Maureen Dowd implores Hillary to go “b*tch” and play the gender card

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In one skit, Amy as Hillary described how she would battle Big Oil: “It’s going to take a fighter, not a talker, someone who is aggressive enough and relentless enough and demanding enough to take them on. Someone so annoying, so pushy, so grating, so bossy and shrill, with a personality so unpleasant, that at the end of the day the special interests will have to go ‘Enough! We give up! Life is too short to deal with this awful woman! Just give her what she wants so she’ll shut up and leave us in peace.’ And I think the American people will agree, that someone is me.”

As she hits the trail again, Hillary is a blur of competing images, a paean to the calibrated, artful and generic, a low-key lady who doesn’t stand for anything except low-keyness. She has seen, over and over, that overcorrecting can be self-defeating for her and parlous to the nation, but she keeps doing it.

Let’s hope that the hokey Chipotle Granny will give way to the cool Tumblr Chick in time to teach her Republican rivals — who are coming after her with every condescending, misogynist, distorted thing they’ve got — that bitch is still the new black.

More at the NY Times

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As soon as anyone uncovers the REAL Hillary, you let us know. Hillary herself has morphed through so many faux personnas that I doubt she herself knows what the hell she is.

Another glaring example of leftist hypocrisy. The trendy position is that one is supposed to vote for Hillary because she is a woman, and any criticism of her is based solely on misogeny, rather than her incompetence and corruption.

Compare that to the rabid, viscious attacks against Palin, falsely branded as being dimwitted and unaccomplished.

Leftists have no shame, no integrity, and no common sense.

And only slightly off topic, but certainly related to the idiocy of politically correct gender insanity, it seems that US Army Cadet Commander Combs ordered all army ROTC cadets to march in military uniform – but in womens high-heeled shoes – as some sort of idiotic awareness raising stunt.

There are no words sufficient to describe the complete denigration of military leadership when a general makes such a moronic decision. Under threat of being officially labelled as non-compliant with Equal Opportunity on a cadet’s annual performance review, which would serious damage their ability to matriculate into the branch of their choice.

General Combs should be relieved of command and forced to retire for such lunacy.