Make room on the media fainting couch, Jim Acosta! NBC’s Andrea Mitchell among journos alarmed by Trump’s ‘campaign rally barely disguised as a faux news conference’

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During an address yesterday in the White House Rose Garden, the gathered media were given a chance to work on their suntans:

We told you yesterday that CNN’s chief Resistance reporter Jim Acosta said that Trump “soiled the WH Rose Garden” with what he said. Up next is NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell:

We often point out that the media hibernated through the Obama years, and that becomes more apparent with each passing day.

And remember Obama’s 2009 White House Rose Garden stunt to pitch Obamacare? Good times.

Dan Bongino also has thoughts on Mitchell’s tweet:

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Why do they complain when he is getting out Creepys platform and plan for America?

One would be remiss in not pointing out that Trump and Obama were not running against one another in 2016.

andrea mitchell has been a democrap media whore for decades. pigmy dick jimmy acosta is not that bright. he wants sooo bad to be a real journalist. pigmy dick jimmy had a number of social issues in college that the press has conveniently buried. so who is pediplle greepy joe going to pick for his alleged vp? pocahontas is not native American, whore harris, well her pattern of merging sex with politics is well know and f**k worth the senator is very useless. she shows signs of very severe ptsd. not joking, listen to her articulate and structure sentences with eye and facial expressions. none of his picks are capable of running this country. forgot, if creepy joe wins this country will become socialist in two years.

Personally, I thought it was a brilliant stroke to force the networks to cover his campaign and the progress he has made. Without his rallies, the only information available is the biased left-wing propaganda presented by the corrupt liberal media. Meanwhile, they swarm to get Biden’s message of his plan to complete the destruction of this country that Obama began.


One would be remiss in not pointing out that Trump and Obama were not running against one another in 2016.

One would be remiss in not pointing out it was Obamas/Democrats corruption and failed policies that swept Trump into office. I voted anyone except another democrat.
The democrats putting up another crooked corrupt candidate only helps Trump take a second term.