The New York Times published a story on March 1, based on anonymous sources, claiming that Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., and Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., had met with House Speaker Paul Ryan to blame Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., for leaking texts between Mark Warner and the attorney for a Russian oligarch connected to the author of the salacious and unverified dossier the FBI used to secure a wiretap against a Trump campaign affiliate.
It was a weird story for many reasons. For one, it was the first time the paper had even mentioned these encrypted texts, despite their newsworthiness and the dramatic twist they gave parts of the Russia investigation.
For another, the story was denied publicly by Burr, who told CNN that the account was simply wrong.
For another, it turned out that no members on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence had even seen the texts, according to Nunes and others on the committee.
But the weirdest part about the story is that The New York Times is a frequent recipient of actual leaks from House Democrats on the Intelligence Committee. On Feb. 27, Democrats on the committee leaked Hope Hicks’ testimony directly to The New York Times. In fact, Nicholas Fandos, the very same reporter on the anonymously sourced story about House Republicans supposedly leaking, received a leak from Democrats on the committee, which he immediately published under the headline, “Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump.”
Fandos ran with the spin given to him by Schiff and his staff.
WASHINGTON — Hope Hicks, the White House communications director, told House investigators on Tuesday that her work for President Trump, who has a reputation for exaggerations and outright falsehoods, had occasionally required her to tell white lies.
But after extended consultation with her lawyers, she insisted that she had not lied about matters material to the investigations into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible links to Trump associates, according to three people familiar with her testimony.
The exchange came during more than eight hours of private testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. Ms. Hicks declined to answer similar questions about other figures from the Trump campaign or the White House.
The story is based on three anonymous Democrats who serve on or work for the committee. A Republican who serves on the committee spoke publicly about this top news that Fandos carried directly from Democrats’ spin room to the pages of the New York Times. In fact, he said that the latest — of dozens upon dozens — of leaks from House Democrats was the last straw for him, not just because it was yet another leak but because it was spun so falsely.
“We’ve gotten to the point now where we’re literally bringing people in for nine hours just so the Democrats can leak to the press,” said Rep. Tom Rooney, R-Fla.
Anyone who: 1. cares; and 2. is capable of independent thinking – has known since the Spanish American War (thats 120 years) that The Press(LSM in 21st century talk) fights for the Democrats and against Republicans. After almost 6 generations of “progressive” bias I think it is safe to say the media will always pus a leftist agenda as “news”.
Especially when they lie and say they are for a Republican. A specific example.
In ’66 the LAT published a 1,500 word smear of Ronnie. They called it “an endorsement”! FAKE NEWS It was the reason for my first letter to the editor.
If accuracy in reporting was something that they worried about, they would have learned their lesson and double-checked the stories before publication after the first dozen or so embarrassments. They DON’T care. All they care about is negative reporting on Republicans. They know most of their reporting is lies, anyway.
One reports a lie, the others source the liar soon the lie is everywhere never retracted by any of them.
When not reporting the source the story should be ignored if it is classified information, the media should be prosecuted or fined heavily.
Non partisan organization calls out MSLSD about antagonizing Russia , doushe-bags would love to see a war just as they love school shootings more corpses! Resist at all costs as long as they dont pay, you do. Anyone notice that Madcow looks a bit like Herman Munster? Liberals and Neo-cons are not pushing for peace more than willing to put our young men, women and whatits up for blood sacrifice, not to win either. Best way to lie just dont report the truth.
Putin just pulled out a big ass missile to show the west, a warning.