Madison Wisconsin Police Officer Named In Tony Robinson Shooting – Professional Agitators Continue Efforts…

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With the entire Madison tribe of the Dindu Nuffins engaged in full media spin mode…..  It did not take long for the liberal Madison Wisconsin crowd to ID the police officer involved in the Tony Robinson shooting. The Daily Mail continues the story HERE.

Matt KennyTony robinson 4 ankle monitor

Tony Robinson was a 19-year-old street thug (Dindu Nuffin’ clan) who was previously involved in an armed robbery (April 2014) and pled guilty in October 2014 (case details).

Robinson pleaded guilty to armed robbery in October [2014] and was sentenced to six months in jail but a judge stayed the execution of the custodial term. He began serving a three-year probation period in December (link)

Ironically if the judge had carried out the sentencing term, Tony Robinson would be alive today.  Ultimately he was sentenced to three years probation, and can be seen in this picture above wearing his ankle monitor.  Robinson’s Twitter Account is HERE

At the age of 17 Robinson became a father and was sued for child support in 2014.   As a member of the Dindu Nuffins’ his family is customarily well versed in making excuses for his behavior and claiming the angelic felon was planning on attending college.

Tony Robinson 2 mugshot

In addition more background on events are now surfacing including this witness statement from the neighborhood:

…This so called “gentle giant” was high on suspected hallucinagenics, and in a violent, volitile rage, walking down the streets of madison battering citizens, whom were frantically calling 911 for police assistance.

This out of control, violent man, high on acid hallucinagenic drugs, which not only gave him super human strength but made him impervious to pain, than battered a peace officer. Yes a peace officer who’s job that night was to protect the citizens screaming for help, and to protect the community from further harm from this man.

Again a man who made the choice to consume quantities of drugs, that made him a mad man, who was on a mission to critically harm others in his path”…. (link)

Which essentially aligns with the overall media reports and police accounts which have hit the news cycle.  The Smoking Gun shared the teen–whose handle included the name “Tony Montana”–frequently referred to marijuana and described himself as a “Real nigga from the start till the casket shut.”…

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A strong suspect in a home invasion with his gang. Gets into a fight with a cop. Are we supposed to feel bad for Tony Robinson? I don’t think so. The judge did him no favors by giving him probation. Besides, when was the last time you heard of someone pleading guilty to armed robbery and getting probation? Never.

Obama’s filthy slandering of Police Officers across the country has already caused a couple of officers in Ferguson to quit their jobs.
The Los Angeles shooting was declared a ”good” shooting where the officer was justified.
This Wisconsin shooting has been (or will be) declared a ”good” shooting as well.
But Obama is not happy and his minions hear his dog whistle.
They rabble rouse as if the man was lynched for no reason other than being black.
If too many good police quite law enforcement we are really going to have a problem.

@Nanny –

To an extent, we’re already seeing it in response times. Cops are waiting to make sure they can respond with multiple units. It’s a difficult job made more difficult by a pretend president and a supposedly soon-to-leave AG who are definitely anti-police.

There is a simple solution to racist Eric Holder’s demands that police departments represent the population of the communities the PDs serve. The PDs should simply refuse to send a white cop to a call that deals with any blacks. Only send black cops to respond to a call dealing with a black. Same with fire departments.

Wait, there are not enough black cops to do that, you say? Too damn bad. You want racial quotas set up for police departments then you get the consequences that go along with them.

When blacks understand that there are not enough blacks joining police departments to protect them, they will be screaming for a white cop, or an Asian cop, or a Hispanic cop, any cop, to respond to their 911 calls.

And go ahead, lower the testing standards for black cops and fire fighters and see what the consequence of that is. When you have unqualified cops and firefighters being sent into black neighborhoods in the name of racial “equality”, I promise you the black neighborhoods won’t like the outcome.

There is an animated video of what happened before the shooting.
Looks like a good shooting.
The perp was stopping traffic on a street then saw a police car and ran to a home.
The officer followed and heard an altercation from inside the home, broke open the door, got slugged by the perp then shot him.
CNN is milking the ”unarmed man” bit as hard as possible.
Non-stop of it on CNN while I was at the gym for an hour.

Once again, the morons of the left ignore the facts.

Ironically if the judge had carried out the sentencing term, Tony Robinson would be alive today.

Ironically, if liberal judges would impose stiffer penalties (oh… and carry them out) for crimes with guns, much of the crime the left whines about could be reduced. Instead of imposing stricter penalties on law abiding citizens for the actions of the lawless the left could simply make the penalties for committing violent crime tougher.

And, as in this case, it could just help save the life of a punk.

Public safety is obviously not the goal.

On drugs? When was this information released? You are the only site that has made this claim…maybe you should inform the police department of your knowledge…and
Dindu Nuffins’ ??? What the hell is that?? You seem to be the only site that has ever heard of that “clan”…..News to Madison of their existence…the picture of Tony with the two other kids must be the only members then. Wow, this must be the site to go for accurate information….way to pull this article out of your ass….I guess that’s what people like yourselves don’t have enough information to make a point, eh? Just start pulling that information out your ass…, idiots!

Also you should get your facts straight about the child support….this is what was reported…..

He was also the defendant in a paternity action filed last year, in regard to a then-one-year-old boy.

A 24-year-old Madison woman filed the action, and a judge ruled that ‘parties will have joint legal custody; no placement order and no child support order entered as neither party appeared to provide info’.

Way to twist that story into your own fabricated out of your ass lie……
If anyone would like a more credible source to this story start here….

Regarding your link to People magazine which purportedly contains the quote that Robinson was on drugs, is not actually at the People Magazine link.

I assume that it was there, but that it has since been excised.


You are the only site that has made this claim…

Your ire at Flopping Aces is misguided as no one at FA wrote the article. The (Most Wanted) portion of Flopping Aces simply shares internet articles written by others. Those sharing such articles quote directly from them and provide a link to the original article (in this case from The Last Refuge), yet are under no onus to fact-check the veracity of quoted articles. Web pages quoted in (Most Wanted) often range the entire political spectrum and are only placed here to invite discussion over an article. You would be better served to lodge your complaint against the original sources rather than in this case the “messenger” who only delivered the message.

Also you should get your facts straight about the child support….this is what was reported…..

You need to get your facts straight Tammy, as Flopping Aces only shared (quoted and linked to) an article. They are not the original authors.

@Diogenes’ Lamp:

Regarding your link to People magazine which purportedly contains the quote that Robinson was on drugs…

As pointed out to Tammy, the “link” quoted is from the original article. Flopping Aces only served up a sampling of the original article. It is not the server’s job to fact-check quoted content.