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Well, Lord Obama made the oceans recede and the temperatures fall, so why not?

The Villians in the old classic Cartoons(Underdog, Josey and the Pussycats were always using machine to control the Weather

Well, they only shut HAARP down because they put better W/C satellites in orbit, so…

Don’t forget G.I. Joe and the “Weather Dominator.”

X-gener that I am.

It’s the make China mining great bill. That’s where the materials for creating solar panels and wind turbines originate.
Green energy isn’t green.

Solar panels and wind turbines will always be part time intermittent power generators. This isn’t progressive, it’s regressive.

And now, a short message from reality: 08/29/22 – Greenland ice loss will raise sea levels by nearly one foot by 2100, study shows

Like every other fear-porn prediction made by climate zealots, it’s a guess that is impossible to verify. Climate is cyclical, not caused by private jets. Obviously.