Machete Attack Every 90 Minutes in ‘Gun-Free’ Britain

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Recorded machete attacks in the UK have shot up by nearly five times in just three years, with the majority in the capital, London.

The huge number of crimes committed with the deadly, sword-like weapons means there is an average of 15 a day in the UK, or one every 90 minutes.

Figures uncovered using freedom of information requests by the Daily Mail show that police dealt with 928 crimes involving machetes in the last two months of 2017.

London saw the bulk, with 425 of the attacks. There were 99 in Greater Manchester, 77 in the West Midlands, and 29 each in Merseyside and West Yorkshire.

Just three years earlier, the deadly blades were used in 100 crimes a month over the same period.

As violent crime surges across the country, and even faster in London, the long blades, designed for chopping undergrowth, appear to be a weapon of choice for criminals in the UK, which is governed by strict gun-control law

In January, Office of National Statistics (ONS) figures showed that in the year to September 2017 the police recorded 37,443 offences involving a knife or sharp instrument.

This represents a sharp rise of 21 per cent increase on the previous year, and the highest number of blade attacks since records began seven years ago.

The rise in knife crime was larger in London, jumping by 38 per cent, and gang-related acid attacks are also on the rise.

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If you outlaw machetes only outlaws will have machetes

The article doesnt explain why this surge in these horrific crimes, the UK has had strict gun laws for a long time. They even arrest people for hate speech on social media. Gangs? what type use acid? What could these attacks have in common?
This also seems to be a mystery…

Obviously, guns need to be even BANNEDER. It’s the only way to make people safe!

Shaving common sense, this will stop those machete killings!
What about electric shavers!!!???
This guy “only” had a chef’s knife and a cleaver, yet he managed to behead a soldier, Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, in London in 2013.
Problem was neither the soldiers nor the police out”gunned” the murderer, so he freely walked the street bragging about his deed with blood dripping from the blades and his hands.

Our 2nd Amendment was created to arm “the people” on the same playing field as any enemies we might have to confront, foreign or domestic.

In UK neither the people (who are “subjects,” not citizens) nor the police out “gun” blade-wielding men who are following the word of their “perfect leader, Mohammad,” when he ordered his followers to obey the verse of the sword:
9:5 When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them.
47:4 When you meet those who disbelieve , strike [their] necks until you have inflicted slaughter upon them.

Even if a Bobby or a civilian were to kill such a knife-wielding person, that person is guaranteed “Paradise” by his holy book’s writer so he’s got a big incentive to kill anyway.

Are there also a few non-Muslims committing knife attacks?
Sure. There are gangs as well as people defending themselves.
But that’s a minority.