Navy Secretary Ray Mabus has given Marine Corps brass two weeks to submit a plan to train male and female recruits together at boot camp and fully integrate officer candidate school.
He’s also calling for the Marines to make all job titles gender-neutral as the service opens currently closed ground combat jobs to women.
In a Jan. 1 memo obtained by and first reported by Marine Corps Times, Mabus ordered the Corps to send him a detailed plan by Jan. 15 for making boot camp and officer training coed. He also requested that the Marines provide him with a “subject matter expert” on the issue. The plan should identify where training is already integrated by gender, where it is separate, and how the Marines will work to fully integrate all training, Mabus said.
“Colocation does not meet the requirement for gender integrated training,” Mabus wrote. “This plan will complete [the Department of the Navy’s] implementation plan and ensure full integration of female sailors and Marines within the DON in accordance with [Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s] guidance.”
A Marine Corps spokesman, Capt. Philip Kulczewski, confirmed that the Corps had received the memo but offered no further comment.
Mabus also included a memo for Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller requesting that he review Marine Corps job titles and remove “man” from applicable job titles to make them “gender-integrated.” This means military occupational specialties ranging from 0311, infantryman, to 0321, reconnaissance man, could soon get new names. Mabus demanded this be done and a report submitted to him no later than April 1, 2016, the services’ final deadline for opening all jobs to women.
The Navy Secretary also sounded a warning note to Neller about a list of “critical information requirements” the Corps included in the integration plan submitted to Carter this month.
That list of developments to be monitored closely include:
–Indications of decreased combat readiness or effectiveness;
–Indications of increased risk to Marines in previously closed units, including incidents of sexual assault and harassment, and hazing;
–Indications of a lack of career viability for female Marines in newly opened ground combat jobs;
–Indications that Marine commands and culture is unreceptive to the inclusion of women in ground combat units; and
–Indications that moral or cohesion is degrading in newly opened units.
None of those potential problems should serve to hinder the rollout of the new integration policy, Mabus said.
“As the Marine Corps adds elements such as the leadership plan that includes the goals of female leadership teams, cohesive cohorts, and mentors, I expect you will ensure that a worthwhile goal does not unreasonably delay or prevent the execution of a policy imperative,” he wrote.
The strongly worded admonition underscores tensions between the Marine Corps and Mabus’ office over the issue of women in combat jobs.
Converting the Marines into a social club. That should really enhance their fighting ability.
This is very poor judgment being exercised by the civilian command authority. The only thing this does is to put lives, men and women servicemembers, at unnecessary and needless risk in combat situations. It is bad enough when you see male soldiers, ours and the enemy’s, cut in half by .50 cal rounds, wait until this happens to a female soldier. Not until then, would you see any reconsideration of this misguided policy.
@David: It is called “TREASON”
Ok, here’s the plan. We have had, for 100 years, a boot camp at Paris Island, SC where all Marine recruits go for basic training. Beginning next week, women recruits will be sent to the same facilities that already exist for basic training. They will be assigned exactly as men have been assigned forever. There will be nothing to distinguish if the recruit is male or female. If shower stalls do not have doors on them, they will continue to not have doors on them. No accommodation will be made due to the sex of the recruit. If any recruit complains about lack of privacy, they will be discharged from the service. If they want to make females into men, let the females endure the same circumstances and facilities that the men do.
Note: These people are nuts.
@Redteam: To be clear I am against this -. However I can assure you that boot camp and TBS will provide separate “facilities” and privacy as needed.
@Richard Wheeler: You seem to be saying they will disobey orders and treat females differently, making special provisions for their privacy, something that was never done for males? Is that what you’re saying Rich?
If I interpret that correctly, it says that just putting them in the same place doesn’t fulfill the requirement, that they have to be treated equally, that means no ‘ separate “facilities” and privacy as needed.’ doesn’t it?
Or are you saying that they will willfully disobey orders?
Pugil sticks 50 years ago, a muscular white squad leader was teamed up with a tall black squad leader from another platoon; it was the fight everyone was waiting for, especially the Drill Instructors. Both of the fighters were worried or maybe scared, but when the drill instructor said, “Go”, the white fighter ran forward to deliver a horizontal butt stroke while running at full speed. It was a good plan; the black recruit named Redman was knocked out cold. (Hopefully he is alive and well.)
The tension was so high, the drill instructors were screaming at each other about cheating; they were mad and the recruits knew they liked to gamble illegally on the recruits.
Years later, the two former recruits met and each admitted that they were both afraid of what the other recruit might have done. They were friends and laughed at the “old days.”
This is a true story, but whether you believe it or not is immaterial, this rough play is what builds camaraderie and makes the Marines a special force. Pulling punches because your opponent is a female and maybe being knocked on your butt, because you refuse to hit a woman that hard, will not build the same camaraderie or maybe those people are all part of the distant past.
Seems the left wants to remove man from everything, I like real men, someone has to squish the spiders, get the dead mouse out of the trap. There are just lines that should not be erased.
and for Greg the following
@Richard Wheeler:
News flash: Rich supports “separate but equal” segregation. Rich also fails to explain how this will work with all the new transgender recruitment nudges from this extremist, leftist WH.
@kitt: remove ‘man’ from everything? What would that do to the word ‘woman’ ? would she become a ‘wo’ ? How about removing ‘man’ from ‘man’, what would they become? a ” ” ? What would you call that? a blank? so the two sexes would beome a ‘wo and a ‘ ‘. Have to determine if we’re going to call men ‘blank’ or ‘space’. Can’t use ‘man’.
I’m sure there are now and have always been times when a grunt in skivvies is required to drop down and give me 50. Are women, excuse me ‘wo’s’ gonna have to drop down in their skivvies and give them 50? If not, how can it be said they will henceforth be treated identically?.
@kitt: I really dont know they will figure out some ridiculous politically correct term, just picture a drill sergeant screaming “Its my job to turn you into persons” The whole co-ed thing is moronic.
They have destroyed the family structure men no longer have to be responsible for being the bread winner and protector.
I told my son who was complaining when his wife got layed off and things got tight for them, too bad pal its YOUR responsibility to make sure they have shelter and food, her pay is just a bonus. He looked at me like I was from a different planet, and I guess I must be. He did grow up and see everybody worked, all of the adults, nobody was a domestic engineer. Television didn’t have any shows that portrayed mommy stay at home daddy goes to the job like when we grew up, funny how things can change in 1 generation.
@kitt: so true, Kitt. I’m of the greatest generation (according to the rules) and I grew up believing that men supported their family and if women wanted to work, that was just fine as long as it didn’t interfere with taking care of their children. My wife did work while I attended college and we both took care of the children. I don’t think men and women are ‘the same’. And thank goodness. I have no problem with women serving in the military, but it should be doing jobs that they are physically and mentally suited for. Every human in the civilized world know that the conditions in combat will not be exactly the same if a man and a woman are sharing a foxhole.
I have no problem with equal opportunity, but if a woman wants to do a man’s job, she should have to prove she can do it at the same standard as a male.
@Redteam: I am sure there are women out there that can perform at the same level as the men, they are not common. The male and female are wired differently will not react the same in stress filled or dangerous situations. This is like many liberal experiments it will end in one disaster after another.
This is NOT an experiment – it is part of the overt attempt to destroy this country! Every time the dam demo-COMMUNISTS get in control they are pulling this sh–t on the military and police.
@Budvarakbar: Your comment to me is absolutely correct should be all in caps and have many exclamation points behind it. Now that they put the world at what looks like the brink of world war 3, the young strong women would be needed on the home-front doing what Rosie the Riveter did in WW2. This is why if you hear well if this candidate or that candidate gets the nomination I will just sit home and not bother voting, jump their s^%t remind them thats why we got the 2nd term of Dem, and most likely electronic voter fraud. There is no such thing as a perfect candidate, at times people even disagree with their own spouse but divorce is not always the only solution.
@Skookum: Pugil Sticks—I fought like a madman so I wouldn’t lose.
The Corps will rise to this challenge as they have all others for 140 years.
Tell you what—I’d take these trained WM’s over those wannabees in Oregon—hopefully it will never come to that.
Semper Fi
@Richard Wheeler: So what’s going on in Or that you don’t like? Apparently you support the government confiscating people’s property.
Note: you can no longer use the term WM. That has a ‘man’ contained within and I’m sure you want to comply with your president.
you also can’t use ‘madman’ that has a man in it also.