Migrant Crisis Motive Revealed

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by Martin Armstrong

Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke is running for re-election this year in New York’s 9th District to FINISH THE JOB of utterly destroying New York. To achieve her goal of ruining a once great city, Clarke is demanding MORE illegal migrants. Clarke actually admitted that the Democrats need more migrants to overrun their cities and states for “redistricting purposes.”

“I’m from Brooklyn, New York. We have a diaspora that can absorb a significant number of these migrants,” said Clarke, who has served on the House Committee on Homeland Security. “When I hear colleagues talk about, you know, the doors of the inn being closed — ah, no room at the inn — I’m saying I need more people in my district just for redistricting purposes.”

Now, redrawing districts is a common tactic used by the right and left. However, dismantling the Constitution to allow non-citizens to enter the country and vote is not.

Watch how the federal government blames the state government in the video above. No one will take responsibility for the state of our nation.

Did Clarke actually admit that the invasion of America under Joe Biden was a deliberate ploy for votes?

Republican New York City councilwoman explained the situation in further detail. “Congressional seats are allocated by population. Higher population states get more congressional seats, and therefore more political power in Washington. “Blue states have been LOSING seats as people flee progressive policies,” continued Paladino. “We’re set to possibly lose THREE seats by 2030 in NY. These allocations are determined by census-calculated raw population, including illegals. See how it works?”

Clarke is from Brooklyn, where children were just expelled from school to make room for illegal migrants. Clarke was responsible for passing the Dream and Promise Act (H.R. 6) legislation that provided 2.5 million illegal migrants, or dreamers, temporary residence in America and an easy path to citizenship.

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SHOWDOWN: Biden Regime Strikes Back After Texas National Guard Seizes Control of Public Park in Eagle Pass, Kicks Out Border Patrol Agents

Abbot as governor does what the federal is supposed to do but won’t, protect the citizens of his state.

And then garland sues to continue to break the law, preposterous.

Not only is Abbott shipping undocumented aliens all over the US at taxpayer expense; he’s now preventing them from being identified and kept track of.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is violating the Constitution by not defending the border and citizens. He should be dragged out of the White House RIGHT NOW.

Otherwise, all you whining, crying leftists need to shut your F**KING MOUTHS about having a few thousand illegal delivered to your stinking shithole cities.


biden violated his oath

Biden can Go Pound Sand the Lonestar State is telling Der Fehrer to Screw It

See B.S. Fake News they need a total Boycott against See B.S. Fake News

And then whiny, crybaby “sanctuary” mayors and governors blame Abbott and DeSantis because they get a few thousand of the 8 million illegal immigrants Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has lured and let into out country. The pretend they are doing all they can and don’t have any answers while they fight tooth and nail against anyone that DOES know what to do and does it.

Everyone involved needs to be impeached.

Abbott has transported over 85,000 undocumented aliens across the US, keeping no records of where they were sent. He’s now directly blocking the record keeping process.

And then whiny, crybaby “sanctuary” mayors and governors blame Abbott and DeSantis because they get a few thousand of the 8 million…

Seen the videos, greg.
Everyone of those illegals WANTED to get on those buses/planes.
They wanted to go to Chicago, New York, New Jersey, etc.
1% of those caught is all.
The rest sit in tents behind chain link fences (Cry, AOC, cry!)
Or the feds send them to other states to try to break the backs of “red” states.

And how many has Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden sent by plane and bus? Don’t worry about tracking them; this regime is keeping PRECISE records, like the tens of thousands of children they’ve just LOST.

You were pleased and proud when kids were being lost during the Trump Administration. Why the shift in opinion?

Last edited 8 months ago by Michael

“Whay”? WHAY the shift in opinion? What the hell is that?

It’s a typo. I’ll fix it, just for you.

I fixed the typo for you. Now: why the shift in opinion?

I just thought that would be cute since you get such a kick out of making a big deal of typos.

Now, how is my opinion different? Give me a sample of my opinion when Obama left Trump with the massive illegal immigration problem, had kids in cages, was separating and losing children, then blaming it all on Trump when he took over.

How many children has Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden lost track of? 300,000? 500,000?

Last edited 8 months ago by Just Plain Bill

Maybe Biden should nationalize the Texas National Guard and have Abbott arrested. Presidents are now and forever immune from prosecution, you know.

We’re going to see frozen immigrants in the coming days. Abbott shipped them to locations lacking any further ability to take them in off the streets.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

We’re going to see frozen immigrants in the coming days. Abbott shipped them to locations lacking any further ability to take them in off the streets.

Too bad. Sucks to be them.
Not our problem.

Last edited 8 months ago by TrumpWon

It’s not a federal problem if Texas’ electrical grid goes down again.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Ya fuck those tax payers, right Greggie?

11/17/23 – ERCOT cancels request for additional energy reserves after low market response

A program to bolster energy reserves has been canceled by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas ahead of a potentially hazardous winter after a limited response from the market.

The state’s electrical grid operator said they were seeking procurement for additional power generation from various energy providers by having them fire up their dormant power plants—but the demand was not met by the companies.

ERCOT sought to boost the reserves after an analysis showed them that if severe winter conditions strike in the 2023-2024 season, there would be a 20% chance of ERCOT entering emergency energy conditions.

The organization said they only received 11.1 MW of potentially eligible capacity of the 3,000 MW they requested from energy companies.

The low-yield of power they did receive would only be enough to power 2,200 homes of the roughly 600,000 they sought to power should emergency conditions arise…

Wow looks like those china owned wind farms are pretty useless, If operational in freezing temps they drop by 50 % in production. I have the ability to drop off grid and not freeze. I find it essential having hot water heat, If my house freezes my radiators would burst, having to replace them would be really expensive at about $500 each times 10 in the house. Cant just drain the plumbing and go to a relatives house or hotel. If I spend a little more there are decorative antique models I would love.

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You’re such a piece of shit, Comrade Greggie: Why didn’t you include this?

The request for additional capacity was an extra layer of precaution to mitigate higher risk during extreme weather this winter,” said Vegas in an release from the organization. “ERCOT is not projecting emergency conditions this winter and expects to have adequate resources to meet demand.”

What does that have to do with Democrat gross incompetency, anti-American policies, open borders and refusing to enforce immigration laws? What an absolutely stupid and infantile response. You never disappoint.

Too bad. Sucks to be them.

Not our problem.

I hope you don’t pretend to yourself that you’re a good Christian.

Why should anyone worry themselves about problems you leftists create? YOU don’t worry about them. Yeah, it sucks to fall into the trap and make yourself a leftist pawn. Sucks real bad.

“Give thou thy love only to things and people of which you approve; as for the rest: not your problem. Sucks to be them.”

—The MAGA New Testament

Yet those who created the problem don’t give half a shit about the fate of the illegal immigrants you lured to make the long trip to our border, risk death, pay off cartels and an uncertain fate across our border. That is the same old leftist doctrine.

What does leftist doctrine have to do with your duty as a good Christian?

Leftist doctrine works in direct opposition to Christianity and civility.

But what does that have to do with *your* duty as a good Christian?

What does your view of a “good Christian”, you being someone that votes for the creation of all these human tragedies and all this human suffering, matter?

Actually, I’m questioning what your view of what a good Christian is.

It can’t be explained to someone that believes abusing illegal immigrants and human trafficking is an acceptable way to manufacture votes for your party.

It can’t be explained 

Truer words, I’m guessing, were never typed.

Naturally you have to take words out of context in order to respond. Why do you hate all illegal immigrants?

Actually, I’m questioning what your view of what a good Christian is.

Actually, you’re acting above your paygrade, groomer.


He is prowling. We can see what becomes of following his cult. Poorly educated children crime, filth, envy, lust, confusion, disease and sloth.

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

And see what someone that exploits human beings and thinks everyone else should be expected to pay the costs of it looks like.

Wishing to destroy all aspects of our inheritance and any of our children. Look what they have done to the beautiful cities of the world.

Jesus’s social policies were decidedly leftist.

No, he never told his followers it was ok to shit in the streets and steal.

But he did say that you are supposed to love even those who do.

Oh the problem will need to be dealt with all the lunatics and prisoners let loose and bussed here will be given a one way ticket back to country of origin, by the millions.

None of us want to be YOUR idea model of a Christian, take your lucifarian, satanic twisted shit and go fuck yourself.

My idea of a model Christian is a person who, among other things, loves his neighbor as he loves himself, and one who treats others as he himself would like to be treated. What brand of Christianity are you following in which those ideas are satanic and luciferian?

So, your idea of “loving your neighbor” is to offer incentives to break our immigration laws, make cartels fabulously rich in the process, get them here and use them as political pawns and exploit them as props? I pray to God I’m not your “Christian ideal”. You have no concept of the idea.

Last edited 8 months ago by Just Plain Bill

So, your idea of “loving your neighbor” is to offer incentives to break our immigration laws, make cartels fabulously rich in the process, get them here and use them as political pawns and exploit them as props?

No, my idea of “loving your neighbor” is loving your neighbor and caring for them.

Jesus would say that those being used as political pawns—the poor and downtrodden—deserve to receive your love as much as anyone. God’s love is supposed to be for everyone, not just the people who do things the way you like them to be done.

Last edited 8 months ago by Michael

Matthew 10:34Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.…
Luke 12:51
Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but division.

As to “political pawns,” Jesus said “Woe to you if you lead one of my least ones astray. It would be better for you to put a millstone around your neck and jump into the sea.”

Jesus also said, “If you bring the Good News to someone and he rejects your message, leave, shake the dust off your feet and don’t go back.”

So how does “the sword” apply to poor people trying desperately to find better lives for themselves in a country you think of as the greatest on Earth?

Are the poor, the downtrodden, and the destitute the cancer that is supposed to be sliced off in that metaphor?

The sword is to separate the Godly from the un-Godly. Have you determined that all these immigrants are un-Godly?

Last edited 8 months ago by Michael

False teachers encourage people to BREAK the LAW.Christians don’t break laws.
There are plenty of false teachers, including those who “help” poor innocent, downtrodden people to break laws.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 ESV
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
Romans 16:17-20 ESV I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
2 Timothy 2:15 ESV Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

Are you saying that, by breaking our law, the illegal immigrants have revealed themselves to not be Christians? Please correct me if I’m misinterpreting what you wrote.

They reveal themselves to be deceived.
Naive, as you called them.
Those who convinced them to follow that path are condemned IF they also claim to be Christians.
Christians are supposed to make sure about all things themselves, but many just take the word of leaders who have agendas unknown to them.

Even better! Poor, desperate, and deceived—strangers in a strange land. And you believe that Jesus would say, “Not my problem. Sucks to be them.”

Jesus would allow the STATE to send them away.
As for the men who convinced them to come in the first place: damnation.

Even better! Not my problem. Sucks to be them.

See what I mean?

What are you referring to?

Your exposed hatred.

by breaking our law, the illegal immigrants have revealed themselves to not be Christians

Wow. That’s kind of harsh.

Most of us love the immigrant. I love the various cultures. What we oppose is illegal immigration and we, unlike leftists, realize the detrimental burden 7 million of them at a time bear on the nation and the taxpayer.

You, of course, can’t comprehend that. All you see is the Democrat’s plan working, potential future Democrat votes, a lovely wedge issue to use to demonize anyone that dares to respect law, order and the nation.

No, my idea of “loving your neighbor” is loving your neighbor and caring for them.

You mean is it is SOMEONE ELSE loving your neighbor. You obviously don’t because you treat them as political pawns and don’t care how many die in the process.

You obviously don’t because you treat them as political pawns and don’t care how many die in the process.

I do? I haven’t done anything to anyone.

Anyway, I don’t claim to be a good Christian.

I do? I haven’t done anything to anyone.

Yes you have. By supporting Democrats, making excuses for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and supporting open borders, you are responsible for causing the disaster on our border and all the tragedy and misery that befalls illegal immigrants. YOU are the problem because YOU oppose the solution.

Okay. Let’s take you at your word, for the sake of discussion: I’m the problem.

But what do my failings as a human have to do with your failings as a Christian?

How is it that your failings as a patriotic American, one that always and consistently supports that which harms and degrades this nation equate to me somehow being a failed Christian (which indeed, may be the case. My Judgement is yet to occur and it won’t be by the likes of you)?

My Judgement is yet to occur and it won’t be by the likes of you

Does it concern you? Do you honestly believe that you’ll make the cut, as full of hatred as you are for so many people?

Who is it I hate?

Jesus said: To you(believers) it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the unbelievers it is in parables, so that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.

See, you can NEVER understand.
You are spiritually blind.
The course you’d need to chart to come to understand is one that you may yet make, but, for now, you are blinded by your own disbelief.

Are you saying that only a true Christian could understand why it’s acceptable—nay, required— to behave in the most un-Christian of ways?

Verily, God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.

Is that why you so ardently support the most un-Godly treatment of these people, because you aren’t a Christian?

Why do you keep trying to steer this away from the clearly un-Christian way you approach this migrant issue?

No, my idea of “loving your neighbor” is loving your neighbor and caring for them.

So, how many illegal immigrants do you have in your home?

08/10/23 – Christianity Today Editor: Evangelicals Call Jesus “Liberal” and “Weak” –

A former evangelical leader is sounding the alarm about the direction his religion is headed in.

The editor in chief of Christianity Today is warning that evangelical Christianity is moving too far to the right, to the point that even Jesus’s teachings are considered “weak” now.

Russell Moore resigned from the Southern Baptist Convention in 2021, after years of being at odds with other evangelical leaders. Specifically, Moore openly criticized Donald Trump, whom many evangelical Christians embraced. Moore also criticized the Southern Baptist Convention’s response to a sexual abuse crisis and increasing tolerance for white nationalism in the community.

Now he thinks his religion is in crisis.

Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?”

“What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’” Moore said. “When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.”

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Pollster Frank Luntz Cringes as Admits Trump Will Win in 2024 (Video)

Trump is subversive to fundamental Christian values.

How so? What does a degenerate leftist know of “fundamental Christian values”?

Why ask a “degenerate leftist”? You should compare your cult leader’s sermons with what Jesus said. See if you can find anything that corresponds.

Better still, look at how he has lived his life, since words are cheap and often deceptive.

How so? What does a degenerate leftist know of “fundamental Christian values”?

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

What does a degenerate leftist know of “fundamental Christian values”?

For that matter, what do you know about Leftists? You’re not a Leftist.

I see them and observe them every day. Here we are discussing one of their more onerous agendas. It seems I have you pretty well nailed.

I see them and observe them every day. 

And I’ve been surrounded almost entirely by Christianity the many long decades of my life. I did go to church when I was younger, and I’ve spent years studying the history of Christianity for my job. I just wasn’t indoctrinated into it as a defenseless child, as you were.

I don’t think you’ve ever been around Christianity or Christians or at least some good would have rubbed off on you. Christians don’t turn people into props like you and those you support do.

I don’t think

And more’s the pity.

Again, like most leftists, to have a comment you have to destroy the full context. By all measures, I’ve given my positions far more insightful thought than you have. Blindly following a fascist ideology is certainly not thinking, but that’s what makes you a leftist.

Im sure you are the next CNN “expert” on the subject, and then they can trot you out as a constitutional “expert”.
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Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

Trump has tapped the power of 97.43

I get how you would rather argue religion than the disaster your putz, liar, corrupt pedophile and traitor, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, has made of the border and how the reasons this is a plan rather than a glitch is being exposed, but I’m simply not into it.

How “Chrisitan” is it to use desperate people as pawns and allow thousands of terrorists to sneak into this country along with them?

How “Chrisitan” is it to use desperate people as pawns and allow thousands of terrorists to sneak into this country along with them?

Not very. Neither is it very Christian to hate those poor, desperate strangers the way you guys do.

So, you face double jeopardy, as you not only hate them but you also use them as pawns.

I hate them? How do you figure?

You support toying with human beings. You support the Democrat policy of offering illegal immigrants incentives to put themselves at the mercy of human traffickers, make a long, dangerous journey, women and girls being raped, drugs trafficked, cartels enriched to phenomenal levels and our border flooded, all for the Democrat strategy of trying to get the tens of millions of illegal immigrants here to vote for them.

Further, you hate your fellow countrymen, those who live in border states and are expected to foot the entire tab for this insidious plan.

Yeah, you hate them. You hate their living guts. You don’t want to see them, hear them and you damn sure don’t want to live around them. You just want them to serve the slavish purpose the Democrats have assigned them

I hate them

Your support for the open border and human trafficking makes that clear.

We dont hate them, we want them to go peacefully home .

hate those poor

Yes, we know you do.

Poll: Americans Identifying as Democrat Falls to Record Low, Best Numbers for GOP Since 1991


Those that identify as as Republican is low, too, but those are more likely to vote for Trump than the Republican party.

Red States Reject Biden Admin’s Laughable Summer Grocery Program

Wow. The idea of kids getting enough food during the summer is now “laughable.” What next? Tying kids to railroad tracks as you twirl your friggin’ mustache?

That’s a nice idea, but the reality is the Democrats want to buy votes and steal from the funds.

Where’s my extra $1,700 the Democrats say I have every month?

Thats really deceptive, the value of your house has gone up, cause you dont want to sell it which now you will be taxed additional for. Real cost is about -12K per family in gas groceries and clothing prices.

Good thing we are not evangelicals. Its always the 2 non-Christians that bring it up.
Mikey for instance, ok you Chrisians listen up as I tell you how to you dont meet the standards, nevermind I follow religiously a failed system where remedial reading is a thing in college.
How do these people get accepted to a college?

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

Do you treat others as yourself want to be treated?

Did I tell you today how well my kids and grandkids are doing? Daughter is settling into a new house, I and my grand daughter went shopping for her new girlie bedroom good fun picking out lace and frills. Her horseback lessons continue on both english and western. Her little brother collects more belts and stripes in martial arts, just had his hockey skates sharpened today, he is fast outgrowing his safety equipment, Grandma has already sewed extensions on the straps of this set.
My oldest Grandson has finally reached his Dads height, at 15, I expect he will be a bit taller very soon.
Little dog of mine begging to go out, wanted to change her mind with 8 inches on the ground and her 8 inches at the shoulder , shoveled a path to her spot, she was spinning by the time I was done.
All warm and cozy in the house, will be making one of Sweeties favorites for dinner, he worked hard getting rid of the rest of the snow in the drive and walks.

Wow. That’s a heck of a deflection.

Ask more personal questions bwahaaha

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

Well, I thought it was interesting.

I have much to be greatful for, Christ is king.

Maybe Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden shouldn’t have reversed every border security mechanism had in place, which were working GREAT. Maybe Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden should DO HIS FUCKING JOB and stop being an incompetent piece of pedophile shit.

Abbott has only sent illegal immigrants where they wanted to go and which were wonderful sanctuary cities that WANT all the illegal immigrants they can possibly get.

Yes, she actually did reveal the truth that we all already knew.

Jerry Nadler added a coda to why we NEED all these illegals.
That racist, Jerry Nadler, said we need illegals to do all our menial work.
Cause that’s what they do, right?
Truth is fewer than 2% of them ever even ask for a “Work Permit.”
They just collect gov’t gimmes/
If Trump had said that we need illegals or else who would clean our toilets, who would pick our crops, he’d have been excoriated in the press.
But Jerry Nadler got away with it.

Last edited 8 months ago by Nan G

But, you can, I assume, see why Nadler would be seriously worried about food being supplied.

Nadler may be fat, but you’re a five-star asshole. Nadler could lose weight if he wanted to, but your assholery is apparently a terminal condition; it ain’t goin’ nowhere.

Nadler is fat, corrupt and incontinent. He’s a liar and a turd, just what you Californian’s love. But, at least, unlike you (a true drooling asshole), I don’t support abusing illegal immigrants to use as political pawns.

“You Californians”? You’re a Californian.

Am I? Really? Since when?

You live up in the State of Jefferson™. Why are you pretending?

Only you are pretending to know where I live. I’ve actually made it clear where I live but, as usual, you have to invent a lie in order to bolster some vapid point.

Weird little game, man, but okay.

Your game, so of course it’s weird.

Nadler could lose weight if he wanted to,

Apparently he wanted to since he had stomach staple surgery. Sadly, no one told Jerry Nadler being fat, and stupid, is no way to go through life.

but your assholery is apparently a terminal condition; it ain’t goin’ nowhere.

Looking in the mirror again, groomer?

Sadly, no one told Jerry Nadler being fat, and stupid, is no way to go through life.

Unless, of course, you are a Democrat.

Tennessee looking to ban Agendas 21 and 2030 and thwart the UN/Globalists

“I Plead With You for Mercy” – Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker is The Latest Pro-Illegal Immigration Democrat to Beg Greg Abbott to stop Sending Illegals – Pritzker Previously Diverted Housing Dollars From Citizens to House Illegals

Schumer-Lankford Border Deal Includes Controversial Plan to Increase Green Cards by 50,000 Annually and Allow 150,000 Illegal Immigrants Monthly

What they want is for the federal government to send them billions of dollars to support the illegals. This gives them another huge pot of unregulated money to steal from. When the regime won’t send them more money, because getting Congress to let some go would require admitting there IS a problem, then the “sanctuary cities and states” don’t want the wetbacks.

TEXAS STRIKES BACK: Lone Star State Defies Biden Regime’s Outrageous Lawsuit Threat – Begins Arresting and Charging Illegal Aliens (VIDEO)