I have a sneaking suspicion the Machiavellian connections between the U.S. intelligence apparatus and multiple foreign agents/actors, including the work of Stefan Halper in the 2016 presidential election, are only a few days from fully surfacing. There could be enough sunlight on U.K/U.S. political and intelligence officers to launch multiple investigations.
There was always something suspicious about Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chair Diane Feinstein abdicating her Gang-of-Eight position to Senator Mark Warner immediately after the 2016 election. Feinstein stepped down from her intel committee post and took up a defensive posture as Vice-Chair on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Senator Feinstein is a political animal. She knows the deep state; she knows the deep state secrets; her position gave her operational knowledge; with that knowledge she carried leverage; and the move from Offense (Senate Intel) to Defense (Senate Judicary) just reeked of deep swamp maneuvering. Obama campaigning last week for her, against the left-wing progressive challenge, transparently looked like a leverage expenditure.
On August 22nd, 2017, Fusion-GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson testified to the Senate Judicary Committee (Grassley Chairman, Feinstein Co-Chair) about his engagements with Christopher Steele and the formation of the Steele Dossier. The Dossier underpinned the October 21st, 2016, FISA Title-1 surveillance warrant used on Carter Page and against the Trump campaign.
Almost five months later, January 9th, 2018, Feinstein unilaterally released the transcript of Glenn Simpson’s testimony without consulting anyone else on the committee.
At the time of the unauthorized transcript release, it looked even more suspicious {see here}. Professional Deep State operative Feinstein doesn’t make “mistakes”. There had to be a reason for it. There had to be a self-interested reason for it {suspected here}.
In the last week the motive has surfaced. Today, the motive takes on an even larger understanding.
Attention has been paid to Glenn Simpson saying in that August 2017 testimony the FBI had some additional ‘inside’ knowledge in addition to Chris Steele’s information. Talk of campaign interlopers increased last week after the DOJ/FBI started stonewalling Devin Nunes and accusing him of trying to reveal the identity of a confidential CIA and FBI source for the 2016 origination of the FBI counterintelligence operation against Trump.
People began connecting Glenn Simpson’s prior 2017 testimony about ‘inside sources’ to the 2018 DOJ statements about exposing CIA/FBI ‘sources’. {See Here} Due to defensive leaks from within the corrupt intelligence apparatus the name Stefan Halper was identified. {See Here} Stefan Halper is a foreign policy expert and Cambridge professor with connections to the CIA and its British counterpart, MI6.
Halper connects to the same circle of intelligence operatives Christopher Steele used for his sketchy Dossier construct.
A close circle of politically connected U.S., British, Australian and Russian intelligence insiders begins to back-stop the larger conspiracy.
The information provided by the international crew was apparently shaped and funneled by former CIA Director John Brennan to the FBI for domestic political exploitation.
Back to Feinstein.
In his podcast today Dan Bongino outlines the hindsight appearance of Dianne Feinstein publishing the Glenn Simpson testimony in an effort to: A) remind Simpson what he said; and, B) warn all other operational participants of the potential risk. {Listen Here} This is what we suspected back in January when Feinstein initially released the transcript.
Senator Feinstein’s 2016 senior staffer (with Gang-of-Eight security clearance) was Dan Jones. It was recently revealed that Dan Jones contracted with Christopher Steele to continue work on the Russia Conspiracy angle after the 2016 election, and raised over $50 million toward the ideological goals of removing President Trump. {See Here}
Staffer Dan Jones surfaces in the text messages from Feinstein’s replacement on the Gang-of-Eight, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman, Mark Warner {See Here}
This is more evidence that, like the indictments of the Russian companies, Mueller never intends to prosecute these cases. In the Manafort case, the indentification of Deripaska and his past connections to Mueller would certainly come forth, so Mueller will NOT pursue court but it was all merely theatrics.
It is apparently OK for Democrats on the Intel committee to reach out to Deripaska in such a way as to assure there was no paper trail in order to try and dig up more dirt. The left supports circumventing all rules, regulations and laws in order to support political attacks against Republicans.
It will continue to its conclusion, at which point we will know what Mueller has discovered.
How long did the Benghazi investigations take continue? When one failed to find any basis for serious charges, you simply started up a new one, eventually racking up a count of seven. You had no problem with that politically motivated farce, did you?
We’ll see what Mueller uncovers in one go.
Much longer than necessary, due to Obama and Hillary’s stonewalling and lying. In comparison, everyone from the Trump side have cooperated with the investigations, though it still resulted in unnecessary (but for the propaganda effect) FBI raids.