The New York Times has broken ranks with the the establishment media, publishing an effective mea culpa over the mainstream denial of migrant-related gang crime in Sweden.
The paper — which previously mocked President Trump for highlighting Sweden’s migrant crime problems — published over 1,500 words on the subject in its Sunday edition this weekend, stating:
Weapons from a faraway, long-ago war are flowing into immigrant neighborhoods here, puncturing Swedes’ sense of confidence and security. The country’s murder rate remains low, by American standards, and violent crime is stable or dropping in many places. But gang-related assaults and shootings are becoming more frequent, and the number of neighborhoods categorized by the police as “marred by crime, social unrest and insecurity” is rising. Crime and immigration are certain to be key issues in September’s general election, alongside the traditional debates over education and health care.
Sweden’s immigration problems have been reported on by Breitbart London since 2015, when the site dispatched reporters to the country to describe the worsening conditions in many migrant-dominated suburbs.
Additionally, Breitbart London interviewed Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Akesson, the only politician in the country willing to speak openly about the problems. The establishment media dismissed Akesson and his Sweden Democrats as “neo Nazi”, but the party currently commands third place, with 17.3 per cent in the polls ahead of September’s elections.
In February last year, President Trump attempted to highlight the situation in Sweden, telling a campaign rally: “…look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?”
Immediately, the establishment media kicked in to deny Sweden’s mass migration problems. The Washington Post said he left Europeans “baffled”, while Politico spun the lines of pro mass migration campaigners to deny the situation. CNN went even further, lampooning the soon-to-be President’s warnings with the opening line: “Has someone stolen our meatballs?”
Now the New York Times has admitted parts of Sweden are being turned into war zones, with the use of grenades and military weapons from 1990s Yugoslavia. They quote kebab shop owner and asylum seeker Paul Borisho who — like many Europeans — expressed fear and concern over the trajectory of the continent: “Now, when I think of the future, I am afraid… I am afraid for Europe.”
Coming from anyone but an asylum seeker or kebab shop owner, such sentiments would normally be ridiculed or maligned as “xenophobic”. But even some of Sweden’s immigrants are distraught over the lack of action in the greater interest of “diversity” and “multiculturalism”.
In my book No Go Zones, I recall the words of locals:
Trump, again, is right and the rest of the liberal world is wrong.
It is now illegal, and you will be arrested and prosecuted, to tell the truth about criminal acts by Muslim immigrants in many European countries.
UK and Germany for sure, plus a few others, too.
I’ve been following Peter Sweden (Imanuelsen) on You Tube.
He keeps the information flowing out from Sweden despite it being illegal.
UK Police AT MY HOUSE for “HATE CRIME” Good thing he had moved to Norway!
You Tube demonetized his videos which is one step from banning him and removing them all.
Can you imagine just being on your way to work (getting highly taxed to pay for all the welfare immigrants who won’t assimilate, only to be attacked by hand grenades on your way out the door?
When will the globalist elites realize they’ve killed the goose that laid the golden eggs?
@Nanny G: They dont care the goose is getting fat. Read what they want on the American Stonehenge, beware their “sustainability”. Europes future is South Africas reality today.
Untold trillions sent to the starving in Africa, Africa just expanded, and in say 20 years…. Unicef.
This is the same Democrat propaganda purveyor that 16 years ago told America that the most progressive President since JFK ( for the quasi informed it was GWB) was a “conservative”! They have only slightly modified this lie the last 2 years.
The same FAKE NEWS purveyor that won a Pulitzer 87 years ago ( When Mueller’s hero starved to death between 10,000,000 + 17,000,000 White Russians. My former neighbor – Bob Valov -was the grand child of a White Russian who escaped. He was stilll mad at FDR for hiding the truth, 60 years later!) writing
“There is no famine or actual starvation nor is there likely to be.”
–New York Times, Nov. 15, 1931, page 1
“Any report of a famine in Russia is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda.”
–New York Times, August 23, 1933
The name of the Democrat wining the “prestigious” award was Duranty
The Times has been a leftist Bul* Sh*t monger for at least 100 years. They still are!