LA Times: Parody of Michelle Obama as Marie Antoinette is Objectively, Factually Racist

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Let them explain:

The caricature of Obama as a profligate queen relies on the racist stereotype of an “uppity Negro,” which emerged among slave masters in an earlier American era. Obama, born into a working-class Chicago family whose roots are traced to the pre-Civil War South, graduated from Princeton University and Harvard Law School, prior to holding several high-level positions in the academic and private sectors.The racist image appeared Tuesday on the right-wing blog Gateway Pundit; the slur was later called out by Media Matters for America. A post by Gateway blogger Jim Hoft paired the picture with a clip of the first lady’s guest appearance on a forthcoming episode of “iCarly,” a Nickelodeon sit-com. In the script, Obama commends the cast for their support of military families. Responding to a cast member who mistakenly addresses her as “your excellency,” the script has Obama jokingly reply, “I kinda like it.”

You know what other stereotype it relies upon? The actual historical memory of Marie Antoinette (whether or not that’s fair) as a profligate queen who thought rules were for the little people, and who lived in high style while saying (I know she didn’t say this) “Let them eat cake.”

But oh, right, no it can’t be what it’s obviously about. It’s got to be about that slave thing. Because.


Unless there are some racial caricatures in that facial rendering which I’m unable to detect due to the low resolution of this photo, there is absolutely nothing “racist” here at all.

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Seeing ”racists” behind every rock!

Ya gotta love that Michelle was depicted as bare-armed!
She chooses that look!
No one forced it on her.
She is quite proud of her muscular ”guns.”
The main point is her ease at picking her next vacation spot; spin the globe, pick a spot without looking.
If money is no object that is a viable system.
And, so far, money has not been a problem.
I still fondly recall her running out of money during her vacation in either India or Pakistan.
She was demanding more money, stat!

“Ils faison mange’ beaucoups de cac”, is not cake unless it be cake that the dough and icing stink. They are about the same age; but, instead, Marie Antoinette was petite and strickingly beautiful fluent in several languages.

Progressives have a lot in common with jihadists – jihadists see jews everywhere who they hate and despise; progressives see racism everywhere, masking their own projection of racism onto conservatives, whom they hate and despise.

If you’re are not aware of it, there have be quite a few recent studies that suggest racism is more prevalent in American society than one might think—do the research and see.

Charicature racist? naw Mean probably Stupid ABSOLUTELY

Of course racism exists here in America, and the world at large. Thats a given and all always will be. But the extent of that racism and who is guilty of it is a whole other subject. The liberals used racism as just another tool to achieve their agenda, and now that most people do not publically engage in it, they have to fabricate it in most if not all instances. Case in point: look how liberals treat black people who are republicans/conservative. Why? they simply disagree with the liberal agenda, and the liberal perception of blacks. That blacks need to be protected and cared for, that they need hand-outs, not a hand up like many of us do at one time or another. That as long as blacks stay faithful to the liberal agenda, they will be accepted. But once a black demonstrates independent thinking and action they the liberals become threatened and pick up the whip of racism again. The propaganda must continue to ensure that liberalism will continue to exist, and not only in racism, but in all matter of issues. So in the end its the liberals who ensure that racism will always be with the human race, with of course the human factor as well.

@Gary G. Swenchonis:

The LATimes saw ”racism” where there was no racism.
But they see no slavery where there is slavery.

Abd is an Arabic word but it’s only one of about forty different words that Islam has for a slave.

In English we simply have one word – slave.

Abd means black slave and an African. Think about that for a moment.
Abd means both black slave and African.
There is an entire history in those two meanings.

There’s an Arabic word for white slave–mamluk.

There’s a word for a Hindu slave.
Perhaps you’re beginning to gain some idea that over a long period of time Arabs have had a lot to do with the slave trade because you don’t change a language over night. It takes a long time to accumulate 40 words for a slave.

The Arabic language has a word for an escaped male slave.
It has a word for an escaped female slave.
And it even has a word for an escaped child slave.
The Arabic language has put a fine point on slavery.

Think there might be some ”racism,” involved?
How about denial?

Is it ”racist” to note that BLACK unemployment, under OBAMA (the nation’s 1st black president) has gone up and up and up?

Black unemployment rose again from 15.5 to 15.8 percent overall and from 39.6 to 42.1 among African-American teens.

Other 1st ladies were called the same thing for elitism, just as it symbolized for Michelle O.

Leftist Newsweek: “Despite her wretched excesses, Kelley has the core of the story right. Even her staunchest defenders concede that Nancy Reagan is more Marie Antoinette than Mother Teresa.”

Leftist CNN: “Hillary Clinton Proves Herself the Marie Antoinette of the Keystone State: Let Them Eat Cake.”

Even men got this tag!
Leftist Wisconsin Public Employee blog Wisconsin Top Blogs: Paul Ryan— A Career Built On A Tissue Of Lies By And For The One Percent photo as Marie A. reads: Let them eat cake pops–_A_Career_Built_On_A_Tissue_Of_Lies_By_And_For_The_One_Percent

Late last night news broke of a very secret party at the White House.
Tim Burton and Johnny Depp came to a mad tea party with is reported as costing well over a million dollars just to dress up a room in the White House as a scene in Alice in Wonderland!
The reason no one knew about this party was that the Obama’s KNEW it looked bad to be so lavish while so many Americans were suffering economically.
But they still did the party!

Last month Romney was reported as comparing BHObama to Marie Antoinette for being “out of touch” with the American people.
Guess that’s true.
Otherwise, why all the sneaking around?
Why make sure the public only saw the humble Halloween festivities from earlier that same day — for thousands of Washington-area schoolkids?

I doubt Marie A. was worse.