Justice Dept. collecting public feedback on Zimmerman case

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I realize this is a couple of days old:

In an unusual move, the Justice Department announced Wednesday that it is collecting feedback from Americans for its investigation into whether to file civil rights charges against George Zimmerman.

Justice officials said the move comes “because of interest in this matter.” People can e-mail Sanford.Florida@usdoj.gov if they have thoughts on how the department should proceed.

What got me to post was seeing the reaction on this liberal FB page. Looking at the comments, even liberals are saying, “Wtf?!”

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Lucianne.com had a thread up about this the other day.
A couple really funny comments that I wonder if they were really emailed in:

*I once saw George Zimmerman leaving a bakery and his hair was PERFECT.

*I was in line at KFC behind George Zimmerman once and, when they asked him, ”white meat, dark meat or a combination?” He said, white meat! I HATE dark meat!”
*I saw George Zimmerman leaving a donut shop and he had a pink box tied with a rainbow-colored bow.

This is getting worse than Attack Watch!!!

The DoJ and the AG are jokes. When do they start spreading out justice evenly? I am still waiting for the new black panthers of philly to get charged among others..

I would NOT Email my opinion!! Imagine who will have access to your Email address!!

Common Sense:
If your comment is directed to me. I am sure, at this point, between the NSA and all the others listening in, that my feelings on various subjects are well known and traceable.

I am not surprised at all that Trayvon thug Martin’s mother cannot bring herself to discuss the criminal assault by her son on one George Zimmerman. Trayvon broke his nose, hit his face with closed fists and pounded his head hard against the pavement. And the media does’t help by using a photo of Trayvon from when the thug was 14 or 15 years old. No sympathy here based on that. I’m quite certain Jeffery Dahlmer’s and Charles Manson’s mothers had love in their heart for them even after they learned what their evil child had done.

This has got to be the best response evah! to Eric Holder’s witch hunt:

A Very Important George Zimmerman Tip for the Department of Justice

If the DOJ is going to have a feedback email address for the George Zimmerman case, shouldn’t they have feedback addresses for:

IRS Tea Party scandal
Giving money to green companies that go bankrupt
Giving Egypt money and F-15 fighters
Black Panther intimidation at voting place
Fast And Furious
Joe Biden telling us to fire two warning shots


I second that!