Lies and Deception in California GOP’s Delegate Scheme To Deliver a Disproportionate Delegate Slate To DeSantis


by Sundance

During a series of desperate attempts to obfuscate and defend fellow lawyer Harmeet Dhillon, unfortunately Mike Davis joins the ranks of former Bannon Warroom members Matthew Tyrmand and Steve Cortes.  It will be interesting to watch how Mr. Bannon responds to the latest sunlight upon his network of allies.

The issue started with Laura Loomer doing an excellent job exposing a scheme within the California GOP to change the delegate apportionments to proportional as a result of the state change in primary dates.  California representative to the RNC, and former RNC Chairwoman candidate, Harmeet Dhillon then lied about the construct of a rules change. {GO DEEP}

Mrs Dhillon claimed the California changes forcing proportional allocation were not optional. Mrs. Dhillon claimed the ability of the CA GOP to maintain “winner take all” delegate allocation no longer existed. [below left] However, that claim is false.  As reflected in RNC rule 3(ii) so long as the state keeps a “votes received” threshold above 50%, the delegates can be apportioned via winner-take-all. [below right]

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The bottom line is really simple.  Laura Loomer caught on to the California GOP constructing a plan to deliver a disproportionate delegate slate to Ron DeSantis, the presumed runner up amid a contest that President Trump is dominating.

The California GOP and members of the RNC then attacked Ms. Loomer, initially denying the reports, not knowing Loomer possessed leaked emails from the organizing team that included Harmeet Dhillon.  Loomer then published the emails which highlighted the scheme, in response Dhillon lied saying the CA GOP “must also change a proportional method“, when the RNC rules [3(ii)] do not require that.

The truth is basic, like many states after seeing Trump at 50% or higher in the polling, the CA GOP wanted to have proportional distribution.  Dhillon et al proposed a rule change supporting that proportional approach and ignored their ability under RNC rule 3(ii) to keep winner take all.

After the CA GOP were called out, things got interesting.

Suddenly, a group of MAGA affiliated entities like another attorney and Bannon Warroom frequent guest, Mike Davis, came to the defense of Harmeet Dhillon. Some GOP defenders even claiming that Mrs. Dhillon likely didn’t know the RNC rules, despite Mrs. Dhillon sitting on the RNC rules committee, running for RNC chair this year, and being the lead GOP representative from California to the RNC.

Mr Davis went on to claim that both himself and Mrs Dhillon were key advisors to President Trump, and it is would not make sense for Harmeet to do anything to undermine her client, Donald Trump.   Some example Tweets below.


All of this ignores the core issue that Harmeet Dhillon lied in her excuse/justification for supporting a California proportional delegate rule change.

Accepting the claim that Mrs Dhillon and Mr Davis are advisors to President Trump, the question about why Trump wouldn’t challenge a rule seems a little silly.

First, the leaked emails show that Trump was not likely even aware of the scheme and proposed California plan; and second, if the people carrying out the plan are also -not coincidentally- advising President Trump, why would he challenge it/them.

Adding the rather lengthy background of Mrs. Dhillon into the foray, including her prior advocacy for notoriously corrupt Henry Barbour of the Mississippi clan and recent revelations of what might be considered profiteering as outlined by recent news reports, suffice to say the tendency of many to afford the RNC and Mrs. Dhillon the benefit of doubt is, well, shall we say, exhausted.

Indeed, if it had not been for the sunlight provided by Ms. Loomer and the leaker of the plan, the California GOP would have likely proceeded without anyone even knowing about the issue.  That purposefully hidden context puts a rather dubious hue on the entire plan of the insiders including Dhillon.

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I am so so so tired of this shit, what in the hell is wrong with the GOP? Why in the hell can’t they just work together and WIN a damn election for the sake of the country.

This smells like moose and squirrel.