Former President Bill Clinton was a guest at Jeffrey Epstein’s private Caribbean island, according to testimony from an Epstein accuser which was unsealed on Thursday.
Virginia Giuffre — who has also accused Epstein’s alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell of abusing her — told lawyers in 2011 that Clinton visited Epstein’s private Little St. James Island with Maxwell, herself and “two young girls” from New York.
She added that Clinton stayed in Epstein’s private residence on the island, where “orgies were a constant thing that took place.”
Giuffre recalled being surprised to see the former president on the island.
“I remember asking Jeffrey what’s Bill Clinton doing here kind of thing, and he laughed it off and said well he owes me a favor,” Giuffre said.
“He never told me what favors they were. I never knew. I didn’t know if he was serious. It was just a joke,” she said.
Giuffre said Clinton also traveled on Epstein’s private plane and noted how other famous people, including Clinton’s vice president, Al Gore, and models Naomi Campbell and Heidi Klum were aboard at one point when she was.
“Just about anybody would fly on his plane. There was never any set routine who would come and would go. It was an influx of people on Jeffrey’s airplane,” said Giuffre.
There were also “orgies” held on Epstein’s plane, Giuffre said.
Frequently, Giuffre said, she would be on the plane with Epstein and Maxwell when the sexual encounters occurred.
so what else is new for the whore dog. recall that the “football” was under the bed of one of his girlfriend. screwing the vp daughter in the oral office while monica waited outside for her turn-class act.
clinton raped under aged girls regulars
Are you also going to try to resurrect Pizzagate? Trump’s clown circus is apparently going to go down juggling and honking their clown horns, like the orchestra that kept playing on the Titanic. Meanwhile, COVID-19 goes unaddressed. After seven months, no one can even outline what the national response plan is. The virus is surging, the economy is crashing, yet there’s nothing coherent to outline.
@Greg: Pizzagate has nothing to do with Pervs on an island, ranch, Florida or NY residence. Child trafficking is a serious epidemic in the world. Those people are sick. I suppose you are going to defend pedophiles now.
Word is biden went on a couple of those junkets
You know no one believes that silly little propaganda talking point, right?
At least nowhere near the amount idiot voters you need to be Trump in November.
Trump has over-communicated on what the national and state-level responses are.
At every turn it’s been very clear what we are doing. When idiots like you say “national response”, you’re just showing how completely ignorant you are of how our country works. you’re also trying to obscure the fact that Democratic leadership has largely failed during this pandemic.
Besides, when Trump does something on the federal level, you’ll be the first to call him a tyrant.
Your Marxist propaganda has failed and democracy has prevailed.
So tell me, in a few brief words that sum things up: What are the central points of the Trump administration’s national COVID-19 response plan?
The National Response
A very clear and coherent outline. Gaslight, much?
Trump could cure cancer and you’d find a way to spin it into a negative. You’re just an Enemy of the State.
You know greg, I don’t know what country you live in or what you actually believe, but there’s going to be hell to pay for fomenting bloody Marxist revolt, the way you are doing, and I sincerely hope you reap what you sow.
You are the worst kind of shit-stain to our Republic. Mature, responsible Americans will not let you kill millions, as your ideologies are proven to do.
Not on my watch.
You’re going to see just how much of a “minority” you are, very soon…in November.
@July 4th American: Not sure about Biden he preferred to do his kiddie groping during photo ops.
These two are just a tiny part of a world wide sicko fest
@Nathan Blue, #8:
Those are the CDC’s guidelines, which are not being followed. The Trump administration has pushed for reopening when the CDC’s criteria are not being met. He has essentially passed the buck to the individual states.
They brought their routine state-prop stack of paper to the hearing today for display. That didn’t much impress me, either.
@Greg: Im sure the POTUS is worried about impressing you.
You are desperate to change the subject of the thread…why?
greg has to change the thread topic in order to avoid having to acknowledge the truth.
There are photos and videos of the underage sexual rape by clinton and others
@kitt, #11:
Because the subject of the thread is a distraction. It’s the sort of Alex Jones-promoted Pizzagate distraction that helped to get Trump elected to an office he should never have had to begin with.
@Greg: Alex was very late to that party it originated with Wikileaks and Podesta pool parties with little boys, spirit cooking, and the woman branding NXIVM cult that were big donors to the Clinton foundation. Dont think for one minute we were ever distracted from wanting to see pedos behind bars where they cant hurt children anymore.
We can multitask with the spygate investigations and China s allowed theft of technology during the entire last admin.
Should bill clinton go to prison for raping underage girls?
BILL CLINTON!?!?! I wish you could see my shocked face right now! But, no doubt Al Gore was just checking on the polar bear population on Pedophile Island.
Aside from the comprehensive plan and directives compiled and set out by Trump’s team, what authority does the federal government have to go into states and enact policies? You on the left say the federal government doesn’t even have the authority to defend federal buildings so what authority would they have to do more than they’ve done? One thing is for certain; they wouldn’t have forced COVID patients into nursing homes, where the most vulnerable of our population reside. That was a DEMOCRAT policy.
@July 4th American: Pedophiles Don’t Retire: The Statute of Limitations on Sex Crimes Against Children Must Be Abolished.
@July 4th American, #15:
I believe it was Donald against whom such allegations were made in a court filing. Sexual indiscretions might not be the best topic for his loyal fans to bring up—particularly with a possible exposé from Michael Cohen rumored to be in the works.
@Greg: Wow from last year and NBC CBS and ABC didnt jump on it…strange.
Someone figured out that the documents released in pdf from Epstien case, if you cut and paste the redactions into notepad …….get unredacted. oopsy
bill clinton is a serial rapist.
Trump is a serial bankrupt. Brilliant move, putting him in charge of a national economy…
@Greg: And the results of the accusations were….?
How many women has bill clinton raped in his distinguished career of raping women?
I suppose thinking about that keeps your mind off the consequences of having voted for Donald Trump. I’ll leave you to it.
He built the best economy we’ve seen in 80-90 years. To say otherwise is just partisan rhetoric.
Easily dismissed.
Do you think we should forcibly disband the Republican Party, just make it a Democrat-ruled government forever?
That’s actually what you want.
I voted for Trump. My vote counts. He won the election legally. Accept it and stop advocating for genocide.
Ok, then you are just shitting out of your mouth and don’t really care to have a discussion. You said there’s no national plan, I proved you wrong and provided it.
You’re a parasite.
@Greg: Choice was Psycho bitch and a rapist or Damn Crazy tv star and business guy and a beautiful wife. I didnt want to vote for anyone that personally knew over 50 people that committed “suicide”. Seemed just knowing the Clintons made you want to kill yourself. Biden is following her campaign strategy to vanish, when he does appear he manages to offend or come up with some confusing word salad before someone cuts the feed out of the basement.
The next few days should be very interesting as techno fog and other cyber investigators pour over the documents and comment about powerful perverts.
He juiced a recovered economy by terrorizing the Fed into retaining interest rates that robbed traditional savers of any return on their savings while simultaneously eliminating rate reduction as an emergency tool to deal with economic downturns, and by promoting irresponsible and unsustainable tax cuts that were a gift to those who needed them the least at the cost of a return to trillion-dollar-per-year deficits—even before COVID-19 entered the picture.
It’s like bragging that you produced the fastest horse in history, when you dosed a strong horse with amphetamines and pain killers before running it in a race that crippled it.
This was never sustainable economic policy. It was the set up for another epic financial shakedown. They got the money, and everybody else got the debt—which may break the safety net programs that those left holding an empty bag will now need more than ever.
We would have done better with Clinton. Clinton understood what government does and understood the critical importance of competent, experienced personnel. She knew what she didn’t know, and had the sense to listen to those who did.
If Biden wins, he’ll have a bigger mess on his hands than Obama found waiting for him in 2009. The damage done by willful incompetence and greed in four short years is almost beyond belief.
Uh huh. You’re a paid troll in another country, or perhaps here in the USA. Either you can’t vote, or your one silly little partisan-programmed vote won’t count at all against the majority of thinking Americans.
Trump isn’t above criticism, but…wait…who are my choices?
Biden break the law on video. They impeach Trump without any cause, evidence, or due process.
Biden can’t speak. Trump speaks too much, but is effective.
You keep telling yourself that, buddy. Monday morning quarterbacking is all you can do.
Given your silly vitriol here defending Slick Willy, I’d assume you work for some iteration of the Clinton Foundation.
Gotta make sure to blame others even before he gets the job, eh? Like Obama…
But don’t worry. Biden will never get close to the Oval Office beyond Trump inviting him after winning re-election.
A majority of voters knew what Trump was in 2008. You can add to those a few million more who have figured it out over the 3 1/2 years since. I think it’s a question of how many elected republicans he’ll be taking down with him—not that he cares about that.
@Greg: @Greg: do you know what year this is? Do you know what city you are in? Has it been longer than 3.5 years since 2008?
Back to the basement now before you get lost or touch the kitchen appliances.
If you have to go potty just follow the yellow arrows or ring the bell.
2008 was a misstatement. Way back in 2008, Trump thought Hillary was wonderful.
@Greg: Good googling there buddy. Except Hilliary wasnt mentioned it was Pelosi. Stay the hell away from the gas range and blender. Pelosis mind has seen better days too.
@Nathan Blue:
My take is another country. His/her posting activity is consistently in the late afternoon into the early morning after midnight. Previously claims he/she live in Indiana. Total bullshit. It is more than obvious he/she is a paid troll.
@Nathan Blue:
Well, those are people who believe 1.2% growth is “great”, reducing unemployment statistics through people getting so discouraged they will ever find a job to just stop looking and creating an economy based on the service industry is a “boom”.
Clinton was and remains a criminal. She made all classified information of the State Department available to every foreign adversary and committed perjury lying about it. She enriched herself by approving the sale of US uranium to a Russian controlled company. She simply sat back as a US consulate was sacked. Beyond any possible argument, Trump was not only the better choice but ha job done a great LEADING this country. Hillary was a disaster as Secretary of State and would have proven to be a greater disaster (possibly more so than Obama) as President.
But this is about Bubba’s frequent and disgusting trips to Epstein’s pedophile island. Try to keep up.
We’ll see. Your party is fielding a dementia patient, they have abetted and furthered Marxist and racial riots, and …the are very bought off by China.
The majority of voters now know this.
Your perceived “majority” in Leftwing ideologies is a joke.
Trump will win the EC and Popular vote, and most likely the House flips. Senate stays.
Your propaganda outlets are going broke, and big tech is finally going to be held accountable for information control.
You are a minority.
Men who Ghislaine Maxwell directed Virginia Giuffre to engage in activities with, according to Giuffre’s deposition:
– Alan Dershowitz
– Glenn Dubin
– Stephen Kaufmann
– Prince Andrew
– Jean Luc Brunel
– Bill Richardson
– Marvin Minsky
Other names, many more names, redacted.
it is highly suspect joe bidens name is in those redacted
@July 4th American:
Uh, my clock tells me it’s presently 9:41 AM. What do you deduce from the time of many of Trump’s Twitter posts?
The documents show the FBI was aware in 2014 and as early as 2008 of Epstiens little game with kiddies.
In 2008 Mueller was head of the FBI, yes that Mueller famous for making deals with real criminals to catch the little fish. The Mueller that used a man with kiddie porn on his phone transporting an under aged boy for sex as a witness in his coup investigation. The FBI that was originally formed to sop human trafficking.
James Comey was the head of the FBI in 2014, yuppers another coup perp. These 2 pieces of garbage knew, they knew and let this filth continue, cause Clinton was involved, cause a prince was involved. There is video and photographs taken in raids in all of Jeffys playgrounds.
bill clinton raped underaged girls on a regular basis. 26 times he flew on Epstein’s plane. And, on several occasions w/o secret service detail.
Over two million views in less than two days… Wake Up
More desperate diversion from an imbecile. 2 million dumbass democrats
This can’t be true, Bill says he never went there.
@Greg: View, polls, “everybody thinks that”.
That’s the platform you support? There’s nothing there.
Conversely, Trump with all his flaws still has an actual platform he’s executed, and that can’t be obscured by partisan “nuh uh” rhetoric.
Broke the ACA.
Lowered Taxes.
Lowest unemployment.
Black housing assistance.
Prison reform.
China reform – ended the espionage and looting of our properties.
Pulling out of Euro countries who do nothing for us.
Building the wall (just because it’s not done, doesn’t mean “he didn’t do it”)
Pulled of Paris accords.
Pulled our of the Iran Deal
Rebuilt the military.
The coronavirus response has been good, and most of the issues are borne of Dem politicians. Period.
I got everything I voted for. It’s incredible. I never thought a politician would actually deliver.
Trump did.
Your propaganda, from whatever country you live in, won’t work.
@Greg: More pushing of Russian propaganda Greggie? Seems they are more determined this time around to put someone in office that will bring down the USA. 2 million Russian bots.
She had an orphanage …right?
Police officials in South Africa confirm that a dead newborn baby was found at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy an all girls school….