Before we get to the other stuff, can I just say that it really seems like this Trump guy is going places?
In the final ten weeks or so leading up to last night’s Iowa caucuses, the Trump-haters in the mainstream media and their squish Republican pals were abuzz with praise for former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. The “anti-Trump” mantle that Chris Christie so desperately sought was conferred upon Haley, most likely because her “sell-by” date was more recent than his.
The effort to boost Haley among Republicans still skeptical about Trump and the squishy tender middle of the GOP (not the same things) was a strong and coordinated one. The most inconsequential positive news about Haley was immediately sent to the “Over the Top” file. When former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan endorsed Haley, the Dems’ flying monkeys in the mainstream media acted as if Ronald Reagan had reached down from Heaven and blessed her.
It’s understandable if you were unclear on who Larry Hogan is. He’s one of those Republicans who is known only in his home state and in the MSM.
Because he’s barely a Republican.
The prevailing narrative (THEY HAD POLLS, PEOPLE!) the last several days was that Haley had momentum and would finish ahead of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in Iowa. Much to the chagrin of the leftist “Yas Slay Queen!” Haley crowd, that did not happen.
This is from Paula’s update on the results last night:
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is in second at the time of this writing with 21.3%. Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is just behind him with 19.1%, with Vivek Ramaswamy, whom Trump savagely attacked just hours before the voting commenced, finished with 7.7%.
While no one expected anyone other than Trump to dominate the caucuses, second and third were up for grabs. Recent polling had Haley with a small lead over DeSantis, but that did not pan out, although it could be said that she overperformed. At the same time, the Florida governor underperformed (based on ground efforts and money spent on the race).
I still look at this as a big failure for Haley. It is rare that a Republican candidate for anything gets an extended run of favorable coverage in the MSM like Haley has enjoyed. Whether we like it or not, Republican voters are still influenced by the more mainstream sources, especially older Republicans. DeSantis hasn’t been able to get out of his own way and get any traction, yet Haley still couldn’t beat him with all that positive media wind behind her.
Anyone who frequently reads me knows that I have soured a lot on Haley since the summer. DeSantis may not be flourishing on the national stage, but he isn’t screwing up under the heat of the spotlight. It’s almost as if Haley is seeking out piles of ideological manure to step in.
Last November, Haley proposed an end to anonymous political speech online by saying that people should be verified by their legal names on social media. It was then discovered that she views Hillary Clinton as an inspiration and the reason that she got into politics.
No wonder the lefties like her.
I truly feel that Haley has latent lib tendencies that haven’t manifested themselves yet. The last thing this country needs is another Republican in a position of power who’s aiding and abetting the Democrats in their destruction of the Republic.
Nikki Haley could still have a strong showing in New Hampshire and her home state, which will send the editorial boards of the lefty rags into a frenzy. There is still a lot of talk about her being Trump’s running mate, which may give me heartburn for the first time in my life. I might also literally hold my nose when voting for a ticket with her on it.
Same manipulation the parasites have been doing for years, Mc Cain, Romney and others were the result. The shapeshifter fools few, she wont be Okeefed or Loomered those that get access are highly controlled. Let the elites blow their money on her they have plenty. Best she has is the people dont want a Trump vs Biden ticket again, she cant say they want a Haley vs Biden one.
Dems coming out to vote for a GOP candidate are the very definition of “fair weather friends.”
Last night it was cold & snowy in Iowa so a great number of Nikki’s dem supporters didn’t bother to come out, change party-on-the-spot, then caucus for her.
So, she came in 3rd.
New Hampshire might have better weather, so she might come in 2nd.
Big deal.
Dems haven’t messed with enough states to sway the entire primary away from Trump to a weak tea like Nikki.
People, however, should take a lesson and stop this sort of thing before they do screw things up.
When the Democrats pick someone, stay clear of them, Republican OR Democrat.
Pro-Haley: $37 million
Pro-DeSantis: $35 million
Pro-Trump: $18.3 million
All others: $33.2 million
Trump gets more for his advertising buck, wins every county.

Neither she nor will DeSantis bow out soon. There is still big donor advertising money to be spent. 20% of which goes to the political consultants.
It is the same with Kamala Harris, neither parent was a citizen at time of birth.
Niki nor Harris stand a snowballs chance at any rate.
Horse hockey. Where is that stated?
“a natural born Citizen”
Halely IS a natural born citizen. She was born in Bamberg, South Carolina.
Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California.
Kamala is ineligible due to being an incompetent, vapid whore.
“As A Threshold Matter, Nikki Haley, The Daughter Of Two Non-Citizens, Must Provide Proof That Her Parents Were Lawful Residents When She Was Born”
The same application could also be imparted upon kamela
“If the only two remaining viable candidates are, in fact, Trump and Haley, it should actually just be a one-person race. That is because of the two, Donald Trump is the only candidate still running who qualifies as a natural-born citizen under the Constitution’s Eligibility Clause in Article II, Section 1.”
Let me guess: Gateway Pundit?
No one cares about an affair years ago, that is a marriage thing she sucks as a candidate lies and accepts funding from assholes.
I know but it goes to show she is not what they are attempting to portray her as.
Never saw the perfect wife angle, need to find out where the information leaked from. Left? Desantis, Trump. The Birther thing was swung originally by the Hillary Camp.
Who has the most to gain?