Meet the Democrats chummy with Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards

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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:

Tuesday brought with it a devastating news cycle. Video footage showed a Planned Parenthood doctor munching on salad, sipping red wine, casually chatting about harvesting baby hearts and livers for cash.

Towards the end of the video footage, the undercover videographers approach Planned Parenthood President, Cecile Richards (Daughter of Former Texas Governor Ann Richards), identifying themselves as employees of an organ harvesting organization. Richards says of the baby part harvesting abortion doctor, “she’s amazing.”

Since the horrifying footage was released, Planned Parenthood claimed the video was “heavily edited,” and “falsely portrays Planned Parenthood’s participation in tissue donation programs.”

Richards personally sounded off on Twitter defending Planned Parenthood and also quoting Jane Austen.

We decided to take a cursory look at those Richards supports and those that support Richards’ work. This list is by no means exhaustive.

Hillary Clinton

Senator John Tester, (D-Montana)

Michael Eric Dyson, Georgetown Prof, Author, NY Times Contributing Opinion Writer, MSNBC Political Analyst

Rep. Scott Peters (D – California)

Senator Kirsten Gilibrand (D – New York)

The fail that was (is?) Battleground Texas

Senator Patty Murray (D – Washington)

Rep. Sarah Davis (D – Texas)

Annette Taddeo, Christ’s former running mate, now Congressional Candidate (D – Florida)

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Curt, when I first watched this video, I thought, there is no way that the progressive left can spin this positively, nor can it defend it. It’s impossible to do.

I was supremely wrong. Wrong. The socialists have come to the defence of this butchery with feigned conviction. We exist in different universes.

Watching this leaves you speechless.

I just can’t get over the matter of fact conversation.
It is really disturbing to hear those who are now actually “defending” this…its even more disturbing to know I share space with people who casually flip this off…

After watching this, I thought about the push a few years ago for stem cell research…could that have been a ‘cover’ for this ghoulish enterprise? And how about most recently the new push for late term abortions??

How “deep” (in a political sense) does this go…since this is such a hot topic with democrats/liberals being “for” abortion.

How can people get so duped by an argument over “it’s a women’s right…and her body” this argument is to me, now even more suspect.

Thank God for the Conservative people in this country who never give up asking common sense questions, who doubt, who suspect things are not right, who dig for answers, and in this case particularly, expose Lies people are being Fed.

This issue solely lies in the lap of the Democrats and Liberals…(the never ending voice of abortion and the resulting meme — it’s only a blob of tissue). Not no more!

Anyone who has ever supported abortion and the party that supports it, should be ashamed of themselves.
Sadly, we will find out they are not ashamed. We will be subject to the excuses, Lies, justifications, the finger pointing…the BLAME which will ensue over the following days, weeks, and months…

Obama: Do What We Can to Save One Child, But Infanticide Okay

We need a new word besides hypocrisy; that no longer describes the left.