the name-calling. Trump and GOP supporters are known liars. (CNN says they are, so there.) Their claims are “ridiculously asinine.” Only “morons” believe them. This is a favorite tactic of the left: The projection of the Democrats’ own behavior onto Republicans. The Republicans are routinely accused of doing what Democrats do all the time. And it works, because that’s all the censorship-crazy media allows readers and viewers to see and hear.
Trump’s attorneys are getting disbarred
Not the additional aside: Rudy, Sidney, and other Trump attorneys are “facing disbarment.” No, they’re not. They are being threatened via left-wing organizations who can then smear them with the false impression that these attorneys have earned this “disbarment.” “Without evidence,” I might add.
Finally, that declaration that there is “proof” the GOP and MAGA folks are lying. It’s just more projection. Is the proof of this accusation derived from unattributed sources in the Washington Post, The New York Times, Reuters, the BBC, or Chris “Fredo” Cuomo? Are these accusations serious? No, they’re “without evidence.” As is their alleged fair and balanced coverage of Election 2020. (Including Fox.) But columnists, commentators, and trolls assert their own big lies with such supreme confidence that most of their fans believe them.
Pure Alinsky
Discredit your opponents. Personalize them. Freeze them. Smear them. Declare as facts everything your reliable media heroes tell you is true. And if an opponent still resists your leftist lies, cancel the bastard. Make sure nothing he or she says shows up in search queries or social media posts. And threaten his or her employer with boycotts and reprisals if the employer doesn’t fire this individual. That’s the Alinsky Way to intimidate and to win. When was the last time most students learned about syllogistic logic in a college course? A long time ago, I’d guess.
Ultimately, I reacted to the above provocation in part by citing a timely recent commentary penned by PowerLine co-founder, attorney John Hinderaker. (Bolded text is mine.)
John Hinderaker’s excellent rebuttal of the left’s “Without evidence” lie

“The Democrats engaged in a great deal of last-minute chicanery to lower electoral standards last year. They did do by hook or by crook, wherever they had loyal Secretaries of State willing to violate state law to erase protections against voter fraud. Why did they do this? I think it was because they knew voter fraud would help elect Joe Biden. Does anyone have an alternative explanation?
“I should add that the Democrats’ assertion that numerous courts have rejected the Trump administration’s claims of voter fraud is fatuous. There is no court in which the necessary discovery on the factual issue of voter fraud has been conducted, let alone a court in which such claims have been rejected. That process, if it occurs in any court, will take at least a year and a half to complete, probably longer.
“Some of Trump’s cases have been dismissed on standing or mootness grounds–it is too late, in other words, Joe Biden has been inaugurated–but no court has allowed fact-finding, followed by a ruling that Trump’s claims of voter fraud were factually incorrect, or that Joe Biden carried a particular state, notwithstanding significant illegal votes in his favor. Maybe ongoing litigation will shed light on these factual questions in the years to come. Maybe not.”

My final response to an unhinged and fact-free troll:

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No Evidenece of Vote tampering as big a lie a s Obama claiming there were no Controvesies just another Democrat Lie

Unfortunately, to somewhat paraphrase Hillary Clinton Joe Biden has been inaugurated and is currently serving as POTUS. Perhaps there was election fraud. What difference at this point does it make? The Biden-Harris administration is well and truly a fait accompli. There is currently nothing anyone can do about it. The left has the bit firmly in its teeth and we are now simply along for the ride. You can unscrew a lightbulb but you cannot unscrew the pooch. Short of civil war we have no options. We really do not. The graffitti was clearly visible long before the elections. Secretaries of state in blue states were setting things up for a Biden win even before he became the official candidate! Face it, folks. We on the right are well and truly screwed, blued and tattooed!

The fraud needs to be either verified or disproved. Simply saying it didn’t happen because it didn’t happen isn’t satisfactory. If it can be shown all the accusations are just false whining, then no problem. If, however, the facts show there WAS the fraud that is accused, whether it was enough to overturn the outcome or not, it needs to be addressed, HR1 needs to be flushed, laws like Georgia’s and Texas’ need to be enacted or even made stronger.

At this point, yeah, the idiot Biden is president* and we have to suffer through that. But the only way to prevent ALL election from being stolen, as 2020 was, is to acknowledge the problem and enact solutions to prevent such a travesty from ever happening again.

*no, he isn’t

When Al Gore lost in 2000 several media outlets traveled to Florida and did recounts of their own at their own expense. They included NYT, Washington Post and Associated press among others. They recounted several times using different standards. They were looking to prove Bush lost, it didn’t work.
Today the same media has no curiosity or interest in any audits in battleground states. Instead they take the Democrat approved position on the issue. Democrat’s are now attempting to block audits and the media is silent.

Endlessly repeating the same discredited claims is a known property of the right-wing echo chamber. The only thing that changes with this one is the number. The lie went viral after appearing December 28, 2020 on Twitter, at Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump:

“Breaking News: In Pennsylvania there were 205,000 more votes than there were voters. This alone flips the state to President Trump.”

It was repeated there again on the following day:

“When are we going to be allowed to do signature verification in Fulton County, Georgia? The process is going VERY slowly. @BrianKempGA Pennsylvania just found 205,000 votes more than they had voters. Therefore, we WIN Pennsylvania!!!”

This bullshit originated with a Republican State Representative named Frank Ryan, a Certified Public Accountant, who conducted a private “analysis” based on incomplete data and asserted irregularities existed based on differences between the presidential vote totals and the totals cast for other candidates in down-ticket, state level races. To do this he compared reported local vote totals with the state’s official DoS/SURE system records totals, failing to take into account the fact that the latter system was not yet fully updated.

The claim has been debunked repeatedly by the Pennsylvania Department of State, but resurfaces again as soon as that has been forgotten.

Trump lost the election because a nearly 8-million-voter majority had totally had it with him—and that was even before he incited a violent mob to invade the Capitol, calling for the hanging of elected officials.

Endlessly repeating the same discredited claims is a known property of the right-wing echo chamber. But not the Democrat machine with the Russian disinformation they knew was trash. pee pee on the bed lol.

You’ve been asked numerous times to explain the fake water main break in State Farm Arena, which allowed the counters to run the observers off, resulting in that massive spike of Biden votes overnight. You haven’t because you can’t, other than admitting the obvious. You also cannot explain illegal underage votes which themselves would make Trump the winner in Georgia. You also cannot explain mail in votes in Pennsylvania that were never folded. You also cannot explain the Nevada votes from the dead or those with no addresses.

Just parroting the left wing weak lies that none of this happened doesn’t prove it didn’t happen. It just confirm that the left KNOWS that even a cursory examination of the cases shows that fraud happened, it happened widely, and a LOT of it happened.

Not ONE SINGLE CASE where the evidence is actually opened up and examined has been dismissed or defeated.

Oh, and your “violent insurrection” has fallen totally apart, the foundation of which was Officer Sicknick being “murdered”. Just like your beloved Russian collusion, the truth was known all along, but you and your Democrats simply continued to lie.

ok! 235,000 more votes in PA than registered voters, yet no fraud. Putin ran a cleaner election.

There is no evidence.
No case has gone before a court. The big question is why no court will hear a case.
Clearly judges have been intimidated and threatened. So they do not hear cases.
The mob will kill any judge and all of his family if that judge agrees to hear a case

Are you calling GWB a leftist?
Between 0700 and 0900 GWB was on 3 TV shows -ABC, CBS, NBC – and he said the election was “fair and Square” and saying DOMINION fabricated votes was “disinformation;rmation”.

Of course there was election fraud. LOTS of it. Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, New Mexico ALL had widespread fraud. There was fraud in other states as well, but they weren’t swing states or blue states Trump was leading in, so efforts there were not as intense or the state governments could not be convinced to cooperate with the fraud.

Did it swing the election. Probably, but without an accounting and investigation of all the actual fraud, it is impossible to tell. Georgia went for Trump. So did Pennsylvania. Probably the others as well. We simply don’t know now.

But courts lacking the courage to face these accusations honestly does not constitute “no evidence of fraud” or a court defeat. It merely shows us that we have leadership that doesn’t have the gumption to face the tough and determined assault on our republic by forces determined to destroy our Constitution… the DEMOCRATS.

All that is left for this great country to do in order to survive is to prevent the Democrats from making their fraud LEGAL, in violation of the Constitution, and destroy once and for all our republic.