Chalk up another Obama accomplishment:
CAIRO — Islamists are dominating Egypt’s elections and some of them have a new message for tourists: welcome, but no booze, bikinis or mixed bathing at beaches, please.
That vision of turning Egypt into a sin-free vacation spot could spell doom for a key pillar of the economy that has already been badly battered by this year’s political unrest.
“Tourists don’t need to drink alcohol when they come to Egypt; they have plenty at home,” a veiled Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Azza al-Jarf, told a cheering crowd of supporters on Sunday across the street from the Pyramids.
“They came to see the ancient civilization, not to drink alcohol,” she said, her voice booming through a set of loudspeakers at a campaign event dubbed “Let’s encourage tourism.” The crowd chanted, “Tourism will be at its best under Freedom and Justice,” the Brotherhood’s party and the most influential political group to emerge from the fall of Hosni Mubarak.
Since their success in the first round of parliamentary elections on Nov. 28-29, the Brotherhood and the even more fundamentalist party of Salafi Muslims called Al-Nour have been under pressure from media and the public to define their stance on a wide range of issues, especially those related to Islamic law, personal freedoms, the rights of women and minorities, the flagging economy and tourism.
The Salafis of Al-Nour are up front about seeking to impose strict Islamic law in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood says publicly that it does not seek to force its views about an appropriate Islamic lifestyle on Egyptians.
More here
Should do wonders for tourism.
A ”Liberal” Muslim Brotherhood candidate!
She is all for the ”infidel” coming to Egypt to see the glories of the pre-Islamic culture.
On other news sources members of the Muslim Brotherhood tout the Islamic principle of Jahiliyya:
In other places such ”trash” as
the giant statues of Buddha,
the archeological site at Allianoi, Turkey,
the Babylonian ruins in Iraq,
the Elgin Marbles on the Parthenon Frieze,
the Hindu temples all over India,
Joseph’s Tomb
and many other sites have been destroyed by Muslims putting Jahiliyya into practice.
The Muslim Brotherhood, before taking power, swore that one day they would have the power to destroy the Pyramids, the Sphinx, the statues and columns at Giza and every other pre-Islamic relic in Egypt.
I guess the reality of a poor country, reliant on tourism is sort of biting them on the butt.
Ok. The illiterate opie and sec of tres.yale idiot geithner, just have to print a few billion worthless, US dollars, send in some troops, sorry “advisors” about 100,000, have the CIA rig another election and POW egypt is back on its feet and the dmc and opie have another nobel peace prize. How simple does it get?
@Nan G: You can add the defacement of Saudi Arabia’s historical architecture to that list of cultural vandalism.
In fact the Saudi government wants to get rid of even more of their own past.
They want to replace them with more places where pilgrims have to pay to stay.
But in other news, Pakistan just made a law against defacing females by throwing acid in their faces.
It stiffened the punishment for acid attacks to 14 years.
Not quite a ”law” yet:
Past bills aimed at protecting women have met resistance from Islamists and other conservatives in parliament. But the latest measures were passed unanimously by both the Senate and the National Assembly and will go into effect once the president signs them.
One victim looks forward to seeing her husband get acid thrown in his face as punishment… about missing the point!
Read more:
Egyptian economy supposedly down 20% of past GDP already…it’s not like it was that awesome to start with…shades of post-Tsarist Russia.
How is it on Articles such as this do we not see Greg, Liberalman and others spewing their infinite wisdom on the Democracy which Liberals and the Left vehemently wanted to “Spread around the World” especially the Middle East of Late? ?
You know, to tell us what they “think” about all the joy that has been added to so many lives abroad in the Middle East in the name of Democracy?? Oh, and how the “Brotherhood” is for ‘Democracy’ too… Shit even tourists can’t go there to have a “good time” anymore… Hell, how long will it be before tourist [women] have to wear a Burka on the beach!
Liberalism/99% of OWS Stupidity = FAIL!!!
How I hate that I was right on comment #1.
It is a case of JAHILIYYA…..
A fire broke out in a Cairo library that housed thousands of rare documents.
Legal and archeological experts described failure to contain the fire that devoured large parts of the Scientific Complex in downtown Cairo and to rescue the priceless maps, manuscripts, and books kept inside as a disaster.
A professor of archeology, Mamdouh al-Masry, held the Supreme Council for the Armed Forces (SCAF) accountable for failing to contain the fire and arrest the culprits.
“How can the SCAF allow such farce to continue until the library is consumed by the flames? How come they did not arrest the saboteurs right away?” Masry asked.
Egyptian archeology professor Ayman Hassan al-Dahshan asked, “Why did the military make sure they take photos of the fire minute by minute but did not make an effort to rescue the building and arrest the saboteurs?”
Dahshan argued that the military council is either an accomplice in the act for some unknown reason* or has lost control.
*It is a case of JAHILIYYA.
I expect we will see many more cases of JAHILIYYA in Egypt as the days and weeks go by.