The Justice Department released Peter Strzok notes from 1/4/2017 regarding the Flynn-Kislyak calls.
Last month it was revealed 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden was in a January 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting discussing General Flynn’s phone calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak with Obama, Yates, Comey, Rice and Brennan.
Now we know that Obama and Biden were directly involved in the sham Flynn investigation.
The newly released Peter Strzok notes show then-Vice President Joe Biden wanted to invoke the Logan Act against General Mike Flynn.
Strzok also noted that Obama DIRECTLY ordered an investigation into Flynn, saying “Have the right people on the case.”
Then-FBI Director James Comey said the calls between Flynn and Kislyak “appear legit” but they went ahead with the hit job against Flynn.
“Strzok’s notes believed to be of January 4, 2017, reveal that former President Obama, James Comey, Sally Yates, Joe Biden and apparently Susan Rice discussed the transcripts of Flynn’s calls and how to proceed against him.”
“Mr. Obama himself directed that “the right people” investigate General Flynn.”
🚨Peter Strzok notes from 1/4/17 released in Flynn case:
Discussion among Obama, Comey, Yates, Biden, and Susan Rice.
Biden: "Logan Act"
Obama: "Have the right people on" Flynn case.
Comey: The Flynn/Kislyak calls "appear legit."
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) June 24, 2020
Donald Trump Jr. said Biden and Obama tried subverting democracy/peaceful transition of power to destroy him and compromise the Trump admin.
The Appeals Court on Wednesday upheld the Justice Department’s request to drop the criminal case against General Flynn.
Congrtulations to General Flynn.
More proof against the head of the Biden crime family and the most corrupt President to ever stink up the oval office BHO. Now who was pulling his strings?
@kitt: Flynn confessed to the crimes.
@Michael: You are an idiot, there were no crimes to confess to. Flynn tried a plea deal cause he ran out of money to pay for lawyers Notes say it all Biden is a liar and corrupt to his rotton core.
As part of an ignorant mob you dont care.
Congratulation to Donald Trump for his successful corruption of our Department of Justice.
Indeed, Flynn confessed to crimes with a statement made under oath, and then denied those same crimes by way of a second statement retracting his confession and plea, also made under oath. Logic tells us that one or the other must involve a deliberate lie told under oath, since two contradictory statements cannot both be true. This, of course, does not matter. The rationalization appears to be Yes, he lied under oath, but evil Obama Deep State DoJ minions made him do it, so it didn’t really happen.
Then today we have this:
June 24, 2020 – Roger Stone case: Trump ally given special treatment, Congress hears
Of course, a Commie like you would deny someone to a plea change. So, let’s assume a man was charged, and confessed, to a murder. Later, the DA dropped the charges because DNA proved that the man could not have committed the murder he confessed to (taking into account, confessing under duress). If the charged man changes his plea to “not guilty” due to the findings of the DA, should he be sentenced anyway, or as in Sullivan’s case, prosecuted for perjury?
Actually, by threatening to prosecute Flynn’s son, it was a confession obtained under duress. But having admitted you don’t have any children, you wouldn’t know about things like love for one’s child.
You’re an idiot.
@Greg: So you think Stone got special treatment he was put under trial for lying to congress, well what about all the Obama minions that lied to congress? When are their trials?
Under the Fifth Amendment, suspects cannot be forced to incriminate themselves. And the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits coercive questioning by police officers. So, confessions to crimes that are coerced, or involuntary, aren’t admissible against defendants in criminal cases.
Nice try but Barry and Creepy ordered this.
The pentagon under Barry paid for a spy Stephen Halper.
Barry Spied on the republican candidate for the presidency of the United States.
The Russians and Chinese are jealous of the election tampering done by that corrupt little bastard.
@retire 05, #5:
Flynn’s son was directly involved in his consulting firm’s unlawfully undisclosed activities as a paid agent of two foreign powers: Putin’s Russian Federation, and Erdoğan’s Turkey. He attended a meeting at which the unlawful removal of Fethullah Gülen from the U.S. to Turkey by way of kidnapping was discussed. Flynn concealed all such information as he took the job of Trump’s National Security Adviser, which put him in a position to influence U.S. foreign policy while simultaneously rendering him vulnerable to blackmail. No charges were pursued in connection with any of this in return for Flynn’s cooperation in connection with an even more important investigation. Flynn was allowed to plead guilty to a much less serious charge, and his son was left out completely. He then failed to cooperate, having been promised a better deal by Trump’s lawyers if he would keep his mouth shut—which they have now made good on. Thanks to Trump’s tool at the head of the DoJ, Trump didn’t even have to bother with a pardon.
The real question here is just how effing stupid, or how sadly indifferent to rapidly spreading corruption, are Trump’s supporters? Which category do you fall into? Are you the idiot you’re constantly accusing others of being, or are you a cynical, subbasement-level tool? In this case, at least, I suppose you actually could be a bit of both. In this case the two possibilities are not mutually exclusive.
obama ordered the spying. obama is guilty up to his jughead ears in criminal activity and is guilty of treason.
The real question is how stupid are Obama supporters, like you? Even after Strzok’s notes show that the President (Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.) was fully aware, and even instructed his “team” to go after Flynn and it was Quid Pro Quo Joe that brought up the Logan Act. So while you want to lay stupidity on me, it seems the Appeals Court doesn’t agree with you. AND, the Appeals Court has all the documentation of the case against Flynn.
You want corruption? Try telling the truth about Fast and Furious and Benghazi where, due to the actions of Obama, people actually died.
And then there’s this:
Obama hasn’t been the president for three and a half years, and Hillary Clinton never was. Republicans spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on endlessly repetitious investigations that came up with NOTHING, other than enough divisive anger, negativity, and mindless propaganda memes in right-wing heads to install the mentally unstable fraud currently occupying the White House. They then proceeded to do everything in their power to cover up his lies, his crimes, and his incompetence to keep him there while he tore down 75 years of social and environmental progress like a wrecking ball, leaving behind him what you now see every time you turn on the news or open a newspaper. That is all on Trump, not Obama or Clinton or Biden. It has ALL been on his watch. Trump has responded appropriately and intelligently to NOTHING. Yet he’s still playing his base like a fiddle.
Supporting that is how I define stupid. If you’re a proponent of Trump, you’re a proponent of his results, and his results are the chaos we’re presently seeing. He’s breaking the country.
@Greg: Such vague terms all propped up with inflammatory rhetoric, its like cable news.
75 years of social and environmental progress
EPA, began just 50 years ago
Social progress like murdering newborn babies from a failed late term abortion, that progress?
Please try to be more detailed and less mindless windbag.
Can we compare photos of Baltimore 75 years ago to today how about San Francisco , Chicago or East St Louis so many that for the last 75 years Democrats have turned into crumbling rat infested urban blight.
Please show us this progress you speak of.
Well, to begin with, BLM, one of the two Marxist groups creating such havoc in our nation, was started in 2013 under Obama. Then there is the matter of the lies, provable lies, told by the presumed candidate for your Party, the Party of the KKK, Jim Crows laws and filibustering the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
So rag on, Comrade Greggie, rage on.
You’re still an idiot.
@retire05, #12:
I know an idiot when I see one, and we’ve got one in the White House. Trump is worse than useless in connection with the most serious challenges presently facing the nation. His ineptitude and childish denial is actually going to kill people. Why is the United States faring worse against COVID-19 than any other industrialized nation on the planet? It’s because we have no national leadership in the face of a national threat.
Trump’s rally comments about testing were nothing less than moronic. Then, after his staff tried to explain his comments away, he contradicted them and doubled down on the stupidity. He won’t even promote so obviously important a measure as wearing masks. He’s turned refusal to wear a mask into a political statement.
Meanwhile, back in reality:
June 24, 2020 – Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Says State Facing ‘Massive’ COVID-19 Outbreak
Houston hospitals are already nearing maximum capacity.
It matters little that obama has not been in office in 3+ years. What does matter is that while in office, obama committed several criminal acts. It is now more than obvious that it was necessary to silence General Flynn. What threat did Flynn pose? It is also obvious that the obama administration was the most corrupt in history and the additional exposure of the goings on in the 8 years will be a death knell to biden.
This is why Obama has been getting more vocal in his criticism of President Trump. He knows the game is up and he is being exposed for what he was- a corrupt, lying , power abusing, anti-American, Marxist POS. Maybe it also explains why he has been looking so sickly lately. Stress and worry perhaps? Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
In return for his agreement to cooperate with FBI investigators, neither Michael Flynn nor his son were charged with crimes that were far more serious. Accepting the job of National Security Adviser without disclosing that you’ve recently been engaged as a paid agent of multiple foreign powers on which you’ll soon be advising a U.S. president is no minor issue. The Turkish kidnapping scheme that was discussed at a documented meeting would have been nothing less than conspiracy with a foreign government to contravene the laws of the United States.
Had Flynn not been exposed, Turkey and The Russian Federation would have been in a position to blackmail a compromised U.S. National Security Adviser. What do you not get about this? What don’t you get about the fact that the DoJ has been turned into Donald Trump’s personal and political tool, to be used for both cover ups and intimidation? It’s right there, in front of your noses. There was a time when you were in the habit of connecting dots that were spaced much farther apart than these.
Indeed, you’re full of it. The facts are there. I haven’t misstated them. You just refuse to acknowledge what they mean.
You should find an alternative to Trump’s right-wing disinformation outlets. They’re the ones telling you COVID-19 is behind us while the death count keeps rising and the situation in several populous states is rapidly growing critical.
Whatever zipperhead
The FBI, under James Comey, had investigated the hell out of Flynn during Crossfire Razor in relation to Crossfire Hurricane. Are we to believe that even though the FBI was listening in to Flynn’s phone calls and had investigated ALL aspects of his private life, that the FBI, under Obama, was so damn incompetent that they couldn’t find what you claim Flynn was guilty of when the FBI closed out Crossfire Razor on January 4, 2017, one day before Obama held a meeting in the Oval Office as told his peeps to put their people on the investigation into Flynn?
Either the FBI under Obama was incompetent as hell and couldn’t find what you claim existed, or Flynn was set up by a corrupt FBI. So which is it, Comrade Greggie?
Greg does not know what the fu€k he is talking about. He just pulls shit out of his rectal aperture.
@Michael: @Greg: The long delayed (by the guilty parties) release of the transcripts totally and completely clear Gen. Flynn. It also brings context to the statement made by the FBI agents that interviewed Gen. Flynn… that he didn’t lie. Because he DIDN’T. But Obama wanted to settle accounts (spoiled, corrupt, vindictive crybaby that he is) with the General, so he demanded an investigation based on lies and hidden exculpatory evidence. This would be used to try and destroy the duly-elected President of the United States.
It was all part of the coup against the legitimate government of the United States.
The Gen. Flynn case was Obama’s flagship prosecution and now it has fallen completely apart, in addition to exposing his absolute and utter corruption.
Which is why THAT part of the plea deal (Gen. Flynn pleading guilty to perjury) was illegally kept from the court. Not that a hack like Sullivan would have cared anyway.
Oh, that is no longer in question.
If Democrats can’t use hearsay and assumptions to prosecute a case, how will they ever win?
And it was all duly registered and open to the government.
He needed no deal; he was innocent. Once he got competent representation, it was all over but the liberal lying and crying.
You know, the left has been investigation Trump since early 2016, including illegal surveillance and spies. NOTHING has ever been found to even justify enough SUSPICION to initiate investigations, much less any guilt uncovered. Yet we have DOCUMENTATION of corruption and crimes by Obama, Holder, Biden, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Brennan, Hillary, Clapper and many, many more. At this point, the best thing for people like you to do is sit down and shut up.
As we can see, the corrupt DOJ Obama left behind charging someone with a crime and actually having evidence of a crime for conviction are two totally different things. What they were saying is, “plead guilty to a wrist-slap crime and support the lies we will tell you to support against Trump and we will stop persecuting you.”
@retire05, #20:
You’ve made that claim previously, and I previously explained why it is totally without merit, remember? The recommendation that the case be closed included a statement that the matter could be reopened if new evidence were to emerge, and new evidence did emerge—specifically, it was discovered later that Flynn was a paid agent of two foreign powers and had failed to disclose that relationship as was required by law. Exactly how was that supposed to be discovered if Flynn had illegally kept it secret?
As I pointed out at the time, when this did come to light it sure as hell was new and material evidence. As the linked communications clearly indicate, the earlier investigation of Flynn had been limited specifically because he had not been named as an agent of a foreign power. That would have been known from the start if he had complied with the law.
@Deplorable Me, #22:
It most certainly WAS NOT duly registered. Flynn did that after the fact, only when it became apparent to him that he was being investigated and this would likely be discovered. The registration took place in March 2017. Flynn had already been sworn in as National Security Advisor three months earlier, on January 22, 2017. Closure of Crossfire Razor—the investigation of Flynn—was recommended in January 2017, without any knowledge that Flynn was a contractually paid agent of Russia and Turkey. They specifically mentioned his not having been named as the agent of a foreign power in the context of that decision.
William Barr is going to have to kill additional criminal cases in order to slip Flynn one of Trump’s magic Get Out of Jail Free cards. More firings may be involved, if there are more dedicated people like Geoffrey Berman who won’t willingly betray justice and the people to please a dysfunctional president and his DoJ toady:
June 8, 2020 – DOJ Claims Flynn Was Involved in Conspiracy to Target Turkish Exile
@Greg: What was he charged with, claims are nothing tra lala what were the charges?
“willfully and knowingly” making false statements to the FBI.
All exculpatory evidence hidden They couldnt prove he was an agent for any foreign government, that was some leaked disinformation to media.
If they could have proven it he would have been charged with it in a heartbeat.
He filed after the fact under the advice of some real shady lawyers, which he later fired.
The criminal conspiracy to target an innocent American citizen(Flynn) was hatched in the oval office by obama and biden. Flynn was targeted because he was intending to launch a full scale audit of the intelligence agencies. If he was able to do so in his capacity as NSA to President Trump, he would have exposed the criminal activity that occurred during the fateful 8 years 2009-2017. The Flynn saga is over.
Flynn wasn’t charged with more serious crimes because he agreed to cooperate with the investigation in return for lesser charges. He then he failed to honor his agreement after Trump’s lawyers got to him.
This was what is known as witness tampering. It’s one of the crimes Roger Stone was convicted of by the unanimous decision of a jury. It has been part of the Trump organization’s standard operating procedures. They tamper with and intimidate witnesses; they pay people off—one of the reasons Michael Cohen went to prison. And he was only following the orders of the unnamed”Person No. 1″. Michael Cohen received no personal benefit of making that payoff.
@Greg: Stones “victim” testified he wasnt intimidated at all, it was just Roger being Roger. If there was proof and Flynn broke his agreement they would have charged him, you silly goose.
They wouldnt have to hide evidence, such as these very damning notes of a conspiracy to undermine the 45th president and his cabinet.
Biden is a liar, he knew and participated.
You even have to lie about the ex lawyer In November 2018, Cohen entered a second guilty plea for lying to a Senate committee about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. On December 12, 2018, he was sentenced to three years in federal prison and ordered to pay a $50,000 fine after pleading guilty to tax evasion and campaign finance violations.
No mention of NDAs anywhere because they are perfectly legal, ask Horseface Stormy who had to pay Trumps legal fees, lol.
The jury that heard all of the testimony and reviewed all of the evidence presented during Stone’s trial were in unanimous agreement that he was guilty as charged on that count, as well as 6 others. Wearing a clown suit when you rob a bank doesn’t clear you of a charge of bank robbery.
@Greg: The head jursist was biased as f*ck! No republicans on the jury no peers.
That was the “jury” that was fully infested with liberal ideologues that, in a normal (non-liberal) legal system, such prejudice would have had those people rejected from the jury pool. Perhaps that will be the next major embarrassment for Obama’s “legacy”.
??? !!! ???
He registered himself as a former agent who had been working on behalf of a foreign country. Nobody on either of this disputes that fact.