Neil Cavuto: Now CNN Knows How Fox News Has Felt for Past 8 Years (VIDEO)

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Perhaps he can rope them off like Hilary did during the campaign.

In one week we will see a end to the nations #1 worst president in americas 240 year history and no matter what we hear from the little snowflakes

Now CNN Knows How Fox News Has Felt for Past 8 Years

No, they don’t, because CNN has not been a nest of lying weasels for the past 8 years. FOX has deserved every damn bit of the criticism directed at the network, and more.

The main thing I fault CNN for is not having focused on what Donald Trump is early enough to prevent his election. Truth and a narrow focus on serious unanswered questions could have stopped it, but they pulled their punches and gave him a spotlight—for no other obvious reason than his power to attract audience attention like a capering monkey—while FOX became little more than a right-wing propaganda outlet. CNN thought Americans were smart enough to figure out what they were seeing for themselves. I made that same judgement error myself. Nearly 3 million more were able than not, but that margin wasn’t sufficient.

The popularity of FOX is little more than an indicator of how many Americans have now lost any capacity for critical thinking. Perhaps they’ll start thinking again as the consequences of what they’ve done start rolling in. FOX’s best journalists are wisely abandoning the network. Somebody should have quietly opened the valves and hatches to the sea before leaving.

WATCH: CNN spent ten straight minutes tearing down Trump’s lies

They should have done it sooner. The man lied constantly throughout the campaign and continues to lie constantly. He demonstrably and continuously says things that are simply not true. He has no concern whatsoever about being caught in a lie. His strategy is to attack anyone who dares point that out. The entire point of it is to render any distinction between lies and truth totally irrelevant.

This is a malignant disease. It’s how you destroy a democracy in the digital information age.


CNN is fake news there ol greggie

Greg, can i offer a bit of cheese and crackers to go with your W H I N E!!!!!