Once upon a time I was, for many years, senior editor at Penthouse Magazine. Towards the end of my tenure there the owner, Bob Guccione, found himself — as the direct result of decades of his foolish business decisions — about to lose the magazine and all he had. Guccione had been a big winner in the game of life but he played the endgame poorly and was about to become a big loser. This was, as so many in his losing situation always think, not the result of his poor decisions but always because of outside forces and “enemies.” With Bob there were always enemies. Everywhere.
As he felt his empire slipping away, as he saw his carefully crafted world evaporating around him, Guccione became willing to do anything. Towards the end this included commissioning, buying, laying out and publishing, long photo features of naked Penthouse Pets peeing on themselves and on others as a kind of kinky foreplay in a virtual fornication festival.
The Penthouse staff — as no doubt many many readers — were revolted by this turn of the screwings, but Guccione was convinced that he had some sort of insight into the secret sexual desires of Americans so he published these repulsive photo features over and over again. Result? He lost his magazines, his money, his house, and ended sunk deep into penury.
Having lived through that period of Penthouse insanity I thought I had finally seen the last of losers using urination to somehow, someway, claw their way back into the winner’s circle.
Alas, just when I thought I was out, the perverted progressive losers among us pull me back in. It seems they are trying to make the world believe in Trump and “Peegate.”
Really? This seems to be the way Peegate worked:
1) An international business man who has spent decades in the rough and tumble world of real estate development and skyscraper construction and may be presumed to have some sophistication when it comes to wheeling and dealing with governments of all sorts throughout the world travels to
2) Moscow. Not Moscow, Idaho, but Moscow in Russia. That would be Moscow the capital of one of the most paranoid and intrusive governments in the world (Both now and for the 19th and 20th centuries.). It is a society and a government with a long history of…
3) Secret police and the clandestine surveillance of its own citizens and visitors to the extent that the US was digging bugs out of the walls of its own embassy in Moscow for decades. When he gets to Moscow he stays at…
4) The Moscow Ritz-Carlton in the “Presidential Suite.” Since such accommodations are typically only taken by the filthy rich and/or representatives of foreign governments such as, say, presidents. And then this sophisticated and reasonably intelligent billionaire real estate developer…
The rest is here
Via Instapundit
Oh, they believed it. They gobbled it up because the more demented it sounded, the more true it had to be.
But, then again, look at how easy it was to convince them Obama was competent. Two opposite extremes; it’s only the middle part… the truth… liberals have a problem accepting.
The 35-page investigative report compiled by former MI-6 officer Christopher Steele doesn’t reduce to a single lurid anecdotal incident, does it? There are far more worrisome things than reports of some sort of weird private kinkiness, which in and of itself would have no more relevance to national security than Rudy Giuliani’s odd affinity for cross-dressing.
Former professional associates of Steele are vouching for his competence and credibility as an investigator. Late today, from The Guardian:
Donald Trump dossier: intelligence sources vouch for author’s credibility
Anyone who doesn’t take this as a matter serious enough to warrant looking into can’t be taken seriously themselves. The risk level of a potentially compromised President is just too damn high to ignore.
@Greg: You’re perfectly happy to jump on this phony report, but when you read a real one, such as Obama being a gay married to a transgender you don’t believe it. Double standard anyone?
I may have seriously underestimated your sense of humor.
@Greg: #2
And the unsecured private server of the SOS was nothing to be concerned about at all, it that about right?
The russians did not hack the election, that would have been impossible.
Most liklely they hacked the private server along with the squirrely campaign managers computer like everyone else.
It is a common practice of liberals to gather together and defend a lie, when it serves their agenda. Once Obama became the Liberal in Chief and began infecting other departments with the axiom that the ends always justifies the means, that the conclusion comes first then manipulate the data to support that conclusion.
I don’t believe you ever answered my question of, if this “intelligence” was so credible, why didn’t the never Trump Republicans present it to Trump and force him to drop out of the race?