The most useless committee on Capitol Hill has answered a question no one was asking.
The headline is an attention-grabber, particularly the subhead. The New York Times breathlessly reports that a Republican-led Senate panel has issued a report that “undercuts claims by President Trump and his allies that Obama-era officials sought to undermine his candidacy by investigating Russia’s 2016 election meddling.”
Naturally, you’re thinking: “That’s it. All Trump’s diatribes about a ‘hoax’ have been the usual claptrap. Even the GOP admits that the Obama administration had good reasons to investigate whether Trump’s campaign was colluding with Russia.”
Except . . . that’s not what the Times story actually says. Carefully parsed, it’s not even what the headline says.
In truth, the story is a nothing-burger. We learn that one of the most useless committees on Capitol Hill, the Senate Intelligence Committee, has issued a 158-page report — festooned with the usual “there are things we can’t tell you” redactions — as a capper to its three-year investigation into a question no one is asking: Did the intelligence community competently conclude that Russia interfered in the 2016 campaign?
No one is asking that question because, for the vast majority of people closely following the collusion caper, that would be like asking whether the Chiefs won the Super Bowl.
We know Russia interfered in our campaign. Given Moscow’s long history of meddling in American politics, it would only have been a story if Russia did not meddle. The principal argument by President Trump and other intelligence agency critics has not been that Obama officials undermined Trump’s candidacy and presidency “by investigating Russia’s 2016 election meddling.” The argument is that they undermined Trump’s campaign and presidency by claiming that Trump and his campaign were complicit in Russia’s 2016 election meddling.
On that key question the Useless Committee is, as is its custom, mum.
To be sure, there are some pockets of doubters on the question of Russia’s culpability. There always will be because, as I described chapter-and-verse in Ball of Collusion, (a) the Obama administration habitually politicized intelligence to serve its narratives, and (b) the Obama-era Justice Department and FBI ignored rudimentary investigative practice by failing, in one of the most consequential investigations in American history, to take custody and conduct their own forensic examination of the body of the crime, the Democratic Party servers that had been hacked — relying, instead, on a DNC contractor with deep connections to the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration.
Add to this that Robert Mueller, that senescent Washington fixture, larded his staff with activist Democrats whose indictments were long on political narrative but short on actual crimes. Add, too, that Mueller’s case against Russian companies charged in the “troll farm” scheme collapsed after it became painfully clear that the social-media propaganda conspiracy was laughable, improvidently charged, and could not be tied to the Kremlin.
You get the point: Few people doubt that Russia is guilty, but if the Washington establishment cannot convince everyone of that fact, it’s got itself to blame.
But that’s all a sideshow.
The real question is whether the Obama administration and its officials held over by the new administration fabricated a tale about the Trump campaign’s complicity in Russia’s hacking. Did they peddle that tale to the FISA court while willfully concealing key exculpatory evidence? Did they continue the investigation under the guise of counterintelligence after Trump was elected, in the hope of finding a crime over which he could be impeached? Did they consciously mislead an American president about whether he was under investigation? Did they purposefully suggest in public testimony that the president was a criminal suspect, while privately assuring him that he was not one? And finally, when the Trump-Russia collusion nonsense was collapsing in a heap, did they open a criminal obstruction case — based on an untenable legal theory and facilitated by a leak of investigative information that was orchestrated by the just-fired FBI director — in order to justify continuing the probe under the auspices of a special counsel?
On these questions, the Useless Committee’s report is silent. Indeed, the report says right up front, in the findings section, that the intelligence agencies, over the FBI’s objection, did not include information from the infamous Steele dossier in its December 30, 2016, assessment on Russian interference — though, “as a compromise to the FBI insistence,” dossier allegations were included in an annex to the assessment. The Senate-report findings do not get into why the FBI was pushing so hard on the preposterous dossier. Nor do they mention that, by the time of the assessment, the bureau had already heavily relied on the dossier to obtain a surveillance warrant from the FISA court, and was even then preparing a submission to get yet another warrant — telling the federal judges the bureau believed that the Trump campaign was conspiring with the Kremlin.
We don’t hear much about what matters from the Useless Committee. Indeed, when last we heard mention of the committee, it was because Senator Richard Burr (R., N.C.), its chairman and the ultimate insider, made news for having feverishly dumped $1.7 million in his personal stock holdings on the eve of the coronavirus market collapse.
On the matter of Trump-Russia collusion allegations, the intelligence issue that roiled the nation for three years, the Intelligence Committee has had little to say. For a while, there was some dark collusion innuendo from Burr’s friend, Senator Mark Warner (D., Va.), the ranking member on the preeningly bipartisan committee. But we haven’t heard much since Warner was caught using the Washington lobbyist of a Putin-tied oligarch to try to score a tête-à-tête with the dossier fabulist, Christopher Steele. As Warner observed at the time, in a text to the lobbyist, we’d “rather not have a paper trail” on this one.
I guess they followed the Schiff model of “investigation”; arrive at your predetermined conclusion (that fulfills a political objective), only investigate in directions that supports the predetermined conclusion and omit and suppress any information inadvertently exposes truths.
Why it’s important to read your daily intelligence briefs…
June 28, 2020 – Spies and Commandos Warned Months Ago of Russian Bounties on U.S. Troops
@Greg: Ok the democrats want to bomb Russia, well no they want Trump to bomb Russia then exclaim surprise after demanding a response. Pallets of American cash, geeze who sent those into the middle east….that would not be Trump. We are not going to win in Afgahanistan trying to negotiate with 100 tribes is like herding 10,000 feral cats, Trump knows this, Putin knows this. So us leaving the stuck 6th century country would not bring shame to either country. Invading it was a neo-con brainfart that cost billions and precious American blood, but neo-cons and democrats DGAF.
He could be tough like Obama and tell Putin to knock it off. Draw a flexible line in the sand.
@Greg: The reports haven’t been verified and the IC hasn’t briefed Trump.
June 28, 2020 – Russian bounties to Taliban-linked militants resulted in deaths of U.S. troops, according to intelligence assessments
The board imbecile at it again. Complete non story, fake news…
NYT Finds Themselves in a Blunder Over Their Botched Russia-Taliban Story
@Greg: I guess it’s convenient to forget the history of Russia and the Taliban to believe the lies you want to believe.
@July 4th American: The unverifiable garbage would never make it into a briefing. The Taliban offended that someone would think they would need a bribe to kill Americans and Britts.
Absolutely correct. greg defines imbecility. So far two Americans have been killed in Afghanistan this year while just last weekend 7 were shot and killed in Chicago alone. But, black lives in Chicago do not matter nor do they in the womb.
June 29, 2020 – Congress Unites To Demand Answers From Trump On Russian Bounties In Afghanistan
@July 4th American, #9:
I’m smart enough to have realized Donald Trump has no business holding public office. So what’s wrong with this picture?
@Greg: There you go not even congress was advised of unverified rumors. What other proof do you need? They get misinformation on classified calls but not a whisper on this.
Nice that you are informing yourself about fake news we are proud of you.
@kitt, #12:
What other proof do you need that serious dysfunction has set in?
I would need proof that serious dysfunction has set in. That every bit of misinformation and rumor wasnt hitting both congressional committes and the Presidents desk is a good sign, a very very good sign.
I guess you want a war with Russia send in our men to get blown to bits over unverified information, thats not dysfunctional… much.
Who said anything about war with Russia? What I want is a return to competent elected leadership in Washington, and the return of competent appointees who are more focused on their agency missions than on pleasing a president.
@Greg: They demand a response! We demand proof before we go off 1/2 cocked accusing a nuclear power of acts of war.
Imbicile, what we had in the last admin was sugar coated intelligence.
Those may have led him to arm the “ISIS freedom fighters”that were killing our guys.
If you like what you’re seeing every time you turn on the news, I suppose another vote for Trump is the way to go. That said, I think most Americans would happily trade the current year for any of Obama’s final 7 years. With Obama, we started in a very bad place and ended well. Trump’s time in office has been the exact opposite. I’ll take Joe Biden, gaffes and all, and a turn toward the normalcy we used to know.
@Greg: Was Congress briefed on these “allegations”?
You mean like those who sold them our uranium? Like those who, when they thought their mic was turned off, promised to do whatever Putin wanted if he would help with the election? Like those who allowed a consulate to be sacked? Like those who just laid all our State Department classified information out for anyone that wanted it to get? Like those who created a gigantic mess in Syria, then just turned the entire region over to Putin? No, I think we’ve had enough of that dumbassery, and no doubt that is exactly what Biden would provide.
Believing such nonsense could serve as a litmus test for gullibility.
@Greg: My vote wont be swayed by fake news.
You saying that democrats will never ever stand up to Antifa and trained marxists isnt helping your cause. I read my news, I dont watch opinion spin boobtube talking heads with nothing but hate for America to offer up.
@Greg: Arranging uranium deals for oppressive dictators nothing new for the Clinton’s
FBI informant testified to Russian payments in connection with Uranium One
FBI knew the Russians were bribing and worming their way into US uranium business but Obama/Hillary approved uranium deal anyway
Uranium sold by Hillary and Obama removed from US, despite promises
It’s a fact. Obama, Hillary and Holder approved it. Bill and Hillary got rich(er) off it. Now it’s gone.
Are you sure you know which news is fake? A week ago, claims were being made that reports of building COVID-19 surges in states which reopened earliest was fake news. It was claimed the reports were leftist disinformation, intended to create panic.
Now we’ve got dangerous surges in half-a-dozen southern red states—the very places that discounted the warnings.
It’s all complete bullshit. I’m not going to waste my time posting the facts which clearly demonstrate that for the third or fourth time. It’s totally pointless when someone is determined not to know the truth. Unfortunately that is a defining characteristic of Trump’s core supporters. Fortunately they’re not numerous enough to carry another election. The polls are not lying. This lunacy will soon be ending.
@Greg: No. It isn’t. That’s all the facts of the matter.
Out of control masses of rioting looters and protesters contributed greatly to the spike, along with testing.
June 29, 2020 – Trump was briefed on Russian bounties earlier than thought, reports say
June 29, 2020 – Trump Got Written Briefing in February on Possible Russian Bounties, Officials Say
Of course without the unauthorized disclosures, there never would have been any effort to find out the full story, because no one would know a thing about Russia’s alleged bounty on U.S. military personnel. Would that be better?
The argument here seems to be that knowing there’s something to investigate encumbers the investigation. This is patent nonsense. It’s also what would be expected of an ardent republican Trump supporter, which was Ratcliffe’s main qualification for the job of Director of National Intelligence. Trump expressed the view that Ratcliffe was the very guy to “rein in” U.S. intelligence agencies that had “run amok”.
@Greg: FFS citing two officials with knowledge of the matter. Which 2 officials/ Boltons book?
Authorizing action without the information being verified, ya dumb, sounds just like Bush lied people died part 2.Bush’s first term in office, he told the BBC the U.S. was “confident that Saddam Hussein has hidden weapons of mass destruction and production .. Bolton the war monger?
Bolton who said Trump asked for their help but blames China for releasing the Kung Flu?
We shall see how this shakes out Pompeo also called Bolton a liar.
Bush didnt find him credible
The Atlantic – Left Center Bias – Liberal – Progressive – Democrat
Who’s talking about authorizing action?
What people want to know is whether this is true, and how a President could have not even have been told that there was a such a question that needed to be answered.
I didn’t expect anyone to “authorize action” after Mohammed bin Salman’s personal bodyguards murdered, dismembered, and dissolved Jamal Khashoggi in acid. That doesn’t mean I didn’t want the truth to come out. There have been no consequences, even for those convicted of the crime. They were “forgiven” by Khashoggi’s family and released. No doubt there would have been consequences for the family, had they not done so. We then turned around and sold the Saudis $110 Billion in lethal military equipment, very useful in their war on Yemen. They promised to make U.S. investments. How effing wonderful.
We have no moral center with this administration. It’s just one damn thing after another. I find this, and the lies that shift blame and cover it all up, intolerable. It’s up to the American voters who expect far better for our nation to put a stop to it.
Names? Who are they? Are they actual people? Are they people who heard this from someone that heard it from someone who heard it from someone, like with impeachment? Yeah, get back to us when you KNOW something.
In other words, RUMORS.
Hmmm… “moral” center from the guy that supports spying on a campaign, spying on US citizens, sham “investigations” based on “evidence” known to be lies, impeachment based totally on hearsay where all pretexts of due process and justice are trampled, encouraging citizens to continue to congregate and party in the midst of an epidemic, opposing travel bans to control the spread of a virus, spreading fear and panic for political gain, withholding desperately needed financial aid to businesses just to try and take credit for it, loading aid packages with PORK while citizens suffer. Yeah, maybe when you FIND your morals, you can work on centering them.
@Greg: I certainly dont want to hear about moral center from a democrat. Barry and Stinky did nothing to stop the genocide of thousands of Christians the oldest christian sects on the planet. Loved the bring back our girls hashtag. Did Barry love watching the murdering in Bengahzi via drone so much he would not try to help? Bill hanging out with Jeffry and his little girls. His move in Lybia genius its all one big slave trading post now. Infantcide, F right the F off with your morals angle. We cant trust the IC depts til all the old marxists and moles are flushed out.
Russian bounty on US troops: Pelosi demands intelligence … › news › politics › 2020/06/29 › ru…
22 hours ago – ‘Congress and the country need answers now’: Pelosi demands briefing … on intelligence reports that Russia offered bounties to Taliban militants for … steps the U.S. can take to punish Moscow for targeting American troops.
All why Germany buys their gas. Lets punish them too. War mongering SOBs.
We cant be rebuilding our defenses without someone to blow them up fresh off the factory floor.
I dont think Putin would have his super sonic missiles without Clintons silicon valley technology give away.
3,502 total coalition deaths in Afghanistan since 2001
Americans lost under Trump
2017 – 17
2018 – 15
2019- 22
2020 -9
The first 4 years under Barry the numbers are in the hundreds.
Seems opium and human trafficking are bigger money makers for the group.
Well, she can demand all she want. She’s still stupid.
Are military lives the new Democrat pawns? They’ve been using black lives for decades, but they’ve always hated the military. Now we are supposed to believe they care?
It’s fortunate for you folks that Trump’s job approval rating of minus 15 percent is no more real or relevant than the COVID-19 surge now sweeping across the the western and southern United States.
@Greg: @Thanks, left wing rioters.
Preposterous assertion of the day, from White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany:
Does that include COVID-19?
@Greg: Not a covid thread, its about another Fake Russia conspiracy, try to hold a thought a bit longer than your candidate for President.
@Greg: Obviously it does. While Democrats supported keeping all overseas travel open, opposed social distancing and ignored precautions, Trump was taking action.
I wonder why Obama ignored REAL threats of Iran wanting to build nuclear weapons to take out another free nation?
A vote for TЯUMP is a vote for PUTIN.
How is that? Trump was hard on Putin while idiot Biden enabled his war.