Mitt Romney’s Secret Twitter Account Is Full NeverTrump and Retweets Lots of Liberals; Name Is Play on in pari delicto, “Both sides to blame”

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He is who we thought he was.

John Nolte notes that “Pierre Delecto” rebutted Mitt Romney’s critics without acknowledging that he was in fact Mitt Romney.

Didn’t some people on the right formerly have a problem with such White Knight Sockpuppets? Dishonest, and also pure vanity.

Everything about this story says so much about Mitt Romney: his pettiness, his insecurity, his lack of character, honesty, and decency, starting with how it all unraveled: Romney doing business with the establishment media — in this case, the far-left Atlantic and activist-reporter, McKay Coppins, who was originally hired at BuzzFeed to destroy Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign.

Nolte runs through Coppins’ attacks on Romney, as he was specifically hired to execute. (Coppins was hired by BuzzFeed because he’s a leftie and a Mormon and therefore could attack Mitt Romney with enhanced credibility.)

But Romney continues sucking up to him anyway, and disclosed that he had a “lurker” account on Twitter to Coppins.

…It took a writer at Slate about fourteen seconds to discover that Mitt Romney, a sitting United States Senator, uses the name Pierre Delecto to run all around Twitter defending Mitt Romney.

Other examples of Definitely Not Mitt Romney defending the severely conservative name of Mitt Romney at the link.

Casey Mattox — a champion beta-orbiter of all the most egregious Ahoy Maties on Twitter, and is one of the few people “Pierre Delecto” followed — guesses, or perhaps, was told by Mitt Romney himself (again sockpuppeting), that “Pierre Delecto” is almost certainly a play on in pari delicto, a Latin phrase meaning “both parties are equally to blame.” I think it means literally, “in both, guilt.” (“Delicto” also appears in in flagrante delicto, which I think means “blazingly guilty,” that is, so guilty as to be on fire (in flagrante).)

Sounds and awful lot like Mitt Romney is one of those “True Conservatives” who thinks conservatism is best expressed as a synthesis of a few conservative ideas with an awful lot of progressive ones. That’s what the “Both Sides” people push.

Below, some of Mitt Romney’s favorite accounts are, naturally, either wife-sharing-curious or outright progressive.

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If the Democrats want Romney, they can have him. We’re done with him.

In French gay circles, Pierre Delecto is our Lucky Peter, the middle man in a gay threesome.
Could Mitt know that, or is he just stupid?
Point is, Mitt has a SOCK PUPPET.
How long did it take Glenn Greenwald to rehabilitate himself after getting caught doing this very same thing, for the very same reason: self promotion?
But, Mormons in Utah see Mitt as some weird messianic figure, a man on a white horse who comes in at the end of days and saves Mormons.
I’ve actually met Mormons who see him as this figure from their founders’ writings!
So, don’t look for Mitt to act humble or apologetic.
He’s a god to these people.
He’s arrogant and entitled and they let him be that way.
He actually might have enhanced his standing with Mormons in Utah to the point where he could get re-elected as long as he wants.

@Nan G: Californian Mormon living in Utah: Mitt sockpuppeted Evan McMullen for president and carpetbagged his way to a Senate seat. The DeLicktoe persona glove perfectly fits the Mitt. Unfortunately, the honest are also too trusting, but I don’t know of anyone who sees a Mitt the Messiah.

@Matt Walters: Nice to meet you.
I’m a lifelong Californian who retired to Utah.
I live in the liberal enclave of Salt Lake County, the only county to go for Hillary.
I tried to get into the Republican Party here but it was so filled with cheating, two-faced Mormons I quit.
(They take over the caucus then “ballot harvest” by filling in ballots on behalf of every Mormon who is on the list but hasn’t shown up by the last hour.
That’s how McMullen go so many votes instead of Trump (who almost EVERYBODY said they voted for when they came into the room or left it.)
You’re right about Mitt gaming the system to get on the ballot for Senate.
He LOST the top two spots to qualify for the GOP primary.
So, his Mormon buddies added a last-minute way to get him on via a petition with a certain # of signatures. He obtained (without ever going door-to-door) fewer than 10 more than the minimum # of names to make the ballot.
He has no shame.
His willingness to do these dirty tricks is why he can be a senator as long as he wants in Utah.

@Nan G: Mitt is channeling McCains or George sr. soul, ol Mitchie doesnt have a sad story to ride on for 50 years. He is no better a legislator.