MSM Ignores Death Threats to Wisconsin Republican

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Numerous death threats were made against Wisconsin Republican lawmakers last week, but you wouldn’t know about it if your only news sources were ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC, and NPR.

Not taking this seriously were ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC, and NPR. LexisNexis and closed-caption dump searches of “Wisconsin and ‘death threat'” produced zero results for these so-called news outlets throughout the month of March.


When you compare this to the hysterical coverage of last year’s Tea Party rallies and town hall protests, where conservatives were regularly depicted as either hostile or fomenting violence, one has to wonder how actual death threats against sitting politicians would not be considered newsworthy.

This seems particularly curious after all the talk about hostile rhetoric immediately following the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) in January.

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It’s actually made the State Journal here in Madison but it was a very small article in which they said they had caught at least one of the people behind the death threat e-mails sent to Repubs. Odds are that is the last we will hear of it….