‘March For Our Lives’ Now Operating Under Dark Money Nonprofit Advocacy Group

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But yeah, just grassroots student movement. Just don’t ask who’s supporting it.

Via Free Beacon:

March For Our Lives, a demonstration involving survivors of the Parkland school shooting that will take place Saturday in Washington, D.C., and across the country, registered a 501(c)(4) nonprofit advocacy organization that is not required to disclose its donors.

The March for Our Lives Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) “social welfare” nonprofit organization, was registered on March 8 with the D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, records show. The action fund lists its business address in Encino, Calif., and its agent as CT Corporation System, a D.C.-based firm that offers agent, incorporation, and corporate business compliance services.

Jeri Rhodes, an associate executive secretary for finance and administration at the Friends Committee on National Legislation, a group that “lobbies Congress and the administration to advance peace, justice, opportunity, and environmental stewardship,” is also listed as the action fund’s executing officer and governor on its registration. Rhodes previously served as chief financial officer for Greenpeace.

While the organization said on its website it is “for kids and by kids” and the “March For Our Lives organizers are the kids themselves,” it also said the kids “have brought in support to help ensure it is a success.” A coalition of liberal advocacy groups are currently involved in organizing and planning the march. In addition to support from leading gun-control groups like Everytown for Gun Safety, the Brady Campaign, and Giffords, organizers from the Women’s March, Planned Parenthood, and Move On are involved with the permitting for the event as well as promoting it.

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Another Useful Idiots March financed by George Soros and the CFR and other sinister groups with evil intentions

I just wonder if liberals ever considered raising that kind of money and utilizing it to enact a solution rather than marching, whining, trashing? Since the gun was the LAST thing that is a part of the solution, why don’t these people with more money than brains lobby their malleable representatives and convince them to convince the authorities to pay attention at work, do their jobs, enter the data, track the troublemakers, fill in the blanks, follow the leads, punish the criminals, block the sales to those disqualified and protect the public?

Perhaps supporting a REAL solution might prove helpful? Nah, let’s keep the door open to MORE shootings and tragedies for fodder for the anti-gun agenda.

From threatening a student with arrest for holding a sign that said “arm teachers” in there grass roots walk out, to suspending a student in NJ for posting on his social media “Fun day at the range” because he went shooting with his parents that weekend.
Some teachers and admins just do not need to be teaching our kids when they have such a poor understanding of the constitution.
Organization on our side needs to get these buttheads in court to let them know NO MORE.