Millenarian Thinking Leads To Hell, Not To Heaven

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Every once in a while, people start believing that the end of days is near and that if we don’t all repent immediately that end will be very bad. Almost always they are wrong.

It’s hard not to notice that we’re in a bit of a millenarian moment right now.   That’s true even if climate change is a genuine problem that will need, in one form or another, to be addressed. The way Members of Congress flocked to AOC’s “The world is going to end in 12 years” Green New Deal was truly astonishing. Who would have thought that anyone would jump to support a policy that reads like it was cooked up by a college sophomore on a binge weekend?

And don’t get me started about Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who is leading the children’s crusade against global warming in Europe (and being treated like a sage by European leaders).

If it looks and sounds like millenarianism, it is millenarianism.

Not every society has managed to pull itself back from the brink. Consider the fate of the mid-19th century Xhosa people of Southeastern Africa. Their “prophetess” was Nongqawuse–a teenage girl who was the Greta Thunberg of her day. She led her people to ruin.

One day in April or May of 1856, she went down to the river to do her chores.  When she returned, she said that she had encountered the spirits of several of her ancestors who told her that her people must destroy their crops and kill their cattle.  In return, the sun would rise red on February 18, 1857, and the Xhosa ancestors would sweep the British settlers from the land and bring the Xhosa fresh, healthier cattle.  (Some of their cattle had been suffering from a lung ailment, which may or may not have been brought by the British settlers’ cattle. Millenarianism is often arises in response to a real problem.)

Nongqawuse’s story struck a chord with some.  It started gaining momentum.

Stunningly, Sarhili, the Xhosa chieftain, agreed to do exactly as she urged.  Over the next year, a frenzy occurred in which it is estimated that between 300,000 and 400,000 cattle were killed and crops destroyed.  Historians sometimes call it the “Great Cattle Killing.”

But on February 18, 1857, the sun rose as usual.  It was not red.  And the Xhosa ancestors did not show.  But the Xhosa people had destroyed their livelihood.  In the resulting famine, the population of the area dropped from 105,000 to less than 27,000.  Cannibalism was reported.  Following Nongqawuse’s advice was a calamity of staggering proportions for the Xhosa people.

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It was a Joke, you people do not understand her dry humor, she needs a stand-up comedy job after she gets voted out of office.
She doesn’t like we are laughing at her, not with the queen of cow farts.
I would have paid to be a fly on the wall when she first flipped he power switch on the garbage disposal and the sink became a possessed growling monster.
Lets play name that kitchen gadget.
Many of these kids are now moving out of the house after getting JOBs they are awakening to the shock of the electric bill that has to be paid every month.

I really love the title: Millenarian-thinking-leads-to-hell-not-to-heaven.
Altho these last 10 years have exposed false global warming fallacies and “evidences,” the fright leading to this millenarian fervor has kept increasing.
Schools are behind this, not just pols like AOC.
Once was students knew how to compute, to think critically, to reach an educated conclusion.
Not anymore.
A mind that’s empty leaves itself open for any wild, crazy opinion to take root.
That’s what’s happened.
I used to make fun of Obama’s CAFE standards that were scientifically and economically infeasible to reach.
But these millenarians don’t care about reality.
New Mexico has just adopted AOC’s Green New Deal as law:
It can’t be done, it won’t be done, but it is a redistribution scam.
Oh, well, the fool and his money….

At least Nongqawuse was sincere in her beliefs. She didn’t tell everyone to destroy their livelihoods but kept her own. She wasn’t looking for wealth and prestige for her proclamations.

I was once a believer (and worrier) of global warming. However, seeing the leaked information from East Anglia that proved the global warming barkers were intentionally suppressing evidence contrary to the scenario they were promoting and showing they were manipulating their evidence of climate change made me suspicious enough to research further. No, I won’t be supporting cutting my own throat on the altar of global warming. Let AOC and Gore go first.

@Deplorable Me: Bilderbergers are meeting this week to decide the agenda moving forward.