Joe Biden offers bald-faced lies to all of America about his family affairs

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AP Photo/Evan Vucci

By Miranda Devine

A miracle occurred Wednesday.

President Biden was asked about his involvement in his family’s shady influence-peddling schemes at a White House press conference.

The reporter who asked the question, you won’t be surprised to know, was The Post’s own White House correspondent Steven Nelson — and the only reason he was allowed to ask a question at all was because it happened to be the day when it was his turn to be the reporter assigned by the White House Correspondents’ Association to represent the rotating “pool” of journalists at White House events and share his information with the other media outlets.

“President Biden, on Ukraine and also China, there’s polling by the Associated Press that shows that almost 70% of Americans, including 40% of Democrats, believe that you acted either illegally or unethically in regard to your family’s business interests. Can you explain to Americans, amid this impeachment inquiry, why you interacted with so many of your son and brother’s foreign business associates?”

The president’s eyes narrowed, and his lip curled: “I’m not going to comment on that. I did not. And it’s just a bunch of lies.”

Nelson followed up: “You didn’t interact with any of their business associates?”

Prez denies & ditches 

Biden spoke over him: “They’re lies,” he said, before answering: “I did not. They’re lies.”

Then he turned and walked out of the press conference.

So there you have it.

Three times on Wednesday, Joe Biden denied that he has interacted with his son Hunter and brother Jim’s business associates, when it is an undeniable, documented fact that he has interacted with them dozens of times.

Tony Bobulinski would like a word.

Bobulinski, Hunter’s business partner on the family’s joint venture with Chinese energy company CEFC, voluntarily provided testimony to the FBI that he met Joe on two occasions in Beverly Hills, Calif., in 2017, on May 2 and May 3.

On the first occasion, Jim and Hunter were present, and on the second, Bobulinski met with Joe alone.

“I am a former decorated naval officer who was willing to die for this great country and held the highest security clearance issued by the Department of Energy,” Bobulinski told The Post yesterday.

“Why is Joe Biden blatantly lying to the American people and the world by claiming that he did not meet with me face to face?

“He should call his son Hunter and brother Jim as they can remind him of the facts. The American people deserve the truth.”

“I call on Mr. Biden to stop lying and correct the record.”

If only that were possible.

But Joe Biden can’t stop lying.

The hole he has dug for himself is too deep.

The evidence already amassed by the three congressional committees working on the impeachment inquiry is overwhelming.

It comes in the form of subpoenaed bank records, sworn witness testimony, emails, text messages, WhatsApp messages, voicemails and photographs.

It shows that when Joe Biden was vice president, he was intimately involved in the lucrative scheme his son and brother were running to extract millions of dollars from countries that were America’s adversaries or supplicants and in which he wielded enormous power as the point man for the Obama administration.

As the product they were selling, he made himself available to meet with Hunter and Jim’s business partners, attending dinners and lunches, inviting them to breakfast at his vice presidential residence.

He spoke to Hunter’s foreign business associates on speakerphone at least 20 times, as Hunter’s former “best friend in business” Devon Archer has testified to Congress.

He flew Hunter with him on Air Force 2 to countries where Hunter was doing business, and made himself available to meet his son’s partners, such as the time he met Jonathan Li, in Beijing, in December 2013, shortly before Hunter received 10 percent of Chinese fund BHR.

To save time, Hunter would sometimes organize dinners where his father could meet associates from more than one country at a time.

For instance, as vice president, Joe attended a dinner in the private Garden Room at Georgetown’s Café Milano that Hunter organized for his dad to meet his foreign benefactors from Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan, as Archer testified to Congress, and as the White House has grudgingly acknowledged.

At that dinner was Vadym Pozharskyi, an executive at Burisma, the corrupt Ukrainian energy company that was paying Hunter $83,333 a month — at least until a few weeks after Joe left the vice presidency, at which time Hunter’s payment was cut in half.

Also on the guest list was Vladimir Putin-aligned Russian oligarch Elena Baturina, who paid $3.5 million to an account associated with Hunter and Archer, and her husband, the corrupt former mayor of Moscow, Yury Luzhkov.

Also at the dinner were two Kazakhstanis, then-Prime Minister Karim Massimov and oligarch Kenes Rakishev, who funneled cash into Hunter’s bank accounts.

They might like to have a word with Joe as well.

The corrupt selling out of America is bad enough.

But the cover-up of the Biden grift is even worse since it involves the corruption of institutions that are supposed to keep us safe: the FBI, DOJ and CIA.

Whistleblower heroics 

The only reason we know about the cover-up is because a handful of noble whistleblowers from those institutions have exposed the wrongdoing, not least IRS investigators Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who met with the House Ways and Means Committee again this week to present additional evidence about how the DOJ and the Delaware US Attorney’s Office shielded Joe Biden from the investigation into his son.

Ziegler, formerly the chief IRS investigator on the case, revealed Wednesday that he was blocked from interviewing Bobulinski, who was able and willing to provide evidence about the Bidens’ CEFC joint venture, and the involvement of the “Big Guy,” Joe Biden, who had been slated to receive 10% of the proceeds before CEFC collapsed.

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Biden just like Clinton(Bill)and Obama keeping the truth from us with aid from the M.S. Media and the UN and DNC

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Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Drops AGAIN According to New CNN Poll

Those numbers are inflated as well as his record on inflation.

Most likely he is in the 20 handle area.

And our resident election fraud denier thinks he will defeat President Trump in a landslide in 2024.

A landslide of pre-printed mail-in ballots dumped at the last minute…. again.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden can only spout such lies as long as the Ministry of Propaganda protects and covers for him. More and more know the evidence otherwise is overwhelming. Only the stupid continue to ignore the facts.

Founder of Rosemont Seneca calls Joe Biden a liar.

He didn’t want to appear totally ignorant, something that doesn’t bother Democrats.