Absolute case study in media bias, trying to literally manufacture a #WarOnWomen narrative about Walker.
— CounterMoonbat (@CounterMoonbat) February 28, 2015
@thedailybeast This is incorrect. You need to stop lying and apologize for your deliberate incompetent error.
— Me in Jersey (@Me_In_Jersey) February 28, 2015
Looking forward to the @TwitchyTeam version of this important dismantling of leftist anti-Walker journo crap by @drawandstrike
— Blame Big Government (@BlameBigGovt) February 28, 2015
Scott Walker haters have been caught framing a story in an attempt to make the Wisconsin governor appear to be a threat to women, and @DrewAndStrike has a fantastic takedown at Storify:
@thedailybeast @Olivianuzzi Boy, Blowing Up A DNC Media Hit Job On Scott Walker In Realtime Sure Is Fun!
— Dread Pirate Cates (@drawandstrike) February 27, 2015
Jezebel peddles lie about Scott Walker and rape.
— (@instapundit) February 28, 2015
Well lookee here, @drawandstrike debunked the claim that Scott Walker is talking away school rape reporting rqrmts
— lauren (@LilMissRightie) February 28, 2015
What happened?
Scott Walker’s budget contains language to delete certain sections related rape reporting requirements. An article at Jezebel started it all by framing it this way:
Scott Walker wants colleges to stop reporting sexual assaults
— Jezebel (@Jezebel) February 27, 2015
Scott Walker Wants Colleges to Stop Reporting Sexual Assaults // Big deal here.
— Natasha VC (@natashavc) February 27, 2015
The Daily Beast linked to the Jezebel story:
Scott Walker wants to stop colleges from reporting campus sexual assaults to the government.
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) February 27, 2015
And the Daily Beast published their own version of the story this morning, calling Walker’s alleged move a “gutpunch for advocates for assault victims”:
I just turned around a story for @thedailybeast in three hours so that’s pretty cool. I’ll post a link when it’s live.
— Brian Weidy (@frostedweidies) February 27, 2015
My latest piece for @thedailybeast on Gov. Scott Walker’s “tone-deaf” response to sexual assault on campus:
— Brian Weidy (@frostedweidies) February 27, 2015
Scott Walker’s proposal to delete the requirement that universities report sexual assault is causing him big trouble:
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) February 28, 2015
But there’s something not mentioned in the Jezebel article:
@anamariecox Not actually true, it seems.
— (@instapundit) February 28, 2015
@thedailybeast nice headline misleading as intended. He removed it because the school asked him. No shame
— tobokie (@tobokie) February 28, 2015
.@thedailybeast Would you, perhaps, consider reporting the truth, and apologizing for this smear attempt? The University requested removal.
— L. North (@LadyLNorth) February 28, 2015
The deletion of the rape reporting statistics language from Walker’s budget was made at the request of the University of Wisconsin because it would have been redundant, as the USA Today has reported:
The University of Wisconsin requested that Gov. Scott Walker remove a requirement that all 26 campuses report allegations of sexual assaults to the state every year because it already submits similar information to the federal government, a UW spokesman said Friday.
UW System spokesman Alex Hummel said Friday that the university requested the change because information given to the state is duplicative of data required to be reported to the U.S. Department of Education under federal law. The university also posts the information on its website.The misleading Walker hit piece at Jezebel was promoted elsewhere:
Wonkette used Jezebel as a source. What happens next will surprise you.
— Jimmy (@JimmyPrinceton) February 28, 2015
There’s speculation Google will begin penalizing “news” sites like Jezebel and The Daily Beast based on a new fact-based algorithm. If the traffic incentive goes away, so would these smear jobs!