More Massive Sea Level Fraud At NASA

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Steve Goddard:

In 1982, NASA showed only 8cm (3 inches) of sea level rise from 1880 to 1980 (0.8 mm/year) and almost all of that occurred prior to 1950.


They have since doubled 1880 to 1980 sea level rise to 1.6 mm/year, and have made the post-1950 pause disappear.

15_seaLevel_leftClimate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Sea Level

The graph below shows the two at the same scale, normalized to 1880. They have quadrupled post-1950 rise rates. Even so, 1.6 mm/year is hardly anything to be concerned about.

ScreenHunter_2900 Sep. 04 06.50

Bu it is much worse than it seems. They now ignore tide gauge data completely, and use completely fake tampered satellite data and claim 3.2 mm/year.

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And if you should dare call them on this, they shout about how complex math is and how you must not understand it.
For their version of math see the first part of this little girl’s video demolishing common core math:

What makes them so sure that it isn’t the land that has sunken? Really folks, there has been increased volcanic activity in the last three decades, especially underwater. All the plates of the Earth’s crust are floating on a great ocean of molten material. As volcanic magma erupts flows and cools it adds to the mass of the plates, and by basic physics that adds to the weight which gradually causes these plates to sink more into the molten layer.

I marvel at how so many people have not, as I did, wonder why, if the threat is real, why does it have to be LIED about and reevaluate their beliefs? Oh, that’s right… they’re liberals.