By Ethel C. Fenig
As Parker Beauregard proved once again yesterday, when preening politicians force businesses, in this case grocery store workers in Long Beach, Calif., to pay their workers higher wages — for the workers’ own good, of course — the workers lose.
Indeed, just about everyone loses. Except the politicians.
In this case, the grocery store workers lost their jobs. The residents in the neighborhoods where these grocery stores were located lost the convenience of having reliable, well stocked grocery stores serving a wide variety of fresh food close by. The city lost the tax revenue the stores generated. The residents of the city will lose money or services because the city will have to charge higher taxes or reduce services to compensate for lost tax revenue. The remaining stores will increase prices to cover their increased labor costs.
Indeed, so the only winners will be the politicians, who will pat themselves on the back as they compliment themselves for their own wonderfulness.
Something similar is occurring in my city, hundreds of miles from Long Beach, Calif. When the minimum wage increased, a local grocery chain, Target, Home Depot, and a number of other stores reduced the number of full-service checkout lanes and 10 items or fewer checkout lanes while greatly expanding the self-checkout lanes. Boom! Many of the cashiers lost their jobs! The baggers, many of whom were (warning: P.C. speak ahead) developmentally delayed and were placed in these jobs through a coordinated effort with the company, neighboring schools, and social workers, lost their jobs. Instead, now, with multiple closed-circuit cameras overhead, one worker, enjoying newly increased pay, supervises the multiple terminals, watching as shoppers scan, bag, and pay for their items, helping out when necessary.
The situation is similar in nearby fast food restaurants. Yes, those fast food restaurants, so often scorned by the elite, once provided an introduction to the world of work for low-skilled people, students, and new immigrants. But that was then, and this is now. And now these opportunities for those who so desperately need them are diminished as higher labor costs give owners no choice but to replace order-takers with touchscreens and introduce self-pick-up instead of servers.
Touchscreens pay for themselves within a few weeks. And they don’t call in sick.
on a good evening, a busy restaurant will make 2-3% profit, at best. in a universe long gone, a waiter/waitress in a high end nyc/chi/la restaurant would make $150+ on a good night in a universe now dead. commicraps are cheap bastards, ever wonder how much they tip their servers?? 00000000000000000. as one female person in the house said one night after a very expensive meal, ” i serve them”. you could never guess who that person was??????????????
In 2015, my wife and I pulled our 5th wheel camper from our home in north central Texas to Manitou Springs, Colorado. We left early in the morning and stopped in Childress, Texas at a McDonalds for some quick breakfast to go. Even then, in Childress, they had the self-service kiosks in place. Now, they are much more widespread.
I worked in a grocery story when I was in high school. I started at minimum wage. That’s what high school kids make. A friend of mine worked in the grocery store business almost his entire life as a night stocker before he moved into management. No, he DIDN’T make minimum wage; he made worker’s wage because he was a valuable, long-term employee, not a high school kid or some churn that has no interest in learning skills or work ethic.
Want to make a better wage? Go to school (hopefully not some indoctrination center), pay attention, either learn a trade of take a serious college major, dedicate yourself to your work, which feeds you and your family, and make yourself an asset to your company. Or, invest all your time, effort and money into an entrepreneurial adventure. But don’t expect the government (taxpayers) to compensate you for your bad decisions.
@Deplorable Me:
fully agree, cleaned offices for $.98/hour back then. solid education or a solid trade is key to success. However, the millennium and zero generations expect everything for nothing. some college A and B’s no one fails??? these idiots and terrorist: antif**k-up and ” belligerent larceny and murder”, believe that looting, steeling, larceny and murder will afford then a valuable career. marx was a slacker, pedophile, like joe biden the fake US pres, slacker, thief, money laundering, never held a real job is the mentor for this generation. OH! does this sound like joe biden the alleged president???
@Deplorable Me:
That reasoning might sound all warm and fuzzy to the ears but it’s dilapidated old school nonsense on every front.
What the job market has turned into is a huge socialist program to confiscate my money and subsidize employees of Amazon, big banks, gov contractors, etc. who are raking in $billions in profits and in many cases, paying $0 in taxes.
In Owensboro KY, the government confiscated $ from people like me to give to the billionaire corporation Alorica to bring 800 full time jobs to the city. Once these 800 fulltime employees working 40 hours a week at $10 were returning Alorica a profit, the gov was coming back confiscating more $ from me to subsidize these full time employees with food stamps, free school lunches, housing assistance, etc.
It’s also been observed that over the years, Walmart, the banking industry, gov contractors and even Amazon have set up training seminars literally teaching their full time employees how to qualify for government assistance- how to confiscate my $ to offset their very own payroll while raking in huge profits and paying very low to zero taxes.
As far as I’m concerned, any employer who depends on me to offset the payroll of their full time employees can just go ahead and shut their damn doors.
@Ronald J. Ward: I partially agree with you, these low paying jobs were never meant to be anything but for high schoolers and part time mom workers or Social security side jobs, not living wages.
Its your precious government that sets the tax codes, sets the regulations that kill competition. They get big donation money to do so but you love those types like Warren Buffet and his oil tanks on rails.
You scream when Trump decreased the death taxes that forced generational family farms and small businesses to sell out to pay off the government. For himself and his croneys you screamed, hint none of Trumps properties were worth less than 11 million. Now Gates has scooped up at discount loads of farmland, do you think he is not going for the farm subsidies meant for small farmers?
Would all those working for 10 bucks an hour getting partial benefits if not employed at all be getting full welfare smartie britches?
Deplorable was right on the money, go to school get a trade plumbers, HVAC tech, welder, machinist, electrician ect make a living wage.
That was certainly all over the place.
It always has to fall back to something you can defend corporate socialism and welfare with.
Here’s my overall point. If an employer cannot pay his/her employee a livable wage and depends on me to subsidize them, shut your damn doors. Quit leaching off of me.
And if they do pay a livable wage and well bodied capable people choose not to accept it, those people should not be eligible for my money either.
Corporate socialism is an area your precious government prefers, along with your help, to pretend doesn’t exist.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Yes, and you are promoting that, with your blind obedience to Democrats and notthePresident Biden.
Trump was building the country that would have (and already did) benefit you. But you still don’t understand that Amazon, big banks, and gov. contractors raking in billions are subsidizing the Democrat Party so they can rake in even more.
You’re more of a non-Leftist than a Leftist, by what you stated. But if all it takes is massive propaganda to convince you of racism that isn’t happening, so you actually vote for the people taking your money and your employment, then you deserve to be poor.
Any vote for Biden in the 2020 election was a vote directly for Amazon, and many others.
Biden voters deserve all of the poverty and lower quality of life that is coming to them. Most Trump supporters will overcome those obstacles, easily.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Yes, Corporate Socialism is a Democrat-supported idea, and definitely not one supported by the majority of Americans or President Trump.
They support the opposite: it’s on you to make a “livable wage” and not blame others for you own failures in life.
The world, including your neighbors and the government, owe you NOTHING.
@Ronald J. Ward:
you on welfare??
@Ronald J. Ward:
How so?
@Ronald J. Ward:
So a mom that wants to work part time and agrees to a lower wage in your mind has no right to do that. The senior that cant quite make ends meet and also agrees to this lower wage should suffer, Highschool kid living at home that want to buy an old used car by earning their own money screw them too.
These jobs were never meant to live off of, they require no skills no education.
How much out of pocket are you?
@retire05: He has no loss, its the AOC mindset best not give a company bring any jobs in a tax break, better off without those jobs.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Gee, then Amazon turned around and put the stupidest idiot ever to run for President in office. That must be particularly painful for you, since you have supported it all.
Tax incentives for jobs is anything BUT a socialist program. Quite the opposite, in fact. Yet, because Amazon supports your party and has been allowed to become so overwhelmingly powerful, they now do whatever they want, including suppressing union activity and forcing employees to work onerous shifts. Cry about it all you want; it’s a monster YOU created.
Would you be so kind as to point me to the moment when a liberal-that-raises-taxes-loving sycophant like yourself suddenly began viewing taxation as “confiscation”? Pardon me while I laugh at you suffering from your own ideology. Hardy har har. Does it HURT? I certainly HOPE SO.
No. I’ve always been fortune enough to make an above average living, mainly because I’ve always worked a 70 to 100 hour week.
I’m referring to incentives and tax breaks given to these “job creators”. We both know there’s no such thing as a free lunch and the GQP has a “hands off” policy when it comes to asking the rich man pay.
@Nathan Blue:
Your words are no more than what your ears what to hear. They have no connection with what is true or with reality. You’ve proven that repeatedly.
Who’s balking over raising the minimum wage?
@Ronald J. Ward:
I assume you are referring to tax abatements that are given to start up companies for a limited time. If it is not that, then explain what you are referring to.
Also, how was money “confiscated” from you? You don’t explain.
That is what I am trying to get you to do but you seem reluctant to do so.
@Deplorable Me:
You never fail to expose your overwhelming ignorance, stupidity, and dishonesty.
To assign Amazon as a supporter of Democrats meets all of that.
The relationship with Amazon and Trump is no secret.
Regardless, the policies of the GQP- low wages, ant-union, anti equal pay for women, pro-rape, anti-minimum wage, anti-heathcare, pro-wage theft, and on and on conflict with those of Democrats.
A full time working man working for slave wages for the rich man is exactly who the GQP is.
@Ronald J. Ward:
I think I can honestly say I’ve never seen such denial and stupidity.
You actually think you can claim Bezos supported Trump and get away with it? You think Trump demanding Amazon should pay their fair share of postal costs made Bezos support him? You think Amazon waited until Trump was gone to offer their assistance in distributing vaccines because they supported Trump? Is that why the Washington Post was always such a Trump supporter? You think they squashed Paler because they thought this would please Trump? You think they contributed millions to the DNC because they thought that was who was supporting Trump?
Yeah, the association between Amazon and Trump is a quite well kept secret. It seems no one but yourself knows of it. And now you’ve told me. Was that a security breach?
Having lived in Long Beach and gone to both stores that are closing many times over a period of 43 years, let me say something about those who these stores employed.
Lots of their checkers, union members were single mothers, some who had left abusive husbands.
Their stock workers included mostly college students making money to augment their college grants that covered merely books and tuition.
Their baggers included partially blind people, deaf people, severely wouded war veterans and also people born with Downs Syndrome.
One of the perks for baggers was an annual pass to Disneyland.
Many of them spent their days off at that park because they loved the rides, the food and seeing their friends there so much (admission was free thru the pass).
Now all of them are out of work thanks to a city council ready to reward people with someone else’s money.
If LB’s gov’t had really wanted to help these workers, they should have given them a tax-free month or two. At least they would have paid instead of looking good on paper while others paid, or fired all concerned.
This was fairly typical of the behavior of LB’s city gov’t.
It was a big part of why we left 8 years ago.
Garcia as mayor was a continual disaster only getting worse.
@Nan G: People who do nothing but government don’t understand how business works and it shows. They think, like they run government, you can just spend as much money as you like and go and get more. They don’t understand the limits. If businesses raise wages, they have to increase prices. Raise prices too much and they cannot be competitive. Taxes, too, have to be added to the costs and too much makes prices too high and reduces competitiveness. Or, just as likely, they think, like government, businesses should simply operate at a deficit and pretend it doesn’t matter.
That was one of the great things about Trump; he spent tax dollars like they were his instead of spending them like it was someone else’s money in an infinite supply.
@Deplorable Me:
I never made such a claim you ridiculously stupid hack. This is why I seldom bother engaging in your fabricated crap. While I was implying the exact opposite, you just scramble for your own conclusion.
Again, this is the problem with the laser beam indoctrinated. You not only don’t know the difference in what is true and isn’t but you just create what you want to be true and what isn’t.
It’s like Nathan saying above that “Corporate Socialism is a Democrat-supported idea” which is bonkers. It’s like when Trump told us Dems were trying to destroy the USPS while he was trying to destroy the USPS or when he said COVID was rounding the curve.
As long as you stay owned by QAnon and confined to your section of the rabbit hole, your mind will continue to be uncontrollable by you.
@Ronald J. Ward: looks like a direct quote, yet you try to gaslight, who do you think you are?
What a fantasy world you live in.
Hey how much are you out of pocket dude for that company that got a temp discount on taxes?
If a Woman makes the same pay but takes off to care for a sick kid cause daycare cant, should she still get paid for not showing up? Get paid the same as the man working over-time while she does not, cause her daycare doesnt allow for 12 hour care?
Its not the companys fault she puts in 71% of the time to the mans 110% of the time.
Stand back from your myopic propaganda bs and look at the entire picture.
Wage theft we call those taxes, if you know what the wage is and agree to that wage how is it theft? You certainly have an insight into every companys books and just have proof they can double those wages and keep the doors open.
Easy to tell you never owned a business and are a big know nothing.
Pro rape? well there is this girl that said Biden attacked her is she on your propaganda tv? they put a porn star and her 2 bit thieving lawyer on plenty they were regulars.
There is that old Hillary case where she got a child rapist off and laughed about it knowing he was guilty. You skate on some pretty thin ice.
Well, I kinda wonder which of us is most confused of whatever it is you’re trying to say.
Okay, you support less pay for women than men doing the same job? No surprise.
By pro-rape and pro wage theft, I was referring more to what Trump and his evolved lap dogs are.
Trump surrounded himself with pedophiles such as Epstein, Casablancas, Arlf, Nader, Cohn, campaigned for pedophile Roy Moore for U.S. Senate, is even an admitted groper himself, appointed a pro-rape judge(Neomi Rao) for a lifetime seat, has over 24 women accusing him of sexual misconduct acts, generally defends male rapist while blaming victims, loves to coddle with and protect brutal murderous dictators (I’m just glad Obama took bin Laden out before Trump had a chance to buddy up with him), suggest there are good Nazis, and of course, promoting violence of his opposition.
From a policy perspective, I suppose my biggest objection is that he’s lied to and thrown the working man under the bus so many times and with such disregard.:
I don’t think a great deal of working-class people are watching themselves being back-stabbed by Trump in his appointments, Executive orders, or legislation. Here are some examples:
Secretary of Labor- Eugene Scalia, a man with a history of helping business clients screw over employees, weakening OSHA rules, and union busting.
Deputy Sec of Labor- Patrick Pizzella, a former employee of the National Right to Work Committee and has lobbied against raising sweatshop-level wages in American owned companies in U.S. owned territories, many paying less than $1 an hour.
Former Sec of Labor from 2017-2019-Rene Alexander Acosta with a history of anti-worker protections and adamantly against unions and minimum wage. Also approved a plea deal that allowed Jeffrey Epstein to plead guilty.
Assistant Secretary of the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), David Zatezalo, a former CEO of a coal mining operation with serious mining violations.
And now Trump’s Dept of Labor hired 2 union busters to oversee unions. 2-5-2020
National Labor Relations Board appointees:
1) Marvin Kaplan, whose sole experience with labor law is drafting legislation to weaken worker protections and holding hearings to criticize the NLRB.
2) John Ring, a partner at anti-union law firm Morgan-Dale Lewis
3) William Emanuel, a partner at union-busting law firm Littler Mendelson.
Trump twice nominated Thomas Farr for a lifetime judicial seat, a lawyer who defended employers and corporations charged with employment discrimination, has fought efforts to create safe working conditions for employees, opposed by the AFL-CIO, who’s 1st job out of law school was working at an anti-union organization, the so-called National Right to Work Foundation, has continued to defend employers against discrimination claims and worker safety claims ever since, authored a brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a NC Supreme Court decision that invalidated a state workers’ compensation law that would not permit workers who developed chronic lung disease due to asbestos exposure from obtaining a remedy, and defended a company that refused to allow a union to take temperature readings in the workplace where glass-making workers were exposed to extreme heat conditions.
After promising the working class to rid Washington of corporate lobbyist, let’s look at who he has installed:
Trump chose an oil lobbyist to run the Dept of Interior, a coal lobbyist as head of the EPA, a pharmaceutical lobbyist as head of the Health and Human Services, a Raytheon lobbyist for acting Secretary of Defense, a billionaire charter school heiress to run the Dept of Education, and a banking executive for Secretary of the Treasury.
So, let’s take a look at the results:
1. Weakening workplace safety protections for offshore drilling workers on 12/29/2017
2. Signing a tax bill into law that tilts the tax system further against workers 12/22/17
3. Limiting workers’ ability to decide with whom they want to form a union 12/15/17
4. Making it harder for workers to bargain over their working conditions 12/14/17.
5. Proposing to make it easier for employers to pocket their employees’ tips 12/05/17
6. Threatening working families’ access to health care 10/12/17
7. Denying overtime to millions of working people by derailing the Obama-era protection to extend overtime protections to 4.2 million Americans’ 6/30/17
8. Disbanding labor-management forums for federal workers 9/29/17
9. Delaying and weakening mine inspection rule
10. Endangering the retirement investments of working families by signing a EO on February 3, 2017
11. Halting EEOC equal pay data collection 8/29/17
12. Signed into law a to block customers from filing class action lawsuits against banks 11/02/17
13. Rolling back gainful employment protection. June 2017
14. Shutting down retirement savings plans on 7/31/17 by ending the MYRA savings program.
15. Exposing workers to toxic materials on 6/23/17 rolling back safety rules protecting workers from beryllium, a toxic metal that causes lung cancer and other deadly diseases.
16. Endangering workers and first responders at chemical facilities on 6/12/17 by ordering the EPA to roll back demands critical updates to its Risk Management Program (RMP).
17. Undermining the quality and pay of apprenticeship programs on June 2017.
18. Switching sides in Supreme Court case limiting workers’ right to sue. June 2017
19. Proposing a budget that would slash funding for job training. May 2017
20. Cut important programs for coal miners and their communities
despite his promise to support coal communities.
21. Attempting to make it harder for people with disabilities to work, again going against his campaign promises.
22. Rolled back rules on wage theft in June 2017.
23 Rolled back rules of. exposing farmworkers to toxic pesticides in Jan 2017, again lying about his campaign promises.
24. Making it harder for workers to save for retirement in May 2017 by signing legislation to repeal Obama-era guidance that helped cities and states set up retirement savings plans for workers who didn’t have access to employer-provided plans. .
25. Weakened protections for construction workers in April 2017.
26. Signing Exec Order in April 2017 letting lawbreakers off the hook for safety violations
27. More weakened laws exposing farmworkers to toxic pesticides 3/29/2017
28. Has awarded $billions in federal contracts to employers who have violated wage laws.
29. His March 2019 threatens workers by slashing funding for programs that protect workers’ rights and access to services.
30. Weakened payday lender rules in order to screw the poor 2/6/2019
31.Allowed employers to classify workers as contractors in order to end benefits and overtime 1/25/19
32.Again going after employee’s tips on 2/15/19
33. Exempted seasonal workers from federal wage hikes on 9/25/18.
34. Proposed regulations to weaken radiation protection of workers on April 2018
35. Making it easier to buy out employee pensions in March 2019
36. Relaxing OSHA’s injury and illness reporting standards on 1/25/19
37. Proposed rolling back child labor laws on 9/27/18
38. Preventing home care workers from organizing on 7/12/18
39. Attacking federal workers unions in May 2018
40. Again, weaken workplace safety for offshore drilling workers on 9/28/18
41. Promised to cut social security and Medicare 1/22/20
42. Proposed budget cut of $500 billion in Medicare Feb 202043. Signed Exec Order allowing loopholes for states to kick people of Medicaid
@Ronald J. Ward:
You’re in violation of copyright laws by not providing a link to the originator of the information you copied and pasted.
You are pimping a falsehood that women make less than men by gaslighting the actual facts. i.e. I once had a company that required a team of technicians. I had five technicians, 4 men and one woman, all specialized in their fields. All worked 10 hrs/day for four days and 4 hours on one day. The men all logged in 44 hours. The female technician did not want to work on Fridays because her daughter played basketball every Friday for her high school so I agreed to give her that day off.
Now, she lost four hours pay each week to be with her daughter. Does that mean she earned less income than her male counterparts? Yes, in the aggregate because over the course of a year, she gave up 208 hours of pay. But she still made the same hourly wage as her male counterparts and that is the part you on the left never want to discuss.
When a company advertises for help and they list the hourly wage, they don’t put an asterisk behind the salary that means
“*except if you are female”
I find it hilarious that the left constantly present false facts when it comes to pay while at the same time, Democrat congress critters pay their female staff less in hourly wage than their male staff. Care to explain that one?
Again, how so?
@Ronald J. Ward: You make many accusations without a single link to proof.
How many unions were broken during Trumps admin?
The osha rules which ones were weakened?
It was Biden who introduced taxation of social security.
Who is flooding the country with unskilled workers, allowing them into the interior with no health or background checks?
Are DNA tests being done to prevent childsex trafficking?
Then I really hope its your community they flood “refugees” with like they did Minneapolis. Build lots of low income housing in your neighborhood. Those are EOs from your “president”
He is going to have to build more Obama cages if you are keeping up on things.
You’re in violation of exposing yourself as an idiot. The above is a compilation I’ve put together of info and dates. Gotta problem with it ? Sue me. Maybe Soros will drop me like a Lou Dobbs.
So you really think your employment of 1 women is consistent with the pay inequality nation wide? Seriously?
I suspect Dem lawmakers as well as hard core Dem business folk around the country pay as little to anyone they can get away with. It’s just that Republicans are going to be the ones who fight like hell to keep it that way.
Why is it that Rs are so against a fair days pay for a fair day of work?
@Ronald J. Ward:
Actually, it was quite fair. I had to look long and hard to find a female technician in the field of cable TV that was capable of climbing telephone poles and could hang off them while installing electronic equipment, something I doubt you would ever be able to do.
How many females are on NFL/NBA teams? NONE. Could it be that those teams hire based on ability and not gender? How do they get by with that considering the left considers gender more important than ability?
They’re not. We just don’t think that wages should be inflated for no other reason than obscene union dues that only make fat cats out of the union big wigs.
Union President Wages:
AFT – Rhonda Weingarten $497,118 (how many teachers make that kind of money, Ward/AJ?)
Teamsters – James Hoffa $387,244
UAW – Danny Trull – $416,870
CWA – Lawrence Cohen – $201,458
@Ronald J. Ward:
So, you are unaware of who Bezos is and who owns Amazon. Or, are you merely lying again? Because, that is EXACTLY what you said. Or, explain what ELSE you meant by the open relationship between Trump a d Amazon.
Provide a citation for each.
@kitt: Like the idiot Biden, AJ just says what he is told to say. He doesn’t care if it’s true oe not.
@Deplorable Me:
Exactly what I said in comment # 16 of which you responded to was:
Fuck you.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Nice answer for being busted for total ignorance.
On his first day in office Joe Biden killed off an estimated 52,100 American jobs.
Joe killed more jobs in January than were created by the US economy.
No he didn’t.
Were they all pro-Trump propagandists?
The source is KATEHON, a right-wing Russian disinformation outlet.
@Greg: Seriously ?
Cancelling the Keystone Pipeline costs over 11,000 construction jobs and 42,100 jobs throughout the US during the construction process according to the US State Department.
Them sneaky Ruskis get their info from our State Dept.
Canceling the Trump border wall will cost 10,000 jobs. and likely illegal.
The US economy created only 49,000 net jobs in January following a decline of 227,000 in December according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
@Ronald J. Ward: Oooo! Nasty! What’s the matter, get caught in a lie and get all pissed off? Well, blow it off… you ALWAYS get caught in lies. Bezos and Amazon were pulling the Democrat train all along, you MORON.
Yeah. He did. Then he, Pelosi, Kamala and Kerry simply pissed all over them. None of them know what a job is; they think you just get paid to lie, like they do. Even more jobs have been killed off since.
@Greg: Well, how many jobs DID he destroy?
I’ve heard that Donald is out of work, so at least one.
@Greg: So, that’s your view; people who have their good jobs yanked out from under them by an IDIOT is just a joke. Well, that’s no different from how any other Democrat views people who work for a living. That’s why they have to use so much fraud to appear to “win” elections.
Yup you are correct nothing going on in Florida frightening the living crap out of the Rinos and Democrats. So ready to dirty their Depends they must fence themselves in and have the NG. (the new normal?)
How come we dont see Sandy at the fence fake crying like at the detention center?
ut we digress this is about 15 buck minimum wages that even Sanders said he doesnt support during the Biden pendemic.
@Deplorable Me: It was a Job that on did not need he took zero salary for, I bet Biden keeps his pay even as a multi millionaire.
@kitt: And you can bet Clinton and Obama still receive their pensions. You can also bet AJ and Greg don’t donate their Soros salaries to any charitable concern.
@retire05: You make a good point. To add to it, if I ran a business and I can pay women up to 25% less than men for the same work, I would never hire a man again.
Your example of hours worked, man vs woman, is not unique. Men don’t take time off for pregnancy either.
The 15 dollar an hour minimum wage argument is a political one not an economic one. The same is true for the term “living wage”.