Deroy Murdock:
Vulgar. Disgusting. Repugnant.
These are three of the more charitable adjectives that describe President Joe Biden’s execrable speech on Tuesday.
He flew to Atlanta to promote so-called “voting rights” legislation. H.R. 5746, the 719-page Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act,  would nationalize state election laws and seize those sovereign powers from the 50 legislatures that heretofore have defined the “Times, Places, and Manner” of their vote systems, per Article One, Section Four of the U.S. Constitution. Biden’s beloved bill would codify many of the dangerous measures that “temporarily” loosened ballot security in 2020, as COVID-19 terrorized America.
Biden could have sold this pernicious measure with grace, charm, and persuasion. He could have laced his words with honey. Instead, Biden bombed a vinegar factory.
“Do you want to be on the side of Dr. [Martin Luther] King or George Wallace?” Biden asked, as he stank it up. “Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?” Biden forgot to mention that all three of those on the wrong side of history were Democrats.
The democrat party is the party of slavery. The democrat party created the KKK. The senate majority leader whom was eulogized by biden was an exalted cyclops and grand kleagle in WV.
the democrat party suppressed the black vote by installing poll taxes because they were concerned the black vote would go to republicans.
The democrat party put in place laws that prohibited the freed slaves from seeking an education.
the democrat party still had lynching as part of their party platform as recent as 1924
the democrat party is a racist party,period.
The Democrats founded the KKK and burned crosses
And their lynching victims were not exclusively blacks. Many white republicans who were sympathetic to the plight of the recently freed slaves, were themselves lynched by democrats and KKK democrats.
maybe we should have an ID card for low intellect and stupidity. WOW! dolt LGB would be the first one to wear the new IS.