New FOIA release: Obama admin knew immediately Benghazi was “direct breaching” terror attack, not “under cover of protest”

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Ed Morrissey:

Perhaps the subject of the terror attack on the US consulate in Benghazi will become more academic than political after the 2016 election denied Hillary Clinton the presidency. For now, though, documents continue to emerge that contradict the narrative created by Hillary and the Barack Obama White House about the nature of the attack. Yesterday, Judicial Watch received 54 more pages from its FOIA lawsuits and came across a bombshell buried in them. Notes of a State Department briefing for Congressional aides on the day after the attack show Undersecretary Patrick Kennedy acknowledging that the attack was not a protest gone bad, or even an attack under the cover of  protest. It was, Kennedy told the Congressional aides, “a direct breaching attack”:

Judicial Watch today released 54 pages of new State Department documents, including a transcript of a September 12 2012, telephone conference call with congressional staffers in which then-Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy admitted that the deadly terrorist assault on the Benghazi Consulate was not “under cover of protest,” but was, in fact, “a direct breaching attack.”

The exchange comes late in the conversation with Robert Carter, an aide to Rep. Michael C. Burgess (R-TX). Carter asks Kennedy directly whether this involved a protest, and Kennedy says no:

Earlier in the briefing, Kennedy also tells a staffer from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the attack was “semi-complex,” and later adds that it included “medium” weapons such as RPGs and/or mortars, indicating some significant planning. Four days later, Susan Rice — also a State Department official at that time — went on four Sunday talk shows to say exactly the opposite. Rice claimed, as did Clinton and Obama for two weeks, that the attack grew spontaneously out of a protest against an amateurish and obscure YouTube video. Not once in these notes does the subject of a YouTube video come up at all.

That’s highly significant. Kennedy’s description of events in these notes matches pretty well with the final recap, although it appears to elide over the fact that it was two separate attacks over 13 hours rather than just one attack. It’s accurate on the “direct breaching attack” and the use of medium weaponry, all indications of a planned attack, and Kennedy even points out that a terror group had taken credit for the attack without naming it (Ansar al-Shariah, which later turned out to be accurate).

By September 12th, the State Department knew full well that there was no factual basis to claim that it was anything other than a planned terrorist attack and had already told Congress the same thing. And yet, State and the White House had Rice make that case anyway, less than two months before the 2012 presidential election.

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More of Obamas crimes against humanity along with Fast & Furious,Obamacare,Releasing Thugs,Abuse of the Power of Office and his over use of Executive Orders Obama should be in prison for life and even longer

As bad as this is, the Obama cover-up technique was excellent.
He got away with it.
All of it.
He will never pay.
But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn from our mistakes.
From now on JAIL someone if a deadline for info is reached and ignored. like he got away with so often.
Just pick someone whose name is on the subpeona.
And just don’t let this sort of legal foot-dragging get a start ever again.

Oh, and use all these schemes as part of ads against his allies as they run to perpetuate his ways.

Fake news and lying by the President! Media covered for him.

obama and hillary knew the attack was terrorism. They lied to the American people and more dispectably the families of those who were killed.

The thought of those two lying repeatedly and the media covering for them is disgusting to every normal American.

No honest person is surprised by this. This is yet another in the seemingly endless examples of the inherent dishonesty of the left.

Compare and contrast the disingenuous behavior of the left, screaming for investigation into the ridiculous notion that Russia and Trump colluded nefariously to fool people into voting for Trump, versus the snide dismissiveness of leftists who repeated the false claims that there was no politically motivated deceit – for the purpose of blame defection from the Obama administration regarding Benghazi 2 months before the 2012 election.

Where was all this leftist caterwauling about collusion with Russia when Obama was caught on audio telling Medvedev, “I’ll have more flexibility after the election.”?

Believing anything a leftist says (without at least 3 nonpartisian and objective parties confirmation on said proclamation) is as stupid as believing the protestations of innocence from a guy coming home smeeling of alcohol with lipstick stains on his collar and stripper glitter all over his face, shirt and pants claiming he was alone at the office working late.