Matt Walsh:
Liberals, you’ve probably noticed that lot of conservatives don’t like Donald Trump. I think that fact has been made abundantly clear at this point. The fight over Trump and the future of the conservative movement has been loud and brutal and public. And it isn’t over. No matter who wins next week, the gruesome conservative civil war will rage on. We will reflect on who we are and where we’re going, and that process of reflection will no doubt be even more intense than it’s been for the past 18 months.
You guys, of course, have been very generous in encouraging us to engage in this kind of frank self-assessment. Every day I see another pious think piece from some left wing outlet or another explaining how the Trump phenomenon is a symptom of a deeper illness in the conservative movement, and actually Trump’s rise proves that all conservatives are racists and anti-Semites and we need to purge it from our system because it’s all very bad and we should be very ashamed and yadda yadda and so forth. You’re eager to offer your insights into the problems of conservatism, and offer them you have, over and over again. I thank you for the helpful input, but I do find it strange that you aren’t quite as eager to turn that critical gaze inward.
Conspicuously, there is no Never Hillary movement among liberals. I’m not sure I’ve seen a single article in any left wing publication analyzing the maladies on the Left that may have led to her nomination. I’ve seen hundreds about Trump and the Right — written by conservatives and liberals alike — but the left has not spent nearly as much time diagnosing itself. Instead, you blame even Hillary’s sins on conservatives. Yesterday, Time published an unintentionally hilarious op-ed explaining how Clinton is only being pursued for breaking the law because Republicans are sexist.
The alternative explanation, however, is that Clinton is being pursued for breaking the law because she broke the law. Many times. Whatever can be said about Trump — and plenty has been said — the fact remains that the Democrat nominee for president is the subject of at least two FBI investigations. Liberals selected as their candidate and standard bearer a woman who is suspected of engaging in multiple criminal conspiracies. As if one wasn’t enough. You basically nominated someone who accumulates FBI investigations as casually as I accumulate parking tickets when I commute into DC.
The Clinton Machine has been steeped in scandal for decades, and now, just as its years of lawbreaking are starting to catch up to it, you people are trying to put it in the White House. Again. You grabbed the closest thing to an actual super villain and made it your candidate. Most people take “House of Cards” as a cautionary tale. You took it as a suggestion.
The matrix of Clintonian graft and deceit is so complicated that it would require a PhD in mathematics to sort it all out, but the latest revelations give us a clearer idea. We know that the FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation for a host of serious criminal violations. It appears that the Foundation was a racketeering enterprise used by the Clintons to monetize and exploit her power as secretary of State. One can only imagine all the ways she’ll monetize and exploit the presidency.
But the inquiries into corruption at the Foundation have run into interference from high ranking people at the FBI and the DOJ, including the FBI deputy director, Andrew McCabe. It just so happens that McCabe’s wife recently received about a half a million dollars in donations for her failed state senate campaign from Terry McAuliffe, current governor of Virginia and longtime Clinton ally and former Clinton Foundation board member. McAuliffe is also the subject of another FBI investigation for illegal campaign contributions.
Meanwhile, a separate investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal private server was just reopened, or reinvigorated, or revitalized, or whatever word you want to use, after the FBI found 650 thousand emails that potentially link to Clinton and her aide, Huma Abedin, on the computer that Huma shared with her husband, Anthony Weiner, who is under a separate FBI investigation. But the email investigation is problematic, too, because one of the DOJ officials overseeing it has such a cozy relationship with Clinton’s campaign chairman that he tried to get his son hired onto the campaign.
If you’re keeping track at home, that’s four FBI investigations linked to Clinton and top Clinton aides and allies, two of which have been comprised because the people in charge of them are connected to the Clinton campaign. Actually, the number is even higher. It turns out that Clinton’s entire inner circle is under FBI investigation for a range of felony offenses, bringing the grand total (that we know of) to five.
To call Clinton merely “scandal plagued” would be to sell her massively short. Clinton is political scandal made manifest in the flesh. She is a veritable fountain of corruption. She’s dripping with it. She excretes it from her pores. She’s a criminal surrounded by criminals surrounded by criminals, which I suppose is what you would expect for the co-head of an organized crime family. And you people say nothing about it. You ask no hard questions about her at all. You offer no criticism. No resistance. Nothing.
I don’t want to hear, “Yeah but Trump…” We know about Trump. Many conservatives have been on Trump’s case from Day One, as you’re well aware. But has anyone on the Left been on Hillary’s case (or cases)? For God’s sake, you fools nominated Al Capone in a pantsuit. Gal Capone, I might start calling her. The level of criminality is almost farcical at this point.
Liberals are the kind you see running around protesting against fracking and drilling they joi stupid enviromental groups like GREENPEACE,SIERRA CLUB,EARTH JUSTICE,NRDC,WILD EATH GUARDIANS Etc they donate to PETA’HSUS, and they vote demacrat in every election
With a candidate like Hillary, only someone like Trump could compete with her. McCain and Romney were not up to the task of fighting Obama on his level (sort of to their credit, but WE still lost) and probably none of the other Republicans could have fought Hillary AND the corrupt media to a standstill as Trump has.
Sad, but true.
This AM I woke up to read that 6 Democrats have returned the money Hillary donated to them.
She illegally used the same scheme for funneling too much money per donor that killed John Edwards’ campaign: You know putting it in the names of wives, workers and even strangers.
One who refused: Elizabeth Warren.
She says she’ll wait until it is PROVEN that it was illegal THEN she’ll return it or donate it to charity….her charity.
We now know that as Secretary of State, the purpose of the home brew served was to orchestrate money donations directly to the corrupt foundation aka “The cash grab initiative”.
She has lied to the American people, the FBI and Congress repeatedly over and over. The clintons belong in prison from r the rest of their miserable lives and the money in the foundation confiscated.
@Bill: HRC has made this close with all her foolish mistakes. Kasich could have beaten her and IMO would have been the best choice for our country.
That being said this sad race is going to the wire–less than one million will separate them in popular vote.
Little New Hampshire with 4 E.C votes should decide it.
Trump wins FLA. OHIO N.C. NEV—268
HRC holds on in PA and COL–268
NEW HAMSPHIRE -live Free Or Die——HRC 272 DT 268
All Hell Breaks Loose
Kiddies learn about our republic by having their 1st amendment rights squashed by liberals
These will be the SJW of the future or else…
If only we could vote for lunch ..then have to eat what Michelle wants us to…oh pfft
There’s because there’s general agreement among democrats on a wide range of core values and principles, and general understanding that differing viewpoints on some points isn’t a good reason to burn down the house. Republicans have embraced intolerance of differing views to such a degree that they can’t even tolerate one another.
@kitt, #6:
Elementary school-age children should not have been indoctrinated to such a degree.
@Greg: You mean given a choice? Asked to look at current events and decide for themselves, and some chose Trump oh the Horror!
hey did yous see this yet
You libs sure are racist buttheads
indoctrinated use it properly libertard
Surely “Rowdy elementary students shouting ‘Trump’ force cancellation of school election exercise” is not your idea of a positive endorsement.
This guy had it figured out, back in January: Trump’s rise proves we’re full of loud, illiterate and credulous people — and he’s a mirror of them
@Nanny G: Charity. Right.
@Richard Wheeler: Hillary is a lying criminal that should not even be eligible to run, much less in the running. Kasich would have been eaten alive, as he was against Trump. Any other candidate would have brought manners to a shit-throwing fight.
Note that Trump refrains from attacking until attacked; then he goes for the throat. Liberals have no policies but offering free goodies and HAVE to resort to the personal attack. Bernie held back; look at where that got him. His own party (when convenient for him) screwed his lights out.
I prefer civil politics. I prefer someone less abrasive than Trump. But Hillary MUST NOT BE ALLOWED into the White House and no one but Trump possesses the means to accomplish that.
@kitt: Little Tumpists -poor kids
BHO Approval 57%
Michelle 65%
They hope to close the deal for HRC –see #5
@Greg: Why is it you never get the point, those kids were to learn a lesson, when the liberal school officials didn’t care for a few childrens choice they kill the lesson, effectively teaching the wrong lesson, and dont they know how to handle 6th graders for goodness sake? What are they doing in an elementary school?
Liberal officials suppress First Amendment rights of school children wasn’t my takeaway from the story. The effective and appropriate handling 6th graders is precisely what happened.
@Richard Wheeler: I really hope she loses but the little Trumpists could learn that evil doesnt always triumph over reallly evil.
@Greg: he effective and appropriate handling 6th graders is precisely what happened. Not following through on an important lesson is what I saw, inability to effectively teach an important lesson about tolerance of other points of view is what happened.
@kitt: I’ll bet if they chanted, “Um, um, um, Barack Hussein Obama” they would not have shut it down.
@Greg: I think Hillary is losing it. Perhaps she doesn’t have the temperament to be President. I don’t think someone that reacts like this simply to someone telling her the truth should have access to the nuclear codes.
@Richard Wheeler:
I am here in Ohio, kasich is a moron. Then the dumbass writes in John McCain, another loser politician.
@July 4th American: Not many you like PATRIOT–Bad foot Viet Nam dodger Trump couldn’t hold Mac’s jock–and he bashed
Kasich would have cleaned HRC’S clock. DT has acted like such an A–Hole he’s gonna take a close loss to HRC.
@Bill, #18:
What reaction are you referring to? Anger because some idiot in the crowd shouted out that her husband is a rapist? The right seems to be totally clueless about how this stuff plays to a majority of American viewers.
@Richard Wheeler: adjustment HRC268-DT266 WITHOUT N.H–4
About 3-1 odds that it’s gonna be Madam Prez–much closer than one week ago!1
Hey, here’s an actual depraved crook. A Video of Trump and an Alleged Mobster at Wrestlemania It’s not like it was a new story. There’s an amusing anecdote about how Robert Libutti discouraged Trump’s efforts to seduce his daughter, Edith, back when he was still married to Ivana.
Did ”liberals” really nominate Hillary?
From what we are learning from Wikileaks, she CHEATED her way to the nomination over Bernie.
Apparently, she had no confidence in her own abilities to win a debate with Bernie.
So, her liberal buddy Donna got ahold of the debate questions and sneaked them to Hillary.
Hillary has also played both sides against the middle with traditional liberals, like the unions.
A wikileak showed she has no intention of respecting their wishes (and her promise to them) with regard TPP.
IF they support her, and she gets in, she will sign it and screw them.
First she promised coal country would die, the workers all be fired.
THEN she promised chits for community college for them.
BUT if college is FREE under her, why only vocational training for ex-miners?
Was free college a lie, too?
If you plug in any income at all in the Hillary/Trump tax calculator it turns out Trump costs about $3,000 less for everyone.
Or more.
Hillary’s ”free” is NOT free.
@Greg: Yes, exactly. Anger at someone stating s fact she doesn’t like. She’s losing it, she’s unstable, she’s unfit and she’s unhinged.
So says Donald Trump, who has more loose screws than a Studebaker.
@Greg: #23 OMG you just changed me to a Hillary voter Don with a mobster Who would think casinos, or union builders would have any connection to the mob in NY or NJ or Vegas I am shocked and surprised, NO ONE SAID EVER! Back under the bridge stay there til you come up with something… anything significant.
Core values and principles like lying, stealing, corruption and fraud.
Hmmm… a picture of Trump with an alleged mobster. Hillary IS a mobster. She is a mob boss, the leader of a crime syndicate.
@Bill- Deplorable Me: Seems all you do is mouth what Trump says—a true Trumpeteer.
There’s an outside chance Trump may win maybe 3-1 —but for YOU or anyone to sing this guy’s praises is absurd—same can be said about HRC,
@Greg: So we should excuse Hillary’s behavior because someone from the crowd tells the truth That is condoning “residential ” behavior! I would hope Putin would not call her daughter a name because she is likely to send nukes his way based upon her behavior.
Holy Cow This one’s for you Harry..
@Richard Wheeler: Please be so kind as to point out where I “mouth” what he says or am singing his praises. Point out where I am wrong.
Rigged voting machines that switch a repubican vote to demacrat the the black panther terrorists at voting places need to be banned
@Bill- Deplorable Me: #17, you are right there they would be making buttons and banners in Art class, cause that doesn’t hurt their widdle feewings.
@Greg: No, the agreement on ideology, not values or morality. The liberals believe the end justifies the means. They want everyone to embrace their ideology. So, brainless people follow the piper.
@Bill- Deplorable Me: You’ve taken over for RT–He used to ask me to show where he even supported Trump–all one had to do was read his posts. Claimed HRC wouldn’t show up for first debate–then he disappeared.
Curt or anyone know how he’s doing?
The race is very close–5 days to go–I still got it 272HRC–268DT
NH IS POLLING EVEN Trump having trouble putting FLA away
@Richard Wheeler: I’ve never claimed NOT to support Trump; I VOTED for him. However, you used the term “praised”. I want that proved or retracted, as well as where Trump “praises” Putin.
Moving forward, it should be noted that stating a fact about someone’s ability or advantage is not necessarily praise. If I say that Hitler was a great orator, that is not necessarily “praise”, just as if I state that Hillary is a clever con artist.
@Bill- Deplorable Me: You are an EXACT replica of Red Team–remember him? He finally left town. Maybe you’ll do the same–though I doubt it.
You know damn well Trump has praised Putin. Your support of Trump is praise enough
@Richard Wheeler: Are the requests I make simply too difficult to comply with or do you run from justifying your remarks like john and AJ? Do you wish to be an exact duplicate of those lying cowards?
@Bill… Deplorable Me: On 12/17/2015 Putin called DT “bright and talented.’ The following day Donald responded “He’s running his country and at least he’s a leader unlike what we have in this country.”
IMO you’ve praised Trump through your support. Like Trump and the departed Red Team you have a hard time admitting you’re ever wrong. To me the stubbornness you 3 display is a character flaw.
Where the hell is your fellow TRUMPETEER?
Are you saying your support of Trump is so tepid that you find nothing about him worthy of praise? Nothing
@Richard Wheeler: Trump IS bright and talented. He would not be where he is today if he weren’t. That is a FACT, not praise. Putin IS a leader, and far more a leader than Obama. That is a FACT, not praise.
Your opinion is faulty and inaccurate, mostly skewed by liberal bias. You can only see your party and ideology, which is bereft of morals and principles, then work backwards from that to justify and rationalize its corrupt measures to hold power. Thus, you cannot see how vital it is to keep such criminality from becoming ensconced into our government forever, as this would finally destroy the Constitution and our freedoms.
This you don’t seem to mind, pretending you don’t want a criminal, lying, corrupt incompetent to be your preference to a knowledgeable, experienced entrepreneur. Trump is not ideal, but Hillary is incompatible with our government. She is trash.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Are you saying when you state what you “perceive” as a positive fact about someone that it isn’t praise?? I’d disagree.
Suggest you get off your anti lib high horse and come back to reality.
This great country will survive 4 years no matter which of these two deeply flawed candidates emerge. It’s a ridiculously poor choice.
Semper Fi
“knowledgeable, experienced===”That’s praise
He’s a crass, egotistical self promoting clown That’s not
Yet both statements are true.
@Bill… Deplorable Me:
Actually, Trump isn’t all that bright and he certainly maintains a talent only for self promotion and shooting off his mouth. He is where he is today because of his daddy’s seed money. And if you want to come back at me about how he is soooo much richer than his dad was, well, I am soooo much richer than my father was, but that doesn’t make me presidential material.
I am sick of this “your candidate is so bad that she makes my bad candidate look not so bad.” What the he11 has this nation come to that we even have such disasters as the candidates? A crook and a carnival barker. Quite a choice, isn’t it?
For 8 year I listened to conservatives say “Give me us a true conservative in 2016 and we’ll take the White House.” What happened? There was not one GOP candidate that wasn’t more conservative, more rational, more equipped to be President than Donald Trump. But like the radical left wingers, those who proclaimed their conservatism for 8 years banded behind the Dancing With The Stars candidate out of anger of the last 8 years. Obviously, your education was sorely lacking because you seemingly were never taught to never make a decision when angry.
Our nation is scr@wed for another 4 years, one way or the other. Oh, yeah, we’ll survive but what will the nation look like in 2020? For me, that’s not a happy thought.
Lot’s of people have taken more seed money than Trump started with and lost it, not turned it into an empire.
@Bill… Deplorable Me:
True. But then, there are those like Michael Dell and Mark Cuban that started with nothing. According to your standards, they more qualified than the carnival barker is. Well, now to think of it, they probably are.
The Finish Line 4 days Away
Trump closing strong in New Hampshire , North Caroilna and even Colorado (9)–NH AND N.C WOULD GIVE HIM REQUISITE 270 CO an additional 9′
Not SO Fast Trumpeteers
He’s hit a block–Hispanic–in must win Fla.(29) Gone from +2 to minus 2 in last few days–Is it any surprise that once again it looks like FLORIDA WILL DECIDE THE WINNER.