Media Again Exploit Tragedy to Strip Trump Supporters’ Self-Defense Right

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Two unrelated terror attacks over the past ten days have revealed an establishment media rabidly desperate to strip President Trump and his supporters of our right to defend ourselves.

Even before we knew the identity or motive of the man behind a dozen or so pipe bombs mailed to prominent left-wingers — CNN, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, George Soros, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters, Robert De Niro, etc. — the media were already speculating and exploiting this appalling crime into a weapon to strip us of our First Amendment rights —  and not just us, but the free speech rights of our own President Trump.

As the media blasted away at anyone who dared speculate about the bomber’s motive, even as they themselves speculated that it could only be a Trump supporter (or Russian interference on behalf of Trump), this speculation was used as a weapon to chill our free speech…

Trump must stop criticizing the media! Trump must stop defending himself from fake news! Trump supporters must stop chanting, “CNN sucks!” Trump and his supporters must agree to roll over and play dead even as they are smeared as “Nazis” and “cunts.”

And my personal favorite…

Trump and his supporters must stop defending themselves against those who call for violence against them!

Even though those mentioned above have all openly called for violence — never forget that De Niro threatened to assault Trump, Waters called for us to be bullied out of public spaces, Hillary called for incivility, Biden said he wanted to assault Trump, Booker ordered his followers to get in our face, Soros funds left-wing terrorists, CNN has been promotingand normalizing political violence against us for years — even though we are now under assault due to an unprecedented epidemic of violence, the media still believe they can emotionally blackmail us to roll over and play dead, even as Democrats attempt to assassinate us, assault us, destroy our property, and harass our wives — all while CNN asks for more.

And naturally, even though the media portray themselves as neutral umpires, as patriots who only want to unite and heal, it is only ever the political right that must roll over and play dead.

When a Bernie Bro screams about health care and attempts to assassinate a baseball field full of Republican lawmakers, the media argue that it would be wrong to blame Democrats and all their rhetoric about us trying to kill people by repealing Obamacare.

And when Donald Trump Jr. receives a letter filled with white powder and Republican senators and a Republican president have ricin mailed to them, the media not only have nothing to say about Democrat rhetoric — or, heaven forbid, their own hateful rhetoric — the media can hardly be bothered to cover the story at all.

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The left (which of course includes the media) views everything through a lens which filters out reality and only allows blame for Republicans through. The level the shrill left wing calls for violence and blame for everyone else has reached is enough to drive anyone over the edge; it is no surprise when someone already over there stupidly acts upon it.

Trump has been calling for civility and reconciliation since his inauguration. The left has been calling for resistance, disobedience, obstruction, harassment, intimidation and violence since Trump won. You tell me who needs to take stock of their behavior and who has been contributing to most to the incivility and rancorous rhetoric.

Trump has been calling for civility and reconciliation since his inauguration.

So this guy at the rallies who has constantly insulted, demeaned, and and told vicious lies about anyone and everyone who opposed him from the moment he announced his candidacy is actually a Trump imposture?

@Greg: No, the guy that responds to attacks on himself with a vigorous defense asked for civility and calm after the election was over. You leftist crybaby sore losers are not mature enough to accept the fact that the worst candidate in the history of candidates got just what she deserved… to be defeated… and keep promoting violence.

@Deplorable Me: Doesnt matter how much evidence that is laid before an NPC audience they only can say what they are programmed to say. That is why they hate the meme war, not clever enough to create an original thought, sometimes they will try (and fail) to hijack a meme.
They are desperate to silence not only Trump but most alternative to liberal billionaires media.





~Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

They are desperate to silence not only Trump but most alternative to liberal billionaires media.

You’re being transparently manipulated by a lying billionaire conman, who just pushed through huge permanent tax cuts for the nation’s biggest and richest corporations and the nation’s wealthiest families—his own nest of thieves included.

How do you account for the fact that the “liberal billionaires media” promotes the truth that this is NOT good for mainstream Americans? Unlike the GOP, it would appear that they aren’t being driven entirely by self interest. If they were, why wouldn’t they just take the money and shut up, or take to selling the lie that Trump is about Making America Great Again?

Trump is playing you people like a fiddle.

No, the guy that responds to attacks on himself with a vigorous defense asked for civility and calm after the election was over.

Trump on Twitter, 2 hours ago:

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

Just watched Wacky Tom Steyer, who I have not seen in action before, be interviewed by @jaketapper. He comes off as a crazed & stumbling lunatic who should be running out of money pretty soon. As bad as their field is, if he is running for President, the Dems will eat him alive!

10:03 AM – 28 Oct 2018

20 of Trump’s Worst Tweets (So Far)


How do you account for the fact that the “liberal billionaires media” promotes the truth that this is NOT good for mainstream Americans?


Um… did you know Steyer was providing financial support for Trump’s impeachment? Despite the FACT that Trump has done nothing to be impeached FOR? He has also been offering Democrat financial bribes. Steyer IS whacky, not to mention a traitor. Trump is right on target once again.

Interesting watching the Sunday shows work frantically to convince America that something President Trump said or did led to yesterday’s horrible massacre. They didn’t have time to explain how he caused the 10 similar massacres that happened during Obama’s 8 years.
Yes MSM alternative facts?
Of course the entire Russian collusion conspiracy theory.
2 of the most articulate self aware female democrats.

@Greg: you are unbelievable. If you hate your situation so much move to a country like Venezuela that better suits your values. In fact all of the communist democrat party of hate and violence should follow.

Um… did you know Steyer was providing financial support for Trump’s impeachment?

Yes, to the tune of around $10 million. Apparently he wants to be rid of our current Liar-in-Chief more than he wants to keep his new billionaire tax cuts. I appreciate his patriotism and his priorities.


@Enchanted. #9:

I don’t hate my situation, which is actually quite good. I hate what Trump and the GOP are doing to my country. Perhaps you should find some autocratic, right-wing nation where plutocracy and corruption currently rule the land. Russia might be just right for you.

@Greg: What are they doing to “your” country.
too many jobs? Attempting to give people choices what is it man why is your side so hell bent on absolute control of every human being?

@Greg: Guess this is the current hot-button at the organization Greg gets paid by to post propaganda.

Always interesting to see where they focus…gives you an idea of their next idiotic mind play on the exploitable people of this country.

@kitt, #12:

Attempting to give people choices what is it man why is your side so hell bent on absolute control of every human being?

You mean like the Democratic Party supporting every woman’s right to sovereign authority over her own body, and the right to decide for herself whether or not to continue a pregnancy, rather than having it mandated by Church and State?


Yes, to the tune of around $10 million. Apparently he wants to be rid of our current Liar-in-Chief more than he wants to keep his new billionaire tax cuts.

Well, he started BEFORE the tax cuts. He wants Trump impeached because he is not the President he wanted, sort of a wealthy temper tantrum. So, why wouldn’t Trump strike back? This person is threatening Trump for personal reasons, not due to anything Trump has done. People like Steyer DESERVE to be denounced by anyone that actually loves and respects this country. Usurping power is not how we operate the government. Your 9 impeachable offenses are ALL wishful thinking by spoiled, sore loser crybabies. None are based in fact.

I hate what Trump and the GOP are doing to my country.

Yeah, a booming economy, full employment, lowest minority unemployment in history, lowest unemployment for women in history, ISIS finally being defeated, a stronger military, greater respect for US influence around the world… there’s so much to hate. If you’re a socialist.