Newsom ‘Wins’ Conservative Orange County 52.6% – 47.4% in Rigged Recall Election

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by Cristina Laila

California Governor Gavin Newsom survived the rigged recall election on Tuesday.
Of course he did.
There was plenty of opportunity for rampant fraud because there is no chain of custody with ballot harvesting, mail-in ballots, ballot drop boxes and printing ballots from home.
351,000 “Yes” votes disappeared from totals in the recall election live on CNN.
No serious person even considers this an election.

More than 30% of the people who signed the petition to recall Newsom were Independents and Democrats, but he won the recall in a ‘landslide.’
Even more ridiculous, Gavin Newsom ‘won’ conservative Orange County: 52.6% (464,164) voted “No” to 47.4% (418,362) voted yes, KTLA 5 reported.
Recall, Orange County turned blue in 2018 after the Democrats stole at least four congressional seats with ballot harvesting.

Republicans were able to flip two congressional seats in OC in 2020.

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Again, once they rig one election…it’s over.

Ask any of your Latino/Eastern European friends.

Covid was the perfect way to game the system in Dems favor forever.

We live in the most free, most sophisticated nation ever to exist…but we don’t have election integrity protocols?

Even third-world countries require id and monitor their ballot drops.

Larry Elder started pitching Trump’s “rigged election” bullshit a week before the election.

The GOP has become a party of lying losers. How did this happen? Consider their role model.

I think when you see operatives with postal pass keys opening up mail boxes and taking out the YES votes, the election could be rigged.

When people are found with hundreds of ballots in their car, the election could be rigged.

When Republicans go to vote and they are told they’ve already voted, the election might be rigged.

And it’s always Democrats.

Obviously you are just fine with the racism used by Democrats to attack Elder. That means YOU are racist

Just because somebody tells you something happened doesn’t mean that it really did. They were able to produce ZERO credible evidence of ANY serious election irregularities—because THERE IS NONE.

Yes. That’s what cheaters do: hide the evidence or provide plausible deniability.

You supported the Russia hoax, because it served your partisan rhetoric, but dismiss the very obvious voter fraud in 2020.

Who cares what you think?

Hillary Clinton? She’s no role model for anyone.

We all suspected it was the Deep State was who really decided elections. Trump’s unsanctioned win proved it.

Trump is the American Dream, and continues to be so. Hell, he’s a private citizen who is, was, and will always be the 45th President of the United states.

It’s incredible.

Losers like you don’t like successful people like us. That’s why you pine for drooling puppets like Biden.

California will be bankrupt in a few years, and not electing Elder will be marked as the breaking point.

Fine with me.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California’s population fell by more than 182,000 last year, the first yearly loss ever recorded for the nation’s most populous state that halted a growth streak dating to its founding in 1850 on the heels of a gold rush that prompted a flood of people to seek their fortune in the West.

The figures released Friday followed last week’s announcement from the U.S. Census Bureau that California would lose a congressional seat for the first time because it grew more slowly than other states over the past decade. Still, California’s population of just under 39.5 million and soon-to-be 52-member congressional delegation remain by far the largest.

California has been steadily losing people to other states for years. From 2010 to 2020, about 6.1 million people left for other states and only 4.9 million arrived from other parts of the country, according to an analysis of census data by the Public Policy Institute of California.

This just makes election Integrity laws more important, if even they can stop Democrat fraud.

We should rely on republicans to insure election integrity? They’re doing everything in their power to RIG the process in their own favor.

That’s projection. They are just making it fair. It’s wrong to let Billionaires hired woke white kids to pay poor black people for their ballot.

That’s cheating.

Ensuring elections are free and fair is not cheating, but only cheaters would say it is.

Well, it is a proven fact that we can only rely on Democrats to exploit every avenue of election fraud they can find. How does making elections secure “rig” them? How does requiring positive ID to vote rig an election? How does requiring voting by mail to be more secure and verify signatures rig an election? You nor any other of your fellow fraud-addicts have ever been able to provide an answer to that question. All you can do is cling to the open opportunity to stuff ballot boxes with unverified ballots.

There was pre-emptive sore losering on this one a week ago. Did anyone with a brain actually think that Larry Elder, a Trump clone, had a chance in California? Talk about a blowout.

Oh…Trump clones. Does that little bit of trollery actual work?

It’s really sad for California: Newsom deserves to be fired. He’s earned it.

As for the state, they are hemorrhaging talent and businesses like no other.

Elder might have changed things, but….I think Cali is dead walking.

Only brainless Leftists would think Newsom, a woke clone, should stay in office.

Why not just admit you want a one-party soviet-style Democrat police state and be done with it?

We know what you’re really after, bub: uncontested power in the name of your woke gods.

You seem to live in a dream world. Newsom just blew out Elder and you think Newsom deserves to be fired. You think Biden didn’t legitimately win the Presidential election but any evidence presented to support this is nonsense, laughable and certainly non-probative.

Nathan, maybe it’s time to give reality a try.

More likely he blew Elder. Do you support the racist attacks the Democrats employed against Elder?

Is there something going on with the buttons? The “submit” button disappeared and I had to log on to the website to comment.

Just for that, you have to make a comment praising Pelosi.

Yeah, you know… the rare politician that thinks the government should serve the citizens, not enrich politicians. The rare politician that puts America and Americans first.

A “Trump clone”.

No legitimate candidate has a chance in fraud-central California. It is better for Elder to have been cheated out of running that dilapidated, failing, debt-ridden, high-tax, shit-coated, syringe-littered, crime-ridden state. Let the Democrats finish destroying it; it can’t be saved.

Are you on board with all the racism the Democrats brought out against Elder?

Poll: Hispanic Approval for Biden Crashes to 38 Percent

Democrats aren’t aware (and don’t care) that the legitimate Hispanic US citizen do no appreciate the illegal immigrant. They don’t like being associated or confused with illegal immigrants that don’t respect the country. Democrats only see things through their racist Democrat lens.

Who cares about California? Their political ideology is more suited to China, Cuba, and Venezuela than most of the rest of the country. The best thing that could happen now is if there would be a mass exodus of Republicans out of the state. As Wayne Allyn Root pointed out, there are over six million Republicans concentrated there and if they started moving out to key states, it would transform the country. If 40-50% of those R’s were to relocate in proportionate numbers to say eight states- Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Georgia, and North Carolina you would have the following permanent changes:

1. Nevada- Turns Red. A pick up of 7 EVs and 2 Senate seats and a governorship.

2. Arizona- Stays Red (Biden didn’t win as shown by the audit). A pick up of 11 EVs and 2 Senate seats.

3. New Mexico- Turns Red. A pick up of 5 EVs, 2 Senate seats, and a governorship.

4. Texas- Stays Red.

5. Colorado- Turns Red. A pick up of 9 EVs, 2 Senate seats, and a governorship.

6. Georgia- Stays Red (enough evidence of fraud showing Biden didn’t win it).. A pick up of 16 EVs and 2 Senate seats.

7. Florida- Stays Red.

8. North Carolina- Stays Red. A pick up of a governorship.

That tallies up to a net gain of: 48 EVs plus whatever other number from the population shift from Blue Commiefornia to Red states; 10 Senate seats; some House seats, and 4 governorships. That guarantees: a permanent Senate majority; an almost lock on the Presidency; at worse a House minority of just a handful of seats, and an even greater majority of governorships and state houses than what exists now. With a permanent lock on the Senate and a virtual lock on the Presidency we’ll eventually have a real conservative majority on SCOTUS as opposed to the conservative in name only majority that exists now. It’ll also force the demokrats to moderate their Communist, America sucks platform to something pre-Obama in order to be a viable alternative.

It seemed like a good way to send Newsom a message until they realized Larry Elder would be the result.