MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan: non-Muslims and atheists are ‘cattle,’ compares gays to incestuous pedophiles

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MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan: non-Muslims and atheists are 'cattle,' compares gays to incestuous pedophiles


MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan is under fire for recordings in which he compared gays to pedophiles and referred to non-Muslims as animals and cattle.

In one of the recordings, which resurfaced on social media after it was posted by conservative commentator and Human Events editor Jack Posobiec, the host of “The Mehdi Hasan Show” on MSNBC compared non-Muslims and atheists to “cattle” and included “homosexuals” in a long list of abhorrent behaviors and and categories that he claims are transgressive of Islam including pedophilia and bestiality. He referred to non-Muslims as “kaffir,” or infidel.

“All of these ulama unanimously agree that at the very minimum if Yazid was not a Kaffir — then at the very minimum he was a fasiq, a transgressor, a breaker of Islamic laws, a corrupt individual, a tyrant, a killer a drunkard, a dog lover, a music lover, a homosexual, a pedophile, a sexual deviant, someone who slept with his own mother,” Hasan said in the sermon.

“In this respect the Koran describes the atheist as cattle. As cattle of those who grow the crops and do not stop and wonder about this world,” he also said.

More at the Post Millennial 

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Well, he’s on MSNBC, where this sort of hate and racism is expected. Nothing to see here.

greg is a devotee of mslsd. It is the source of his misinformation along with cnn, democrat underground and daily kooks.

Last edited 3 years ago by TrumpWon

Seems the only one at CNN that keeps his hands to and on himself is that Toobin guy.
Bunch of pedos and sexual deviants, watching them go down swirling is so amusing.
MSLSD has spread so much disinformation and racist BS they arent far behind.