Media Can’t Figure Out if Tillerson Proves Or Disproves Their Russia Conspiracy Theory

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President Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he let Rex Tillerson go as Secretary of State and nominated CIA Director Mike Pompeo to replace him. And Russia conspiracy theorists are pretty sure this is evidence that Donald Trump is a traitor who colludes with Russia. Or something.

Here’s NBC’s senior political editor:

The paper of record suggests something nefarious:

Here’s Fusion GPS’ mouthpiece at The Atlantic:

NeverTrump conservative contributor at CNN:

Mother Jones DC bureau chief agrees:

MSNBC security analyst:

MSNBC host:

Vanity Fair contributing editor:

Amy Siskind:

NeverTrump’s chief social media activist:

ABC’s chief foreign correspondent:

The idea that Trump fired Tillerson because he was upset at Tillerson being too tough on Russia is delusional. Tillerson rather famously disagreed with Trump on Jerusalem, Qatar, North Korea, and Iran. Trump said earlier today, in fact, “When you look at the Iran deal, I think it’s terrible.” Tillerson, he said, thought “it was okay. I wanted to either break it or do something, and he felt a little bit differently. So we were not really thinking the same.”

Even Saturday Night Live is making fun of conspiracy theorists who still cling to a theory that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election from its rightful heir Hillary Clinton. When you’ve lost Saturday Night Live during its resistance-isn’t-funny era, you’re in bad shape.

The idea that Trump fired Tillerson over Russia is also a complete narrative flip from where the media were when he was nominated. Then, the nomination of Rex Tillerson to be Secretary of State was evidence for the Treasonous Collusion With Russia Conspiracy Theory!

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