Allah wonders what the catch is, then answers himself: She probably means she’ll be investigating the people who conducted the sting.
Will she? Yes of course she will, and I’ll bet you she’ll charge them too: I saw someone claiming that the group had, in order to make its cover seem real, registered its fake company, “Biomax” (if I remember right) as a 501(c)(4) group.
I don’t know if they did that or not, and if they did, they would have been careful to have not taken donations, and also to have not misstated their purpose: They would have said something vague like the company’s mission is to increase the health of women and children, which is, of course, precisely what their goals are.
Just not what you might think, necessarily, when they come looking to buy baby livers.
But I bet you $100 they will in fact criminally investigate, and possibly charge, the whistleblowers, because we now live in a society in which the Party of Government has declared full illegal war on non-members of The Party.
Yep. It will be persecution to the fullest extent of the law. Major jail time. Public humiliation and shaming. Their entire histories will be paraded in the NYT.
Publishing the truth is just not on.
Everybody (and I mean everybody) needs to rally around the Big Government Party; this means unqualified support for PP. Abortion is the sacrament of liberals, and may not be touched.
And besides, what is the big deal? Those babies were dead, they didn’t need those parts anymore!
The secret filming of these PP videos took place over a space of two years.
To look official the videographers filed their front company as a 501 c 4 (??) organization.
IF, under that false filing, they took even one cent in donations they will have broken some federal laws.
So, yes, of course LL is investigating them.
I saw this photoshop this AM.
Did Romney give permission to be videoed when he made his infamous “45%” remarks?
Nanny G, thank you for the post. I was shocked to learn that The Speaker of the House younger sister is involved with the abortion mills of Plan Parent Hood.
You would like to hope that Lynch is not a clone of Holder .However, The Priests For Life organization will probably face the DOJ soon.