by Sundance
Rupert Murdoch has big sad as his Wall Street Journal outlet admits their poll looks terrible for Ron DeSantis. [WSJ HERE] Currently with only 13% support, DeSantis’s position has collapsed since April, when WSJ showed 24% backed him.
Additionally, Chris Christie and Mike Pence are the two candidates with the highest unfavorable rating by Republican voters, -73% and -63% respectively. Respondents show their opinion worsening mostly due to Christie and Pence position against frontrunner Donald Trump.
It looks like the Wall Street and RNC Big Club donors are now eyeing Nikki “test the wind” Haley, as the best option to try and stop Godzilla Trump. This shift likely explains why DeSantis’s campaign operative Jeff Roe was begging donors for another $50 million last week, as discovered in leaked audio from meetings with them during the high-brow events in Wisconsin.
Wall Street Journal – […] At 13% support, DeSantis’s position has collapsed since April, when 24% backed him in a slightly different field of candidates tested by the Journal.
GOP primary voters believe businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and former Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina, far more than any other candidates, exceeded expectations in the televised Aug. 23 GOP debate among eight of Trump’s rivals. But those impressions so far haven’t turned into significant ballot support, with Haley the first choice of 8% and Ramaswamy at 5%.
Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, who has cast himself as an affable warrior for conservative causes, has made little headway after three months of campaigning, drawing 2% support.
Republicans nationally are rejecting the candidates who most sharply criticize Trump: Former Govs. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas drew 3% and 1% support, respectively. Christie is the most unpopular GOP candidate tested, with 73% holding an unfavorable view of him.
The image of former Vice President Mike Pence, who turned aside Trump’s request to block Congress from certifying the 2020 vote, has tarnished among primary voters. In April, 54% viewed him favorably. Now, 30% view him favorably, and 63% have an unfavorable view. He’s the choice of 2% for the party nomination.
“DeSantis collapsed,” said Bocian. “The one candidate who back in April really seemed to be a potential contender, seemed to have a narrative to tell, has totally collapsed, and those votes went to Trump.” (read more)
Last point… Watch Noem. 👀
Originally the Sea Island group had a DeSantis/Noem ticket as their best outcome. Noem now looks to be positioning herself as the 2024 Mike Pence VP option.
Remember, whoever is VP in 2024 will likely be the nominee in 2028. The Big Club always plays the long game.
Stay elevated.
Stay unemotional.
Stay strategic in outlook.
McConnell will not last. South Dakota Senator John Thune will replace him.
It almost makes you think they initially did it to destroy his political future. He would have been the frontrunner in 2028 had he waited. Talk about some bad advice.
Definitely agree. He listened to the GOPe when they whispered sweet nothings into his ear and believed them. Sad.
I think there is a distinct possibility that the establishment propped up DeSantis in order to take him down. He has fought the left tooth and nail, something the RINO’s won’t do. And he wins. He takes tough stands and sticks to them. The establishment doesn’t like that. They want to take the role of the minority party and controlled opposition so they can fundraise off of it. A DeSantis presidency would destroy their business model just like the Trump presidency did. He is a much easier target to destroy than PT because he doesn’t have the big base so they will take him out first in order to prop up one of the RINO’s which will be a futile effort. When that fails, they will work hand in hand with the dems to take out PT just like they did in 2020 and in 2022 when they backstabbed the Trump backed candidates and blew the Red wave.
PRINCESSS Leah to Darth Vader THE MORE YOU TIGHTEN YOUR GRIP THE MORE STAR SYSTEMS WIL SLIP THOUGH YOUR FINGERS we see lots of Conservative Americans slipping through the Democrats Fingers